Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/263

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OORRIGRNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 253 iraot crIM Ibuwne, tbnt is the Fair Urritorj was, after the eombg in of the English, wrested from tlie old proprieton by Lord A model of ilie Strand, and from him it fell to the Knrrymore family. Darriroe has its present name from a branch of the Barries.' [Smith's Cork, vol. i, p. 88 ] " P* Xiv ; inuri " xiv " for '* xvi/* which last number is erroneously Ki^cn to this pafi^ ; lin^ 1. for ** O'QoNNRLL " r^ad " O'Connbu." ; line 6 from bottom, for " Adam le Petit, 1206," read '* William le Petit.'* P* ZV ; line 2 from bottom, after " Ibawne " intert '*see Oarbery.*' p. xvi ; line 19, for " Tunte** read " Tuiie:* p. ZVii ; line 86, ftrr *' O'Ggiiiibll" read '* O'CoNNRix.*' p. xriii ; note <fl), line 2, for " or erer " react " perhaps never " ; lino 7, add " See also p. 172 of Tol. i, note (0-" p. Xiz ; between lines 2 and 8 tnterl ** RussvLL, one of the Baronies of Ulster " ; cUU Hue 6 and iuBeri ** Savaob, see Ardbb." p. zz; line 10, for ** Monehetui " read ** Monichenei" p. 1 ; in margin, for " Barons '* read "Barony '* ; for " Earlt " read "Earl- dom " ; deU the first nine lines, ineert a» under — ABBEY LEIX. See *'Db Vrsci op Abbby Lbix, Queens county," ViBoountoy [L] ( Veee^)t er, 1776 (the 2d Baron Knaftoii [I], being the redpient) «.<?., ** Db Vbsci of Abbry Lbix, Queens county," Barony [U.K.] ( VrtetfJ, er. 1884 ; see as above, under the 4th Viscount [I.]. ABBOTS LANGLEY. See "Raymond of Abbots Langlby, co. IlertfoitJ," Barony (Rajf- mondjt er, 1781 ; ex. 1753. ABERBROTHWICK. ».« , " Hamilton, Avanb, Abbrbkotiiwick and Bothwbllhaugh, Barony [S ] (Stewart), sometimes (but apparently erroneously, as to the two last named titles), said to have been ei% 1681 with the Earldom of Ahran [S.], which aee ; forjeited 1686. lines 14 and 16 ; for *' HAMILTON, Marquess," "read " Hamilton, Marques- rate " ; line 18, for " Baron '* read '* Barony " : line 19, deU ** sfyM " ; line 28, after "er." in»ert "EARL OP ABERCOKN" ; line 29, deU *'and EARL OF ABERCORN " ; note '* a," lines 3 to 6, de!e from ** Pur " to the end and in$ert^ " The title of ' Mabtrr ' was as early as ' the beginning (at least) of the 16th century borne by the heirs apparent of the noblemen of the first class' ; such WAS the case of ' Robert, Master of Athole,* grandFon and heir ap. [1487] of Walter (Stewart), Earl of Athole [S.]. It wa^, in some cases, as in that of Forrester, 1661, expressly conferred, while on certain occasions (as in that of the Earldom of Lennox, 17 Sep. 1490) both the father and the son (the heir apparent) are gi?en the same peerage title, the fee of such title having been resigned by the former, tho* the liferent was reserved. [See ' Jiidddl* p. 114].*' p. 2; line 25, afier *M6," inteH "Her will dat 12 Aug. 1687, pr. 16 Jan. 1638/9, directing her burial to be where her husband is likely to fcle buried " ; line 28, after " of," insert '* Sir John Lbrthall, Marshal of the King's Bench prison, 1^ Hester, da. of Sir Thomas Tbmplr, 1st Bart., of Stowe, Bucks, which Johoj«) was a br. of/* Add at note («} ; "See Oent. Hay,, N.S., vol t., p. 670, for