Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/264

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254 CORRIORNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. pedigTM with prooli, •niargiog thai in Lo NeTe's STnights " ; Una 80, qfUr '*i.p.m./' add " before 1670. She surTived him. Her ndmon. ae ' of Burford, OzoD, widow/ dat. 20 July 1696 " ; note (*) ; eommenee thii note of /oUow$ : —

  • ' On 11 March 1613/4 (1) the Eari of Aberoom [S.] ; (2) Lord Henry O'Brien,

a. and h. ap. of the Earl of Thooiond, [I.] ; (8) Lord Aiidley [E.], afterwards Earl of Castlehaven [I.] ; (4) Lord Ochiltree [S.], afterwards, 1619, Baron Castle Stewart [L], and (5) Lord BurleiKb {Qg. Lord Balfour of Burleigh [S.]), were sum. by writ to the Irish House of Lords, it being enacted that the ssid Earl of Aberoom should ' hold the place and precedency of an Earl in pari/ &c." ; note •), line 8. for Muskry/' read *< Muskerry." p. 3 ; line 7, after "Strabane/' ttuerl ** He was hap. IS Sep. 1659, at 8. Audoen's, Dublin " ; line 20, /or " (nnother) William," read '* Sir John " ; line 21, deU **of Barford " ; line 26. after *' [I.],' t/iterl " under the s|M>a rem. in the creation (1617) of that dignity ; lines 28 and 29, dde *' 1st Bart [1.], who was *' ; line 87. deWin 1686." Add at the end of noU (a) '< See toI. vii, p. 260, note " b," ^6 Strabane." p. 4 : ia margin, for Marquesses," read " Karquessate " ; lines 8 and 4, for Baron Moumtoabtlr," read *' BARON HOUNTCASTLE " ; line 8, deU *' of Hsmilton, co. Leicester'* ; line 19, for "da." read Ulegit. da." ; line 22, /ot* "Germains," read "Qermans"; line 34, a/ter " Jul" add "at Bentley Priory and was bur. at SUnmore, 5 Feb." ; line S6,/or "8" read at Naples, 8" ; line 89, i^fier ** 1814 " aild "in Upper Brook Street " ; note («) first line, de/e "So"; a/ler "docquet," add "aa Viscount Hamilton of Hamilton, oo. Leicester." pp. 5 a&d 6. The original page, commencing with " Marquesses," was cancelled, and a new one, commencing with " Marquessate," was issued in Jan. 1887 (together with the Corrigenda to yol. i), which page it ii trusted has been universally substituted. In the former one (besides smaller errors) the commence- ment of the tabular pedigree is entirely wrong. In the latter one, correct as under. p. 5 ; note (*), line 29, for the second *' as the " read " as to the." p. 7; in tabular pedigree in note, lines 4 to 6, dele "cr. a Rart [I.] 1660 " ; lines 25 and 26. after "She d. 1797 " intert " He d. 1834." In some few (eariy) copies the dates of death of the succeeding liaxU of Derby are wrongly given as "1834 " and <* 1851/' instead of " 1851 " and " 1869/' p. 8 ; line 5, dde " («) " ; line 7, dele from " She who " to end of psge of text, as also notes («) (^) and C and insei-t as under.—" He d. 31 Oct 1885, in his 75th year, at Baronsoourt and was bur. there. (•) Will dat. 13 March 1869 to 2 Feb. 1877, pr. 27 Feb. 1886, over £144,000. His widow, who was b. 8 July 1812, member (8d dass) of the V.A., living 1897.(>») Dukedom [I.] II. Marquessate [Q.B.] in. Barldom and Barony [3.] XL 2^ Sy and It. Jambs (Hamilton), Duks or Abbroorn [1868], Marqubss or Hamilton or Strabanb [1868J, Viscount Strabane [1701], Lord Hamilton, Baron of Strabanb [1617] and Baron of Mountoastlb [1701] in the peerage of Ireland, 1 885. hIso Marqubss or Abkrcorn [1790] and Visoount Hamilton [1786] in that of Great BriUiu, also Earl or Abbhoohn [1606], T^kd Paislbt [1587], "Baron or Abkroorn '*(°) [1603], Lord Paislbt, Hamilton, Mount Castbll and Kilpatbick [1606] in that of Scotland^*') 1st s. and h. He was b. 24 Aug. 1838 at Brighton ; Uyled Viscount Hamilton till 1868, and Makqubss of (*) Of his seven daughters all were ninnied to I'eers, via., (1) to tUe iWl of Lich- field ; (2) to the Karl of Durham ; (3) to the Duke of liuccleucli [S.] ; (4) to the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ; (5) to the Earl of Winterton [I.] ; (6) to the Duke of Marl- borough, and 7) to the Marquens of LnnsdDwne. (^) A photograph of her ami her 101 [I] descendants was taken in July 1894. (^) This anomalous style for a Scotch (leerage is given in the appendix to Wood's DauglaM where " Mag. Sig. L. xliii, no. 383 " is quoted. (<>) The Duke of Aberoom and the Earl of Yerulam are the only Peers (in 1897)