Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/28

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18 VAUX. VAUX OP HARROWDEN. [Semarhs. — ^This is one of a series of Baronies of which the abeyance WM terminAied in the first five yean of Queeu Viotoritt*B reign. See RemftrkB thereon, yol. !▼, p. 178, tub •* Hastioge," and yol. it, p. 11, tub ^'Braye."] Barony. 1, SiB NiOHOLAS Vaux, of Harrowden,(*) co. Northamp- T 15^3 ^°> '* *"^ ^* ^^ ^^ William Vaux, of the same (i^ho was alain at A 1 I'ewkeBburv and attainted in 1460 for his fidelity to Henry VI.), by April. ^_j^ ^^ ^f Qregory Pkniston, of Oourteeells in Piedmont ; was b. about 1460 ; ed. at Oxford r^) ; obtained restoration of his father's estate from Henry VIL, by .whom he was hntghted^ after the battle of Stoke in 1486 ; was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur, 1502 ; was fjieut. of Guisnes Castle, in Pieardy, 1509, and was, with others, invested as a Baron (LORD VAUX DB HARROWDBN), 27 April 1528, at Bridewell palace.(«) Ue was also a poet of some note.(d) He m. firstly Blizabeth, widow of Sir William Parr, K.O. (and consequently grandmother tp " Queen Catharine Parr"), da. of Henry (Pitkhuoh), Loud Fitssbuqh, by Alice, da. of Richard (Nbvillb), Barl of Sausburt. She d, s.p.m. He m. secondly, about 1508, Anne, da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Qubbmk, of Boughton and Qreen's Norton, oo. Northampton, by Jane, da. of Sir John Fuoa, of Repton, co. Kent. She, who was aged 16 in 1506, d, before him. He d, 14 May 1528 (within 8 weeks of his investiture as a Barou), there being no proof that he was ever sum. to Pari {*) Inq. p. morL, wherein he is styled as late " Lord Harrowdon," being also so styled in an Act of Pari. (1525) 27 Hen. YIIL Will pr. 1528. II. 1523, iB. Thomab (Vaux), Lord Vaux db Harrowdbn, Ist b. May. and h. by second wife, tue. hit father 14 May 1528, being then 14 years old. He sat in the pari, of (1529) 21 Hen. yin.(') but the writ of summons thereto is not to be fonnd.(^) He was, however, sum. to Pari. 28 April (1581) 28 Hen. VIIL and was picwent therein, 27 March (1584) 25 Hen. VIIL and on eighteen other occasions during that reign, the last summons being dat 17 May (1554) 1 Mary. He m. Blisabeth, da. and sole h. of Sir Thomas Oiibynb, of Fen Ditton, 00. Cambridge, and of Thenford and Irthliugborough, co. Northampton, by Blizabeth, C^) The estate of Harrowdun was acquired after (probably soon sfter) 1410, by Sir William Vaux, father of this William from Sir William Thirniuge. It was sold in 1694 to the Wentworth family, hy Charles Knollys, illegit. son of Bdward, Lord Vaux, 6th in descent from the first named Sir William. According to ** Triuh" 2 Aug. 1894, Lord Vaux " has just bought back Harrowden, which has been separated over 200 years from the title." (bj Wood's " Athena:* (0) Four Peers were then and there invested, viz., one Viscount, i.e. Lisle, and 3 Barons, t.e. Berkeley, Sandys de Vyne, and Vaux de Harrowden. The patent of tlie Visoount bears date (two days previous) 25 April 1528. Baronies at this date were frequently (perhaps usuallv) cr, by writ (and not by patent), and such presumably was the case as to these three — at all events the House of Lords decided, in 1838, that Vaux was a Barony cr. by vnit in the reign of Henry VI 11. looking, however, to the cases of Eure and Wharton, both long supinised to have been so created, it seems rather a rash assumption of their Lordships to assume that no patent existed to this 16th century Barony. Bunks {Bar* Angl, Cone.) says that " it would seem that he was cr. by patent, and that Dugdale so considered it." adding that the infamous Countess of Banbury " is said to have destroyed the patent of creation of Nicholas, Lord Vaux (which was never enrolled), together with divers deeds relating to the entailed estates, to secure them to her bastuxl sons snd thereby prevent Henry, the last Lord, succeeding to them." (<i) **The Paradice of Dainty Devices," London, 4to., 1578, was one of his productions. (•) All the summons to Pari, from 6 to 21 Hen. VIIL (1514 29) are missing. (f) The date 1529, being that in which there is the fii-st notice of a sitting in this Barony, is presumably the date of the preoedency of this peerage as indicated in the finding (1888) of the House of Lords,