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246 APPENDIX. 1826, at Ceylon ; od. ai Uie UdIt. of Paris, and at that of LondoD, B.A. (daaaical and" math, honoun) 1847; LL.B. (with honours) 1849; Barriatar (Line Inn) I860; Seo. to the Earl Marshal 1864*69 ; Queen's Counael, 1868 ; waa M.P. for Dungarran, 1868-74 and (Oonserv. interest) for Birmingham (East) 1886 95 ; Member of Senate of Univ. of London, 1885 ; P.O. 1886 ; Home Setaratary, 1886-98, being raiud to tkg peerage 5 Aug. 1895, as aboTo stated. Setidenee. — 6 Oarlton Qardani. LOCH OP DRYLAW. Barony. i. «ThkRt. Hon. Sir Hbnrt-Brouqham Loch, O.O.B., I. 1896. <*OM.a," was er, 18 July 1896.C) BAUON LOCH OF DKYLAW. co. Midlothian. He was 7th & yst. a of James Look, of Drylaw afad., sometime M.P. for the Northern burghs {d. 28 June 1855, aged 75), by Anne, da. of Patrick Ohr, of Bridgetou, oo. Kincardine ; was 6. 27 May 1827 ; served in the Royal Navy, 1840-42 ; entered the 3d Bengal cavalry, 1844 ; waa aide-de-ciimp to the Com.-in-chief in the Sutlej campaign, 1846 ; adjutant and 2d in command of Skinner's Horse, 1850-52 ; assisted in Bulgaria in organiaiug the Turkiab cavalry, 1854 ; attach^ to Lord Elgin'k apea misaions to China and Japan, 1857-60, being bearer to England of the tn^aty of Yeddo, 1858, and being treacheronnty taken prisoner by the Chinese, 1860; Private Seo. to the Hoiii« Sea 1861-63; O.B. 1861 ; lieut-Qov. of the Isle of Man. 1868-82; X.O.B., 1880 ; Coramiasioner of Woods, ForesU and Land Revenue, 1882-84 ; Gov. of Victoria. 1884-89 ; O.0.BC.G., 1887 ; Gov. of the Cape of Good Hope, 1889-95 ; DCL. of Ozfonl ; O.O.B., 1892 ; P.O. 1895, being raieed U> the peerage 18 July 1895 as above atoted. He m. 7 May 1862, at St. Paul'a, Knightabridge, Elisabeth, 3a and yat. da. (a twin) of the Hon. Edward Ernest Villtuui (br. to the 4th Earl or Claukmdon), by Elisabeth Charlotte, da. of Thomas Henry (Liddill), 4th Babon Uavkmbworth. She wss 6. 15 Sep. 1841.y Familg Atotet.— These, in 1888, were under 2,000 acres. Xetidence, 44, Elm Park Gardens, South Kensington. LUDLOW OF HEYWOOD. Barony. i. « Thb Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Charlbs Lopbs, oue of T 1AQ7 ^^® Lords Justices of the Court of Appeal and a member of the X. lovi. j^^i^ji^i Committee of the Privy Council," waa cr., 26 July 1897, BARON LUDLOW OP HKYWOOD, co. Wilts. He waa Sd a of Bir Ralph Loprb, formerly PiiANCO, 2d Bart., of Mariatow, Devon {d. 23 Jan. 1854, aged 65) by Suaan Qibba, lat da. of Abraham Ludi.ow, of Hey wimkI honae, Wilta ; waa 6. 8 Oct. 1828, at Devonport ; ed. at WincbeaUr and at Ball. Coll. Oxford ; B.A. 1849 ; Barrister (Inner Temple) 1852, joining the Weatern circuit ; Recorder uf Exeter, 1867-76; M.P. (Conaerv. int) for Launceatou, 1868-74, and for Frome, 1874-76; Queena Counael, 1869 ; Bencher of the Inner Temple, 1870 ; a Jiidf^e of the Hiieh Court of Justice (Common Pleas div.), 1876-85 ; knighted 28 Nov. 1876 ; P.C 1885 ; Lord Justice of Appeal since 1885 ; Treaaurer of the Inner Temple, 1890, and waa raited to the peerage 26 July 1897, as shove stated. He m. firatly, 20 Sep. 1854, st Egg Buckluid, Devon, Cordelia Lucy, 1st da. of Erving Clauk, of Efford manor, near Plymouth, by Anna Lntitia, da. of Paul Treby Tbxbt. She d, 22 Deo. 1891 at Heywood house afsd.*?* (the 2d Esrl) in 1888, but, it is stated in Dod's peerage of 1897 (<ii6 " Llandaff "1, that " There is said to be living a representative of thi* eldest son of the 1st Earl, who [su;] served in the Indian army and waa lost sight of by his fsmily." (*) This wss one of four Bsronies conferred on the retirement of the Earl of lloie*> bery from the PKmiership, as to which see p. 47, note d " mi ** Wandsworth." . (») This was one of the creations for the '^Diamond " Jubilee. See p. 289, note "a."