Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/257

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APPHNDIX. 247 Fkmilg Mo/ei.— -Theie, in 1888, were ander 2,000 aorei. Prineifal iteaidmoe.— Heywood house, near Weetbary, Wilta. MALCOLM OF POLTALLOCa Barony. «< John Winofibld Maloouc, Esq., O.B." was er. 9 June T lAOft 1898, BARON MALCOLM OP POLTALLOOH, 00. Argyll HewM 1. Aovu. ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ j^i^^ Malooui, of Poltollocb aM. (d. 80 May 1808, aged 87) by leabella Harriet, da. of the Hon. John Wihofibld^tratford, formerly WiNoriSLD, yr. a. of the 8rd VisoouiiT PowBBSOonBT [I] ; waa 6. 18 May 1888 in St. Geo. Han. Sq. ; ed. at Eton and at Gh. Oh., Oxford ; B.A. 1868 ; M.A. 1866 ; waa M.P. (Conaenr. intereat) for Boston 1860-88 and for Amllshhie, 1886-02; O.B, 1892 ; suo. to the family estates 80 May 1898 ; Uent Gen. Oomdg. and Hon. CoL Vol. Batt Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ; was railed to ike peeruffe June 1896, as above sUted. He m. 25 July 1861, at St Geo. Han. Sq., Alice Frederioa, 2nd da. of Geoige Ives (Ibbt), 4th Baroii Bcjston, by his first wife, Fanny Bliiabeth, da. ' of William Hopkins Nobthkt. She who waa 6. 7 July 1889, d. B.p. 12 Oct 1896. FamUjf Atolet.— -These, in 1883, consisted of 88,279 acres in Argyllshire (worth £19,500 a year) besides 1,577 in Lhiooloshire, 585 in Kent and 220 in Surrey. Total 85,611 acres, worth £24,989 a year. Principal Seat.— Poltallooh, near Lochgilphead, oo. AigylL NORTHINGTON OF WATFORD. ue., ** NoRTUf NQTON OF Watfobd, 00. Northampton, Banniy (Henley)^ er. 28 June 1885; see Hbhlit oir Cbabdbtoor," Barony [I], er. 1799, under the 3rd Baron. PEEL OF SANDY. Viaooontoy. i. Thb Rt. Hon. Arthur-Wbllkslbt Pbkl^ late T 1 ftOR Speaker of the House of Gommons, waa er. 9 liay 1895, VISOOUNT ^^^^' PBEL OF RAND7, co. Bedford. He was 5th and yst s. of the well-known statesman, the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Pbbl, 2d Bart, (dl 2 July 1850, aged 62), by Julia, da. of Qen. Sir John Flotd, let Bart. ; was ft. 8 Aug. 1829; ed. at Bton and at Ball. GoU., Oiford ; B.A. and 2d class, 1852; M.A 1865, beinff er. D.C.L. 22 June 1887 ; waa M.P. for Warwick, 1865-85, and for Warwick and Leamington 1886-95 ; Pari. Sec to Poor Law Board, 1868-71, and to Board o£ Trade, 1871-78 ; Patronage Sec to Treasury, 1878-74 ; Under Sec for Home Departmt., April to Dec 1880 ; P.O. 1884 ;. Speaker of the House of Gommons, 1884-95,(*) being, on his reeignation, raised to tXe petrage 9 May 1895, as above statsd, and introduced 11 Feb. 1896(^X He ai. 14 Aug. 1862 at Mersvale, co. Warwick, Adehude, 2d da. of William Stratford DuooALi, of MereTale Hall, by Alice Franoea, da. of Sir Gharlea Bdward Tbbybltah, 1st Bart and K.O.B. She, to whom the Queen Gonaort^ Adelaide, waa godmother, d» 5 Dec 1890, at the Speaker's house, West- nuttBter.^ Family Atolet.— Theae, in 1888, consisted of 2,226 aorsi in Beda and Herta. Pfrineipal iMeCenee.— The Lodge, Sandy, oo. Bedford. PIRBRIOHT. Barony. i. Thb Rt, Hon. Hbnrt db Worms was cr. 16 Nov. I 1895 ^^^^ BARON PIRBRIGHT, co. Surr^. He waa 8d and yst a. of Solomon Benedict, Babos db Wormb in the Austrian empfae (who waa ao er. 28 April 1871 and who dL 20 Oct 1882, aged 81), by Hen- rietta, da. of Samuel Moaea Samubl, of Park orescent, Maiylebone : waa 6. 20 Oct. 1840 ; ed. at Kinaa GoU. London, of which he became a Fellow in 1868 ; Barrister (Inner Temple) 1868 ; M.P. (Gonserr. int) for Greenwich, 1880-85, and for Liverpool (*) Thia position he filled with great auocess, shewing a dignity and courteey which

  • Tere nniTeraally appreoiated.

(^ This was one of no leas than 8 introduotiona at the same time, for a list of which see p. 281, noU " a," iub. " Aldenham."