Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/25

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^ VALENTIA. 15 VIIL 1737. 7. UiOHARD (AnnbslbA EIarl OF Anolbsbt, &c./ also ViBOOUHT Valhitia, ke, [I.], and Baroit Altbam [I.]i cousin and h. male, being second (*) s. of Richard, 3d Baron Altbam JL], who wae third aon of Arthur, 1st Earl of Anolrsbt, &c., and (iit<|) 2d YiaoonKT Valrhtia [!.]. He took his aeat [I.] as Viscount Vnlentia [l.J, 4 Oct 1787. He <f. 14 Febw 1761. According to the decision of the English House of Lords he d. s.p. leg.i whereby his Engli^ titles, tlie BarUhm of Anglt$e}f and Baronff of AnneiUy became txiinctf but. according to the decision of the Irish Houra of Lords, bis marriage on 16 Sep. 1741 (with Juliana, da. of Richard noMOVAN was valid, and the son of such union was (in Ireland) legitimate, and oonse* queotly entitled to the Iri$h titles, as below. IX. 1761. 8. Arthur (Annbslbt), Viscount Yalbntia, Barok MouNTiroRRiB and Barou Altbam [1.1, only a. and h. of the above, by Juliana abovenamed ; 6. 7 Aug. 1744. He, being held by the Irish (tho* not by the English) House of Lords to be legit., tue. to Ihe peerage [I.], as above, 14 Feb. 170l(^) ; mat. at Oxford (Cli. Ch.) 8 Sep. 1761, and was er, M.A. 18 July 1768. He took his seat in the Irish House of LoHs, 5 I>ec 1765, and again 7 Nov. 1771, his legitimacy being confirmed by a decision of that House, 1 June 1772. His claim, however (1765), for a writ to the English House of Iiords (as Eari of Angieeeg), was disallowed 22 April 1771. He was Oov. of en. Wexford ; P.O. [I.] , and was er, 3 Dec. 1703, KARL OF MOUNTNOKRIS [1], taking his seat 21 Jan. 1794. Hem. firstly, 10 May 1767, at St. James's, We8tin.(«) Lucy Kortescue, sister and heir (27 Nov. 1779), of Thomas (Ltttxlton), 2d Baron LTTTLBTOiff or Franoklbt, only da. of Qeorge, 1st Baron, by Lucy, da. of Hugh Fortsscdr. She, who was b. in Argyll Buildings, 18 March, and bap, 9 April 1743, at St James's, Westra., d. 20 May 1788. He m. secondly, 20 Dec 1783, Samh, 8d da. of the Kt. Hon. Sir Henry Cavrkdish, Bart., by Sarah, fiio jure Baromkss Watrrpark [I] He d, at Paris of apoplexy, 4 July 1816, aged 72. Will pr. 1816. His widow, who was b, 24 May 1768, d, 2 Jan. 1849, at Chesham place, aged 85. Will pr. May 1849.

X. 1816. 9. GisoROK (Ankbslbt), Earl of Moontkorris [1793], ViBGOUKT Valrrtia [1622], Barom MoDNTifORRis [1628], and Baron Altham [1681] in the |ieerage of Ireland, aUo a Baronet [I. 1620], 8d but 1st snrv. s. and h.(^) by first w*ife, being only surv. s. of his mother, bap, 22 Jan. 1771 at Upper, or Over, Arley, co. StftfToril ; mnt. at Oxford (Bras. Coll.) 17 Nov. 1787 ; ttgled ViaoouMT Valrntia 1798-1815 ; M P. for Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) 1808-18 ; iue, to iJte peerage [I.] 4 July 1816 ; Gov. of co. Wexford ; F.ltS., F.S.A., F.L.S., ftc. His claim as a Peer of Ireland, not only as an Karl, but as a Viscount and the bolder of 2 Baronies, was admitted 6 March 1817 by the House of Lords [U.K.] on which ground, inasmuch as the Viucountcy, &c could only have devolved on him from his grand- father, proving thereby the legitmacy of his father's birth, he petitioned 30 Jan. 1810 for his writ, as ICirl of Anglestiy, but the matter was referred to a committee for (*) If, however, the statement is true, of James Annesley, *' ihe unfortunate young nMentan^' (claiming to be the lawful s. and h. of Arthur, 4th Baron Altham [I.J, the elder br. of this Kichard), the said James and his issue male (which however became ex. in 1764) would have had prior claim not only to the Earldom of Anglesey, Ac, but also to the Viacouucty of Vnlentia> and the Baronies of Mountuorris and Altham [I.]. See " ALxnAM," under the note to the 4th Baron. (t») John Annesley, of Bnllysax, the next h. to the Viscountcy in 1771, contested his legitimacy. The extinction of this line has never been proved, and in 1817, according to a pedigree in Ulster's oflice, there were 4 grandsons of a John A. of Bally sax (who d. 1720), who was s. of John A., the 3(1 s. by fiist wife) of the 1st Viscount. The names oif these were John A. and Ciiurles A., sons of Uev. Richard A., who d, 1752, and John A. and Francis A., sons of Rev. Maurice A. This line is senior to that of the Annesley s of Bletchington, who, in 1884, considered themselves to be, as not improbably they were, entitled to the title. («) He is described in the register as ** Earl of AngUiey,*' md signs himself " AUham- Angfeeef" (<>) His elder br., Arthur, 6. 2 Nov. 1769, and b.ip, 19 June 1770, at Upper Arley, was bur, there 26 March 1771.