Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/234

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224 ZOUOHB. aooording to the now recogniaod theory) $uo jurt, Badokbss Saint Maur (see that dignity) posihumouB da, and h. of Thomas (St. Kaub), Lobd Saint Maub, by Margaret, da. and coheir of Sir Nigel Lobinq, K.O. She, who waa b, 21 July 1409, in St. Lawrence, Cripplegate, d. (1425-26) 4 Hen. VI, Heappeara to have m. secondly Katharine, 3d da. of Sir William Ploupton, by hia first wife Elisabeth, da. of Sir Bryan STAPyLTON,of Carlton, co. Vork.(*) Hod. 1463. HU widow m. Sir Qilbert Dbbinhau and d, before him, Oct 1470. VI. 1463. 6, William (La Zouche), Ix)aD Zouchb, or La Zoughb, DK Habynowouth [1308], and <U jure Lobd Saint Maur [1314], 1st a. and h.(^) ; b, abtiut 1426, in which yeiir he «tir. his mother as I/)itD Saint Maur. He ttie. hu father in 1463, liciiig then agt^l aliove 30* and was sum. to |)arl. 28 Feb. (1466/7) 6 ICd. IV., by writ airecte<l " IVtlioZoucftede Uaryntnoorth, chivalcrrC^) He, however, in his will, is styleil LitM ZoucJie and Hl Maur, He m. about 1455, Katharine, da. and coheir of Itowlaud Lbnthalt^ by Lucy, da. (whrjae issue in 1495 became coheir), of Uichard (Gbky), Lobd Quby db Counor. He if. 14 Jan. 1467/8. Will, directing his burial to be at Haringworth, dated 2 days before. £sch. 7 Ed. IV. yil. 1468, 7. John (La Zouchb), Lord Zouchb, or La Zouchb, to DB HaRYNO worth, &c, 1st s. and h., was b. about 1460, being agocl 1485. 8 when he tue. his father in Jan. 1467/8. He was sum. to Pari, from ^ ^ ^ 22 Jan. (1482/3), 22 Ed. IV.. to 9 IKsc. (1483), 1 Hie. HL He attend«id the coronation of llio. Ill.(^)aud was, with that King, at 1 495. the Uittle of Biw worth, being consequently attainted by the Pari, of 7 Nov. 1405, whereby alt hit honoun were forfeited, but, by the reversal of the attainder in 1495, they were restored,(*) he having meanwhile, in 1492, being employed in the expedition to Fi'ance. He was again sum. to Pari, from 17 Oct. (1^09), 1 Hen. Vlll., to 12 Nov. (1515), 7 Hen. VlII. He m., probably about 1480, Joan, sister and (1509) coheir of John, Iiord Dynham, da. of Sir John Dynham (possibly defure Lokd Dtmha&i), by Joan, da- and h. of Uichard db Abchbs. He <f. about March 1525/6. Will, in which he styles himself Lord Zouche and St* Maur, and directs his burial to be in the Priory of Stavordale, co. Somerset, pr. 20 March 1525/6. Yin. 1526. 8, John (La Zouchb), Lord Zouchb, or La Zouchb, DB Uabyngwoutu, &c., s. and h , was probiibly b, about 1485.0 He, having ive. his father iu March 1525/6, was sum. to Pari, from 8 Nov. (1529), 21 Hen. Vlil., to 4 Nov. (1548). 2 Ed. VL He m. firstly, before 1510, Dorothy, 2d da. of Sir William CaPBLL, L. Mayor of London, (1503-04), by Margaret, da. of Sir Thomas Audndbix, of Lanherne, co. Cornwall. He m. seondly, Susan, widow of Nicholas Davbnfout, of Bulwick, oo. Northampton, da. and h. of William Wblbt, of Halsted, oo. Lincoln. He d, 1550. Will, directing his burial to be at Haryngworth, dat 1550, pr. 21 April 1551. IX. 1550. 9. Richard (La Zouchb), Lord Zouchb, or La Zouchb, DB Habyhqwobth, kc„ 1st s. and h. by fimt wife, b. about 1510, being 40 years when he iuc* his father iu 1550. He was nun. to Pari. 23 Jan. (1551/2), 5 Kd. VL He m, firstly, about 1525, Joane, da. of Sir John llOQBiis, of (■^) Plumpton pedigree (Camden Soe. 1839). (^) A yr. son* Sir John Zouch, who m. Ulis., da. (whose issue in 1495 became coheir) of Richard (Qrey) Lord Qrey de Goduor, was, by her, ancestor of the family of Zouche, of Goduor, oo. Derby. (e) Banks {Bar. Any* Cone.) adds, that "Nicolas states that he was sum. as Baron H. Maur, jure matri$t** but in the reference given {Synopiit, vol. ii, p. 710) the words are "summ. to Pari. . . 1466," followed by the wonls [apparently meant merely to indicate that he also was] " Baron St. Maur, jure nuUria." No writ, in fact, to this Barony appears to have been issued after the death in 1409 of the last heir male. (<i) See vol. iii, p. 8, note ** e,'* tub ** Daore," for a list of the Peers there present. (0) The estate of Totnea and some others were never restored, but that of ■ Haryngworth and the greater part of them were. (f) His ■• and h. was 6. about 1510, and his own father would, in 1480, have been Bboui 20,