Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/265

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CORRIOFNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 255 Hamilton 1868 to 1885 ; ed. at Hftrrow and at Ch. Ch., Oxiord ; B.A. 1880 ; II.A. 1885 ; was M.P. for oo. Donegal (Gonsenr. int.) 1860-80; a Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Walea 1866-85, being Oroom of the Stole ainoe 1885 ; attached to the Qartor minion to Denmark, April 1865; O.B. (civil) 1865; Knight of the Dannebrog id Denmark, the St. Anne of Unaria and of the Irun-Cross; some- time Hon. Col. 5th Batt Royal Inniskilling Pusiliem ; tue. to the peerage^ as above, 31 Oct. 1885 ; L.-Ltent of co. Donegal, 1885 ; Chairman of the British South African Company. He m. 7 Jan. 1889, at St Geo., Had. rq., Mary Anne, *2d da. of Richard William Penn (Cuassoir-Hows), 1st Earl Howk, by his second wife, Anne, da. of Admiml Sir John Gori, KO.B. She was b. 28 July 1848. [Jambs Aldbrt Ki>waiid Hamilton, styM^ sinco 1885, Marqubhs op Hasiilton, Ist a. and h. ap. ; h, in Hamilton place, Piccadilly, 80 Not. 1860, the Prinoe of Wales (Albert Rdward) being one of his sponsors ; Capt 1st Life Guards. He «i. 1 Not. 1894 at St. Paul's, Knightbridge, Rossline Cecilia Caroline, only da. of George (Rinoham), 4th Earl of Lucau [I.J, by Cecilia Catherine, da. of Charles (Gordon- LRirifox), 5th Duke of Richmond. She was h. 26 Feb. 1869.] Family Ato(«t.— These, in 1888, consisted of 76,500 acres in Ireland (vit. 60,000 in CO. Tyrone and 16,500 in co. Donegal), worth A41,000 a yeMr,and of 2,162 in Scotland (vts. 1,500 in 00. Edinburgh and 662 in co. Renfrew) worth £11,900 a yenr.(») Tote/, 78,662 acres, worth £53,400 a year. Principal Seait. — Damn's Court, near Newtown Stewart^ co. Tyrone, and Dudingstone Honse, co. Edinbuigh. ABERCROMBIE. Barony [S.] 1, Sir Jamis Sandilakd8,(^) of Aberorombie, otherwise T 1 64.7 ^^* Monance, oo. Fife, s. and h. of Sir James 8. the younger (who d, 1. iot#. ^p^ y^y Agnes (*) 2d. da. of David (CARlfMia), 1st Rarl OF South SSK [S.], tue. his grandfatlier Sir Jnmes Ssndilands, the elder, in Oct 1644, nnd, being then of full age, was Aerved heir to him, 5 and 16 July 1645. On 10 July 1646 he obtained a charter of the Rarony of Abercrombie, fta* and by imtent. dat. at Carisbroke Castle, 12 Dec. 1647 he was cr, LORD OF ABER- CUOMBIIS [S.] (<>) In Hve years time, " being a riotous youth " (•) he had wasted all his property, and, hsving iu 1649 sold his Csttle of Newsrk and other estates, oo. Fife, for 67,000 marks, to Lieut-Qen. David Leslie, he embarked at Kirckaldy, in 1650, for the Continent whence he returned in 1658. He si. (contract Aug. 1648) Jeane,(0 da. of Patrick Lbigbton of Duniland, co. Forfar. who, beside their Peerage of Parliament, possess Peerages both in Scotland and Ire- laTid. From 1688 to 1715 tlie famous Duke of Ormonde, from 1836 to 1889 the Dukes of Buckingham and Chsndos, and from 1840 to 1868 the Marqueases of Hastings enjoyed the same distinotton. (*) Dentley Priory in Harrow (near Stanmore), Middlesex, which, since 1788, had been the propfrty snd chief residence of the family, wns sold by the 1st Duke, soma 90 years subsei|nently, to Sir John Kelk, Bart. It is now (1897) an hotel, the land 'being laid out for building. (^) The acoonnt of the family, which diflers Tory much from that given in Wood's Dt^qlrtM, is lakeu from the " History of the Caniegies, Earls of Southesk," [S.]. by [Sir] W. Fmser, Edinburgh. 2 vols. 4t«, 1867. (o) Her marriage contract, with £10,000 "tocher," is dnt. Aug. 1610. (d) To falm and the heirs male of his body, and that they *' indignitabuntur et noroinabuntur Domini de Aberenmbief omni tempore futnro.** In the return of the Lords of Session [S.], 12 June 1789, it is steted that "it does not appear that either the patentee, or any successor of his in that right ftver sat or voted in Parl.*'~See «* Robertson," pp. 214 and 218. (•) See " Lament" (0 A letter from her husband was read 25 Sep. 1649 at the ProTincial Synod of Fife, withdrawing a charge against her of incontinence, lie confessed to drunkenness, keeping bad oompany, etc (with which he had been charged) and was publicly peosured bp the Presbytery for having scandalised his wife.