Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/24

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14 VALBHTIA. taUiif SB mddrm yut 'm thm yilniriwHiwi of Ubter umI raecivii« a past of tbo lort of MooBtoonii and otbor giMita, bvidcs aevoral HBall oAom of otiiio. HowolLP.[L]lorcou AniMigfa.161»; wm j-oidbfrf t TfcoohakK 1< J— o ldl<; WW Prino See of SUU (I.], 1618 ; wm «r. • An— tf p.^ 7 Aog. 16».(») bou^g tho le c ond pcnoo advaooed to tbai djgnitj [L^ and ohtainod, 11 Ifarcli 1021/2,0') Iho mronmiafy pateofc of Um FiMswKcf ^ Fafarfia [I.] aa abova lUied. Tht/ Bot OB good toTBia with Lofd PalklaBd, tba Viceraj (ao appoiBtad ib 1822), ba VM, IB 1625, Blade Yiee Treaaorar and Gea. ReeoiTar of tiM RercBua [L], and on 8 Fab. 1628/9, waa <r. BARON MOUKTNOERIS of MoiuitBorria, eo. Annaicb (I.], teJauy Aif MBl 14 Jttlj 1684. Ib 1682, ba nceivad tba addil oOoa of * Traasorer at Wan " [hi 1b 1685, bowevar, ha gave asch offcoea to tba Yieeroj, WaottrarthC*), bj bii matinooa eoaduct^ that ba waa acntapead oa 14 Dae. to loaa bia bead, bat. on bia owb pctitaon, bad pardoo, 6 April 1637, under the gnet aeaL Being anxiooa to r9g$iB bia kat olBeaa, ba ob 7 Hot. 1640. raUaqnished alTadraiitaga of aoeh paidon, and aBbmittad bia eiae to tba arhitntioB of ** tlie Commona of Knglaiid,*' obiaining ia 1648, from the Pari, the oOce of Cleric of the BigBet p.] Ob 25 Maj 1642, ha became (IB ri^t of the aboTwnentinned pateat of 11 ICaich 1621/2). YISGOUKT VALBM- TIA [LI on the death, a.p. of the former VinonBi. He wu finUj, aboat 1608 Dorothea, da. of Sir Joha Pbilipf8» lat. Bart of Pictoa Caale, hj bia ftrat wile, Aaae, da. and eobeir of Sir John Phwot, aometime Viearoy [L] Siie dL 8 and waa 8«r. 4 May 1624, at St Joba'a, Dublin. He wl aeoondlj, Jaaa, widow of Sir Peter CoomBBy Bart, eiater (of the half-blood), to Philip, lat Babl or CanmavuLD, being da. of Sir John Staobope, of BlTaatoa, hj bia eecoBd wile, (Sitharine, da. of Thomaa TunBAM, of Bocee t er, oa StalEMd. He waa bmr. 23 Nov. 1660, at Tbor- C taby, to, Yotk. HU widow d. 12 and waa 6Mr. 15 Xanh 1683, at St Mary'a, otttnaJuHn* IIL 1660. 2. Arthur (Ankblbt), Yisoouht Yalbmtia, kcA i ri.]. a. and b. by flrat wile, 6. 10 July 1614. Hii proiy waa reeei?ed in the Houae, 25 Jane 1661 ; on 20 April 1661 he waa cr, a pear of Eagbad aa BAKOK ANNESLBY aad BAUL OF ANGLBSBT. He d. 6 April 1686. IV. 1686. S. Jambs (Ankxslbt), Earl of Ahqlbbbt, &c., alao VuoooHT Yauuitia, fee [L], a. aud b. He d 1 April 1690. y. 1690. 4, Jambs (Akmbslst), Earl op Akglisbt, &c., alao YucoaMT Yalkmtia, la [L], b. aod b. He took hia seat [I.] 27 Aug. 1605. He d. a.p.m„ 21 Jan. 1701/2. VL 1702. 5, John (Ankbslbt), Earl op Akglisbt, Aa, alao YnoooiiT Yalemtia, &e. [I.], br. and h. male. He d. &pA, 18 Sep, 1710. YII. 1710. 6. Abthvb (Aknbblbt), Earl OP Anglbbt, to , alK> Ynooon Yalbhtia, &c. [1.], br. and h. He took bia eeat [I.], 9 Jnly 1711. He d. a.p , 1 AprU 1787. (•) Tba nreamble of tbia creation ia alao in '* Lodge," (b) See '* CreaUons, 1488-1646 " in ap. 47th Hep. D. K. Pub. Recorda. (•) One of the priudpal chargeaagaioat W«iitworth, then Barl of Strafford waa having condemned Hountnorris to deprivation of life and fortune, before a council of war

    • for an unadriaed paaeionate myaterioua word." See iii§t. ite6., by Clarendon, who

adda that some exeuaed the Barl on the ground that '* Lord Mountuorria, a man of great induitr^, activity and eiperienoe, having raited himself from a very private mean condition had alwaya bv servile flattery and sordid application, wrought himself into tniat and nearness with all Deputies . . . and after the determination of their commands," done hia best to ruin them. There seems little doubt that Annesley wsa corrupt in the disduurse of his official dutiea, and that when his private intereaU were interfered with, he fell foul of the Qovemment.