Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/233

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ZOUCHE. 223 ZOUCHE; or LA ZOUCHE, DE HARYNQWORTH. Barony by 1, WiMiiAM La Zouciir, of Haringworth and Bulwick, ^'^^' CO. Norihnmpton, of Totnes, co. Devon, and of oootidenible Mtntei in I 1308 ^^*® counties of Bedford, Homprset, Wilis, Ibc, was a. and h. of X. j,/w g„^^,»j La Zohchk (living 1276), by Millioent (inberetrix of the eaid ofttntea), widow cif .Itthn r)K Moktalt, let sister and coheir (1278) of Qeorge CAKTKLurs, dn. of WilliHra Cantslupr, of the same ns (hIso) of Abergavenny. He waa h. lit Hnryngwortli nboiit 127C, being i^^ed 22 on the death of his mother (1298-99), 27 Kd. I. ; was nindo K.B. (with Prince K<hvard) 1806 ; served in the wars with Sooiland, and was sum. to PaH. as a Rarnn (LOUD ZOUCHR, or LA ZOUCHE, DB HARYNOWOllTH) from 16 Aug. (1808), 2 Kd. U. to 14 Feb. (1847/8), 22 Ed. III., the earlier writs being directed " WUlo La Zuiehe,** but those from 26 Dec. (18281 17 Kd. II., ** Wilh La Zoutche de llaryngworth," In 1346 he was in the wars with France, being then a Dnnneret. He m. Maud, da. of John (Lovrl), lat Lord Lovrl DR Ticmmrrbh. by his 1st wife Isabel, da. of Arnold Di Bou. He d 12 March 1851/2. Each. 26 F^. III. IL 1352. 2. William (La Zouchb), Ix)itD Zouchb, or La Zouohb, DI Hartnowortii, grandson and h., being §. and h. of Eudo La ZouoHR, by Joan, da. and eventually (1370) coheir of Wifiism Ingr, Ch. Justice of the King's Bench (1816-17), which Eudo waa a. and h. ap. of the lat BaroUf butd. v.p. at Paris (1325-26), 10 Kd. n.(t>) He waa 6. about 1822, being aged 80, when ha 8ue, his grandfather in March 1351/2, in whoae lifetime he, apiMrently, was sum. to Parl.,(«) from 20 Nov. (1848), 22 Kd. IIL, to 15 Nov. (1851), 25 Kd. III., by write directed " WtUidmo La ZottMche de IJaryngwofih, Juniori," continuing to be so sum., but mthout the word **Juniori,** from 20 July (1852), 26 Ed. III. to 24 March (1380/1), 5 Ric II. (^) He served in the wara with Scotland and France, and was in 1872 a Banneret He m. Elisabeth. Her will, 1380, is pr. at Lincoln. He d. 23 April (1882), 5 Ilio. IL Hia will, April 1882, is also pr. at Lincoln. in. 1382. 3, William (La Zouohb), Lord Zouohk. or La Zouohb; DR HARTNawoRTif, a. and h., was b, about 1342, being aged 40 when heitfc. his father in April 1382 ; waa sum. to pnr].(c) from 7 Jan. (1882/3) 6 Itac II. to 20 Nov. (1304) 18 Ric. II. He was one of the " evil counselloTS " bauishefl from the Court of Ric. II., 1388-89. He m. Rlimbeth, said to be da. of Thomas (de Ros), LoHD lio8. He d. 13 May (1896) 10 Ria II. The will of hia widow, who deaired to be bur. in Tewkesbury Abbey, dat 4 April 1408. lY. 1 396. 4' William (IiA Zouchb), Lord Zouohb, or La Zouohk, DR Hartnoworth, a. and h., was 6. about 1874, being aged 22 when he Mfc. hia fnther in May 1896 ; was sum. to parl.(«) from 30 Nov. (1896) 20 Rio. II. to 26 Sep. (1414) 2 Hen. V. In 1402, he attended the kings da., Blanche, on her marriage with the Duke of Bavaria. He waa in the wars with France, and was, In 1418, Lieut of the town of Calaia; E.G. 1415. He d, 8 Nov. 1415. Esch. 8 Hen. V. V. 141 5. S. WHiLiAM (La Zoughb), Lord Zouchb, or La Zouchb, DI Hartngwouth, s. and h., waa 6. about 1402, being aged 18 when he ive. his father in Nov. 1415. He was sum. to parl.(<^) from 7 Jan, (1425/6) 4 Hen. VI. to 23 Feb. (1462/3) 2 Ed. IV. He m.(«) in or before 1424 Alice {dejvrt C^) Thia Kudo waa yr. br. to Roger, father of Alan La Zouche, of Aahby, Lord Zouche, 1299 to 1314. (**) JHoi. Pari., vol. ii., p. 432, No. 29, " as quoted in BanksV Bar. Angl cone,*' («) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (<i) " On the 10 March (23 Edw. IIL) 1849, the Writ waa addressed to < WilHelmo la Zouche de Haryngw*orth,' without the addition of ' Juniori ;' and, aa his grand- father [also WUfiam I a Zouche] waa then living, it is doubtful to which of these Barfins it waa directed ; hut as the 2nd Baron was not summoned on that occasion bv his usual designation, it ia moat probable it waa to him instead of hia grandfather." [meolnfi]. (<>) By this match his |)oaterity became rcpreaentativea, not only of the Barony of Saint Maur, but of a moiety of the Barony of Zouche, cr. by writ 1299. See p. 222. »ote«d." ^