Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/248

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238 APPENDIX. SaadriDEbam Hdl, oo. Norfolk, 14 Jan. 1802, aged 28, and waa hur. In Windaor chapel, when aUkii honaun became extineL{*) GKAN6R00K. tie., " Cbandrook/' Earldom (Gaihome-Hardy), cr. 2 Aug. 1892; aee Oeirriffenda d Addenda, under " Cbanbbook," Viaoountcj, cr. 1878, CRAWSHAW OF CRAWSHAW AND OF WHATTON. Barony. , i. Sir Thomas I^rookb, Bart , of Crawshaw Hall, co. T 1 ftQ9 Lancaiter, and Wbatt<in Houae, oo. lietceater, waa cr. 26 Auc. 1892(^) 1. xov^. u^pQu CRAWSHAW OF CRAWSHAW, co. Laticaaier AKD OP WHATTON, oo. Leiceaier. He waa 4th a. of John Brookb,{<^) of Crawahaw Hall afad. {d. 27 Oct 1849 aged 60) by Alice, da. of Jamee Mabbhaix, waa h, 15 May 1826, and bap. at All Sainta, Mancheater; waa High Sheriff of Lancaahire, 1884 and waa er. a Baronet, 9 Feb. 1891, being the next year, Aug. 1892, raited to the peerage aa above. He m. 7 Aug. 1861, at Donnington, Salop, Catherine, da. of John JOMBB, of Kelaall Hall, in that county, and Anne hia wife. She waa 6. 9 June 1829, and bap, at Donnington.^ FamUy J'ttalo.— Theae, in 1888, were under 2,000 acres. Principal Seati,^ Crawahaw Hall, near Rawtenatall, co. Lancaater, and Whatton Houae, near Lough- borough, 00. Leiceftter. CREWE. t.e., << CREWE of Crewe, co. CheBter," Earldom (Crewe-Milnes, formerly MUnee), er. 17 July 1896 ; aee Corrigenda et Addenda under ** Houqhtoii," Barony, er. 1868, mib, the 2nd Baron. CROMER. Barony. i. Sir Evblyk Baring, G.O.M.a., waa er. 20 June 1892 I 1892 BARON CROMER OF CROMBR, co. Norfolk. He waa 9th a. of Henry Bahiko, being 6th a. by hia aecond wife Cecilia Anne, da. of Vice-Admiral William Windham, of Pelbrigge Hall, Norfolk, which Henry (who d 18 April 1848 aged 71), waa a yr. br. of Alexander, lat Baron Aahburton. He waa 6. at Cromer Hall, Norfolk, 26 Feb. 1841 ; ed. at Woolwich, entered the Hoval Artillery 1868, retiring aa Major, 1879 ; aide de camp to the Out. of the Ionian iatanda, 1861 : Private Sec. to the Viceroy of India, 1872-76 ; 0.8-1., 1876 ; Commiaar. of the Kgyptian Public Debt, 1877-79, being Comptroller Gen. in Egypt 1879-80; Financial member of the council to the Viceroy of India, 1880-88 ; O.I.B., 1880 ; X.O.8.I., 1888 ; Conaul Qen. and Miniater Pleni|)0. in Egypt, aince 1888 ; Aaaiatant at the conference in London on Egyptian finance, June to Aug. 1884 ; O.B. (civil) 1886 ; K.O.B. (oi?il) 1887 ; O.O.M.G. (dvil) 1888, being raittd to the peerage{^) 20 June 1892 aa aboveaUted ; O.C.B., 1896 ; lat daaa of the Turkiah order of the Medjidie. He an. 28 June 1876, Ethel SUnley, lat da. and coheir of Sir Rowland Brbihotov, formerly Stamlxt, 11th Bart, by Julia da. of Lieut. Qen. Sir John Maodonald, K.O.B.Y J2eii(imee— (1897) Cauro. DAVEY OF FERNHURST. Barony for 1. " The Rt. Hon. Sir Horacb Davby, one of the life. Lorda Juaticea of Appeal " waa appointed, IS Aug. 1894, a Lord or T 1 Rdi Appial in ordimart (under *' the AppdkUe JurUdiciion Act, 1876 "), a. a o9«. ^^^ granted the dignity of a Baron for life(e) by the atyle of BARON (*) Hia untimelv and unexpected death waa a great aliock to the nation, and waa rendered more aad by hia having been but a few weeka previoualy betrothed to hia oouain, the Princeaa Mary of Teck, afterwarda wife of hia bi>ther. (f) Thia waa one of 8 Baroniea conferred a( the recommendation of Lord Saliabury, when learing office ; for a liat of which aee vol. y., p. 126 note ** c." (0) Thia John waa br. to Samuel Brooka, the father of Sir William Cunliffe Brooka, er. a Bart., 1886. (<l) See ToL ▼!, p. 889, note " b." (•) See Tol. i, p. S67> note '**," mih. "Blackburn " aa to the nature and exUnt of tbMa CTM^tiowi.