Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/27

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VANB — ^VAUX. 17 VANE, AND VANE OP DUNQANNON. Vifloountoy 1. Thb Hon. William Vans, of Fairkwn, oo. Eent^ ^^^ 2d aoH ytt. s. of Christopher (Vavb), Ut Baroh Barnard, by Barony [I.] Elisabeth, lister sod coheir of John (Uollbs), Duki op Niwoastli I 1720 ^""^ ^'^ ^*' ^' Oi^^rt (HoLLRS), Earl of Clarr, was 6. sbout 1680 ; inherited s considerable fortune from his mother's family ; was M.P. fur co. Durham 1708 and subsequently for Steyning, and was er. 18 Oct 1720, BARON VANE 07 DUNQANHON, co. Tyrone and VISCOUNT VANE [I.]. He m. about 1710, Lucy, da. and coheir of William Joixipfb, of Caverawall Castle, oo. Stafford. Ue (i. suddenly of apoplexy at Fairlawn afad, 20 May 1734, and was hmr, with some pomp, at Shipbome, co. Kent. Will pr. 1784. His widow d, 27 March 1742, aged 70, and was hwr. at Shipbonie. Will pr. Afwil 1742. II. 1731, S. William Holl» (Vanb), Visoount VANl^ and to Baroh Vahr of DimoAHHON [I.], 8d and yst bat only sonr. s. and 1789. b, ; ^. 4 Feb. 1718/4 ; tue. to ths peerage [I.], 20 May 1784. He was well known for his eccentricities and eztra?agance, which ended in complete ruin. He m. 10 May 1786, at St. Marylebono, Frances, widow of Lord William Hahiltov, only da and li. of William Hawks, of Parley Hall, Berks, a director of the South Sea company. She d. after a painful illness, 81 March 1788, in Curson street, sged 70, and was bur. at Shipbome. (^) He d. s.p. in Downing street, 6 and was bur., 18 April 1789, with great state at Shipbome, aged 75, when Ike UOe became extincL Will pr. 1789.(«) VAUOHAN. The title of *' Vibgoukt Vaughan " is used as the eourtesy style of the h. ap. to the Earldom of Lisbume [I.], er. 1766, the /amity name being Vaughan, and tlie Viscount<^ of Lisbame, which these Esrls posssM, hsTing the fasie designstion ss the Earldom. VAUOHAN OF MULLENGAR. i.0., *' Vaughan of Mullkngab, go. Westmeath," Barony [1.1 ( raugkan)^ er. 1621 ; see ** Carbirt " Earldom [I.], er. 1628 ; ex 1718. VAUX OF BROUGHAM. See ** Bboughah and Vauz of Broughah, oo. Westmorland, Barony (Brougham), er. 1880 ; ex, 1868 ; but er, sgain (with s spea rem.) 1800. (*) The two elder sons, Christopher and John, both d, y.p. unm. and under age, one of them d, 19 July 1721. (^) The Viscounts Vane and their wives are continually confused with the Visoonnts and Viscountesses Fane^ a contemporary title, er. 1718, and ex, 1766. («) Of him and his wife, Kd ward (Harley), ICarl of Oxford writes {** Peerage memoranda," lee N. and Q-i 2d 3. 1. 820), "She a very great w . . . ., and he a great fool." He appears, indeed, in spite of her infldelitiss and extravagance to have treated her with afleetion. See " Oent. Mag" for April 1789. She was for some time Mistress to Lord Berkeley. Her indecent autobioffraphy, under the name of " Lady Frail " (the amorous sdventurcs of " a Lady of QuaTity '*) disgraces Smollett*s novd of " Peregrine Pickle." "