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APPENDIX. 245 G«o. to the Imperial fleet of Russit. He wm 6. 8 Dec 1830 aud bap. 6 Jen. 1881, at 8carbon»iigb ; eiudied paintitii^ at the acadetnit* of Berlin, Florence, and Frank- fort ; exhibited hie first Jiicture at the Kojal Aofideniy in 1856 ; was an anooiate thereof, 1864; RotaI Academician, 1869; President of tlie Uoyal Academy, 1878-96, being Knighted at Windsor, 25 Not. 1878 ; Hon. Col. of the Artists lloyal Volunteers ; er. D.G.L. of Oxford 18 June 1879 ; LL.D. of Cambridge (1879), of Edinburgh (1879) as also of Dublin ; associate of the " Institut de France " ; member of several foreign scndemies ; Knight of several for«'ign orders, Ac He was (T.p.) cr. a Baronet 11 Feb. 1886, being, 10 years later, raieed to the peerage{^) as above stated, the |iatent bearing date the day before his death.(*') He d. unm., of angina peetarit at his residence, 2 Holland Park Road, Kensingtim, 25 Jan., and was bur. with considerable state, 8 Feb. 1896, in St. Paul's cathwlral, London, sged 65, when the peerage (thus reoent]y(«) created) became extinct Will pr. at £50,451. LIST£R OF LYME REGIS. Barony. i. " Sir Jobbph fiiSTBR, Hart., Prosideut of the Royal I. 1897. ^"^^^^^y/* ^«* ^- ^ ^^^' 1^^7, BARON LISTER OF LYME REGIS, oo. Dorset^ He was 2«l but 1st surv. s. of Joseph Jackson Listbr, of Upton, EsMx {d, 24 Oct. 1869, aged 83) by Isabella, da. of Anthony Harris, of Mary port, Cumberland ; was 6. 5 April 1827, ed. st London univ. ; B.A. 1847 ; M.S. 1852 ; Fellow of the Royal Coll. of Surgeons, 1852, as also of that of Scotland, 1855 ; LL.D. of Edinburgh, 1878 ; Hon. M.D. of Dublin, 1879 ; LL.D. of QUsgoir, 1879 ; D.C.L. of Oxford, 9 June 1880 ; LL.D. of Cambridge, 1881 ; was cr, a Baronet 2B Dec. 1883; Surgeon extraordinary to the Queen; Emeritus Professor of clinical surgerv iu Kings College, Ijondon ; F. R.6. ; President of the Royal Society ; Knight of several foreign orders, and was raised to the peerage 6 Feb. 1897 as above stated.(<i) He m. 23 April 1856, in Edinburgh, Agnes, 1st surv. da. of James Stmb, Professor of clinical surgery in the Univ. of Edinburgh. She d. 19 April 1898 at Rapallo, in Italy. JUiidenee. — 16 Park crescent, Portland place. LLANDAFF OF HEREFORD. Viaoounioy. 1. " Th« Rt. Hon. Hbnbt Matthbws " was cr. 5 Aug. I. 1895. ^^^^ VISCOUNT LLANDAFF(») OP HEREFORD, oo. Hereford. He was only s. of Henry Mattbrwb, of Belmont, oo. Hereford, some* time a puisne Judge of the supreme court of Ceylon (ci. 20 May 1828, aged 88), by Emma, da. of William Blouht, of Orleton, oo. Hereford ; was 6. 18 Jan. which became for many generations the seat of their descendants. He was undoubtedly anosstor of the Leighton Baronets (eo er. 1698), but the descent of Lord Leighton from him is not clear. In Burke's " peerage, &o.," of 1895, there is, however, the statement that "This family claims to descend from Robert Leighton, Burgess of Shrewsbury, 1405, 2d s. of John Leighton, who d, 1428." (■) He is the only painter who hitherto has acquired peerage honours. la 1857 the peerage of Macaulay was supposed to do honour to " History,*' and in 1884 that of Tennyson undoubtedly did so to *' Poetry." Thus of the Nine Muses (none of whom, however, oddly enough appear to have patronised the art of Painting) " C^to " and "Oaliiofe" have found their way to the House of Lords, leaving *' Thidia," " Terepu^ere," and the other sisters to follow. (^) A many sided, accomplished, |K>pular man, an excellent linguist and finished speaker, a rraned and pleasing, tho* not a great Painter ; having a handsome face and fine presence, he was an ideal President of the Royal Academy. («) A peerage like this, that existed but a day is unique. The Barony of Fam- borough (1886) lasted 6 days; that of Marjoribanks (1878) seven days; that of De Ramsey (1887) five weeks ; that of Amesbury (1882) under 2 months ; that of Ossington (1872-78) about a year, ftc. (^) His discovery of the antiseptic treatment has been of the greatest service to the medical profession. (•) His ancestor, William Mathew, of Buighill and Pipe, oo. Hereford, who d, 1681, is conjectured to have been of the same family as Frauois Mathew, of Thomastownt who in 1788, 1708 and 1797 was er. Baron, Viscount and Karl of LlandaflT [L] Those titles are presumed to haye become extinct on the death of that Karl's s. and h,