Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/247

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APPENDIX. 237 BOWES OF STREATLAM CASTLE AND OP LUNEDALE. i.e,, " BowBS OP Strkatlah Castli, oo. Durham, and of Lunbdalb, oo. York," Banmy ( Bawe$'Lyon), cr. 1 July 1887 ; see "Strathmoeii ahd Kiifo- HORKi,*' Enrldom [S.J BUR(iHCLERE OF WALDEN. Barony. 1, Thb Rt. Hon. HsRDBRT-GorjErrouN Oardnbr was I 1895 ^' ' ^"fl^- "li^W BARON BURQHCLRRB(«>) OF WALDBN, on. Kasex. He wns illegit. a. of Alao Legge (Garditicr), 8d Baron Oardrkr or UrroxRTRR ; wm 6. 9 June 1846 ; ed. at Hiirrow and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; M.A 1872 ; was M.P. (in the liberal interest) for North Kssez, 1885-95 ; P.C. 1892 ; President of the lV>ard «>f Agricnltura, 1892-95 and wns raited to the peeroffe, as above, 3 Aiij;. 1895 and introduced 11 Feb. 1896.(<') He m. 4 March 1990, at St. Peler*s, Brighton, Winifred Anne Henrietta Christiana, widow of Capt. the Hon. Alfred John George Brno, Ist da. of Henry Howard Molyneuz (Hirbbrt), 4th Earl or CARirARVON, by his first wife, Evelyn, da. of Qeorge Augustus Fkvderick (STAMHora), 6th Earl op Chestbrpiild. She was 6. 2 July 1864. Familjf Ata<eA— These, in 1888, were und(>r 2,000 acres. Principal Raidenee.-^ Bebden House, near Safih>n Waldeo, co. Essex. CARRINGTON. ».e., " Carrikgton " Earldom (Canngion, afterwards Wynn-Carringtan) er. 16 July 1895 ; see Corrigenda, Jbe., under '* Carrikoton op Upton" Barooy, er. 1797, eub. the 8rd Baron. CLARENCE. Dnkedom. i. H.R,H. Aldbrt Victor Christian Edward, Prinob I 1890 ^^ ^"' Unitbd Kinodox op Orb at Britain and Ireland, also Dukb to ' ^^ Saxont and Prinob op Saxb Coborqh and Ootha,(<^) 1st a and h. 1 AQ 9 ^^' **^ ^^* ^' ^^' ^^^^ ^ ^"^ ' Prince of Wales, Durr op Cornwall lovz. ^^. ^, ^^^ I, „p ^{ Queen Victoria), by Alexandra, let da. of Christian IX, Kino op Dbnmark, was h. at Frogmore House, Berks. 8 Jan. end hap. 10 March 1864 in the chapel of Buckingham |>alace ; entered the Ilfiyal navy (with his yr. br.) 1877, becoming a midahipman 1880 ; Lieut 10th Hussars 1886 ; (^apt 9ih Tinnccrs, (.'apt. 8<1 King's Ki>yal Hilles and A.D.C. to the Queen, 1887 ; Major 10th Hiiasani 1889 ; Hon. Col. 4th Ueg. Bengal infantry, 1st Puojaub cavalry and 4th Bombay cavalry; was alao X.P. 1887 and K.G. 1888, as also Grand Cross of the Lion of the Netherlands ; of Charles III. of S|iain ; the Annunctata of Italy ; the Star of lloumanta ; the Osmanie of Turkey ; the Tower and Swcnrd of Portugal and the South«)m Cross of Brasil. Hon. LL.D. of Cambridge and Dublin. He was cr. 24 May 1890, EAllL OF ATHLON Ifi and DURE OF CLARENCE AND OF AVOND ALR.(*) He tl» unm. and v.p. of typhoid fever, at the house of his parents, C^) This was one of the four Baronies conferred on the retirement of the Earl of Roaebery from the Premiership, as to which see p. 47, note '* d,*' mb, " Wandsworth." (t») Bnrghdere is the name of one of the properties of his wife's brother, the Earl of Carnarvon. («) This was one of no less than eight introductions, for a list of which, see p. 281, note << a,*' euh. '* Aldenham." (<*) His titles of inheritance are, however, omitted in the patent of creation, and he is described Uierein (somewhat eolloanially) as "Prince Albert Victor Christian Bdward of WaJei ; '* so also ia described bia brother, when, two years later, er, Duke of York. (*) Hamilton of Wisliaw, states of Avondale (otherwise Avaudale. Avendale or Evendale), a parish, of nearly 40,000 acres, in Lanarkshire, that " this Baronie did anciently belong to the Bnirds, and thereafter came to Sinclair, and from them to the Earle of Douglas, with whom it continued severall ages ; and after his fatall forfaulture in anno 1455 it was given by King James III. to Andrew Stewart, whoni he created Lord Avendale and it continued with him and his heiref until 1588 or thereby that he exchanged it witJi Sir James Hamilton for the Baronie of Ochiltree," from whom it has passed to the present Dukes of Hamilton. It has indeed given the name of an Earldom [S.] to the family of Douglas, 1437 to 1455, and of a Baronv [a] to that of Stewart from 1469 to 1548, at which last date the then Lord obtained an act of Pari, (S.] to exchange the title of Lord ATcndale for that of *< Stewart of Ochiltree,*'