Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/26

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16 VALE^^^A — vanb. privilegM and no further slept taken thereon. Hem. 8 Sep. 1790, at Powderham Castle, oo. DeTon, Anne, 8th da. of William (OoumirAT), 2d Visooumt Coubtinat OF PoWDiBHAM, de jurt Barl ov Dkvon,(*) by Frances, da. of Thomas Claok, of Walltngford. She was b. 2 July 1774, and (f. 6 Jan. 1886 at Southampton. He d. i.nim.s. 28 July 1844 at Arley Oaatle, oo. Stafford, aged 74, when the BaMom cf Mouninorrii and the Barony of Altham [!•] became exHnd. Will dat. 1841, pr. Aug. 1844, under £10,000. [OBORGa-ARTHUR Annestjet, ityled (1816-41) Visoount Valbntia, b. and h. an., 6. 20 Oct 1798, at St Geo., Han. sq. ; mat at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 15 Hay 1812 ; M.P. for co. Wexford, 1880-81. He m., 21 Oct 1887, at Brighton, Franoes- CkKskbum, only da. of Charles- James Siys, of Jamaica. He d. a p. and T.p. at Brighton, 16 March 1841, aged 47. Admon. April 1841. His widow d. 27 Jan. 1856, at High Beech, co. Stafford. Admon. April 1856.] XI. 1844. 10. Arthur (Annrslbt), VraoouNT Yalbntia and Baron Mountmobbis [I.],(^) cousin and presumably («) h. male, in which case he was, after 23 July 1844, entitled to the above titles He was of Bletchingdon park, Oxon, being s. and h. of Arthur Anniblit, of the same, by Catharine, da. of Admiral Sir Charles Hardt, sister and coheir of Temple Habdt, of Bastley-Bnd, in Thorpe, co. Surrey, which Arthur (who d. 20 Jan. 1841, aged 81) was s. aud h. of Arthur A., also of Bletch- ingdon (who d, Feb 1778, aged 40), s. and h. of Rev. Francia ANMiSfJiT, LL.D. Rector of Win wick, oo. Lancaater,(<i) (6. 1701), s. of Frands A., of Thoi>|[anby, co. York, who was a. and h. of the Hon. Francia Annb8LKT(«), of Castle- Wellan, co. Down, 6th a. of Arthur (ii^), 1st Visoount Valentia and let Baron Mountnorris [I.], being his Jst s. by his 2'nd wife. He was b. 80 Noy. 1785, at Blechiugdon ; tue. his father 20 Jan. 1841, and attumed (probably correoUv) the peerage [I.] as above, on the death of his distant cousin, 28 July 1844, but took no atepa to establish his right thereto. He si., 12 Aug. 1808, Bleanor, da. (or reputed da.) of Henry O'Briim, afterwards Stafford- O'Bbibn, of Blatherwycke park, oo. Northampton, and Stone Hall, CO. Clare, by Margaret, da. of ( — ) Flknabt. She d^ 10 June 1848. He(f80 Dec. 1868 at Bletchingdon park, aged 78. XII. 1863. 11. Arthur (Ankbslby), Viscount Yalbntia [1622], and Barom lf0UNTMURRi8[1628] in the peerage of Ireland,(^) also a Baronel^i^) [1. 1020] grandson and h., being only s. ami h. of the Hou.(^) Arthur ANNi£8LBr,by Flora, Mary, da. uf Lt. Col. James Macdonald of Clanronuld, which Arthur was s. and h. ap. of the late Vi80(>unt(^), bui d, v.p, 27 Oct 1844, aged 85. He was b. 28 Aug. 1843 at Inveresk, near Edinburgh ; Lieut. 10th Hussars, retiring 1872 ; High Sheriff of Ozfoidshu-e, 1874 ; M.P. for Oxford, 1895. He m. SO Jan. 1878, at St. Peter'a, Baton squsre, Laura-Sarah, widow of Sir Algernon Pkytom, 4th Bart., da. of Daniel Hall WiDB, of Wykeham Park, Oxon.=F Family iPnteiet.— These, in 1883, consisted of 8,207 acres in Oxfordshire ; 1,189 in Northamptonshire, and 9 in Soraeraptshire, besides 2,695 in oo. Kildare. ToUdy 7,050 acres, worth £8,884 a year. Seai — llicvhingdon Park, co. Oxford. VALLETORT. i.e., " Visoount Mount-Edgoumbb and Vallbi'ort, co. Devon," Vis- oountcy {Bdgeumbe), cr, 1781 ; see ** Mount- Edoouubi," Earldom, cr, 1789. VANE. ie., "Vane," Earldom (Vane, formerly Stetoart), cr. 1823; see " LONDORDIRBT *' Harquessate [[.], er. 1816, under the 8d Marquess. (*) According to the extraordinary decision of the House of Lords, 14 March 1831. (b) This is on the supposition that the honours acquired by the 1st Viscount. devoWed in 1844 on the family of Annesley of Blechingdun. (0) See, however p. 15, note ** b.*' (<1) William, yr. br. of this Francis, was cr. in 1758, Baron Annesley, and in 1766, Yisoount Qlerawly [1.], and hit a., Francis-Charles, was cr. in 1789, Karl Annesley [I.] (•) This Francis was 6. 28 and bap. 81 Jan. 1628, at St QUe's in the adds.