Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/235

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zoncHB. 225 Brymnatona, to, DorMt» bj Ui lit wife, EHmbeUi, da. of Sir WlUUm CfotmrtKAT. He m. eeoonaiv, Margaret, da of (— ) Chikbt. He cf. 1662. Will, in wliidi he ia styled Lord Zoueke, Sfymar and CanUlcpetO dat. 22 July, and p. 6 Aug. 1662, in tlie GoDsistory Court of Bath and Welle.00 Hia aecond wife rarriTed him, X. 1552. 10 Gkorok (La Zouohx), Lord Zouchb, or La Zouohb, di Hartnoworth, kc, a. and h. by flrat wife, 6. about 1620, being aged 26 when he tue, hia father in 1652. He waa aum. to perl, from 6 Jan. (1562/S) 6 Rd. VI, to 30 Sep. (1566) 8 Elis. He m. about 1656, Margaret, da. and coheir of William, of Motton, co. Lincoln. He ct. 19 June 1669 and waa bur. in the chapel(«) at Haringworth. M.I. Baoh. 11 Eliis. XL 1569, 11. Edward (La Zouohb), Lord Zouohs, or La Zouohb^ to Di Hartvoworth [1S08] and dijure Lord Sautt Maur [1814], a. and 1625. h. 6. about 1556, being 18 when he aue. hie father in June 1669. He waa anm. to Pari, from 2 April (1671) 18 Elis. (being then a minor) to 17 May (1626/ 1 Car. I. He waa one of the 24 Noblemen(^) who were on the trial of the Queen of Scota, in Oct. 1686, being in 1696 aent aa ambaaaador to Scotland ; waa Lieut, of North and South Walea, 1602, and Warden of the Cinoue Poru, 1616-25; P.C.(«} He m. firatly about 1678, hia oouain Eleanor, da. of Sir John Zouchr, of Codnor, co. Derby, by Eleanor, da. of Richard Wralrt. She waa liWng 26 Oct. 1696, and probably 28 May 1600. He m. aeeondhr, Sarah, widow of Sir Oeorge . KwoaiiiLL (whoee will waa pr. 1606) and previoualy of rrancia HAarmoii, Hjfled Lord HA8TIV08 (a. and h. ap. of Qeorge 4th Earl or Huhtiiiodor)^ aiater of John, lat Baron Harinoton op ExTOif, da. of Sir Jamea Uariikitor, of Ezton, co. Rutland, by Lucy, da. of Sir William Stdrit. He d. a.p.m. 1626, aged about 70 when ike Bar&nieg fell into abejfanee,{^ Will in which he atylea himaelf Lord Zodoh, Saint Maur and (") Aa to the designation of Lord Cantelnpe, though the Zouche family deacended from the coheireaa of the aenior line of the Cantelupe family, inheriting thereby Harrng- worth and other conaiderable eatatea (aee under the lat Baron), none of their Cantelupe anceatora waa oTor aum. to Pari, aa a Baron, tho' William ae Cantelupe, a eouiin of their anceatreaa waa ao aum. in 1299. (^) He had landa at StaTordale, co Someraet, aa alao at North MoltoD, Devon, where, before 1800, hia anceatora had held property. (*) It and the old manor houae are deacribed by Leland. A amall hole in the diapel (which waa 68 by 24 1 feet) communicatee with the cellar of the houae, and ia auppoaed to have given " occaaion to the following ▼eraea of Ben Jonaon, who ia itid to have been well acquainted with Lord Zouche: — Whenever I dre, let thia be my fate,* To lye by the good Lord Zouche ; That when I*m a-dry, to the tap I may hye, And ao bade again to my couch.'* [Bridgee^a tlmikamflonM% tol. ii, p. 820]. The firat two linea are aometimea (and better) read — " Whenever I dye, oh, here let me Ive, Along with the good Lord Zouche ; (<l) See vol. tii, p. 72, note " a " iub. " Derby," for a liat of them. (*) " A very learned and wiae nobleman '* aaya Manningham {ditay) in 1602; whfle Sir Edward Nicholaa, who waa hia Secretary, calla him "a grave and wiae connaellor.'* He waa a patron of learning and acieuce, waa one of the beat horttculturiata of hia time, tho' by hia hoapitality and laviah expenditure he greatly reduced the family poaaaaaiona. (0 The ooheira were hia two daughtera (or their iaaue) by hia firat wife, vml, (1) Eliaabeth, who m. 1597, Sir Willinm Tate, and d. v.p., 1617, in the favour of whoee eldeet coheir the abeyance waa terminated in 1815 ; and (2) Mary who ai. flratly, 1608, Charlea Leighton and had irane, and secondly William Connard, by whom ahe had none. It ia stated in Nicolas that of thia cftheir " no deacendanta could be traced after the time of the Commonwealth," Banka (Bar. Angl. cone,) aaya that *' thia ia not correct," and goea on to atate that he himaelf waa ao deacended but that be gave no aaaent to the deter- minationof the abeyance in 181.'), tho', after that date, he preaented a petition, 10 May 1826, " for the Barony of St Maur, aa onaleaced with that of Zouche, but not aifeoted by the determination of ita abeyance," which petition waa, 8 daya later, referred to the Attorney Gen. (Copley), but that owing to poverty, he took no further proceedinga in the matter.