Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/266

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256 CORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. I. II. 1660 1 )$. Jambs (Sandilakds), Lord Abirorombib [S.], only to t. and h., b, 1645, but, owing to hia father's miaconUuct, not 6ap. till 1681. SO April 1650, at Abercroinbie. He <{. 8.p in obscurity at Kiuneff, CO. Fife,(»} iu 1681, when the peerage became extinct.{^) p. 9: in margin, for "Baroness and Barons," and /or "Barons," read >' Barony " ; line 2, after ** Ferntou," imert "in Crieff " ; line 8, for "Menzie" read "Monaie/' and for" Major" read "Lieut" ; linell. /or •*Pteblea" read 'Perth," and for " 1785 " read " 1784(<^)/* adding ae noU a, " (•) See ' ScoUieh Nation ' as to his baptism being 26 Oct. 1784 ** ; line 14,/ar *' 1796-78," read " 1796-98" ; line 20, after " 1821 " inurt " at CharlotU square, Edinburgh " ; line 23, for " ClNckman- shire, 1806-07," read " CUckinaunaushire, 1806-7 and 1812-15 " ; line 26 add at end " at Airthrey Castle, aged 72, and was bur, 22 at Tullibody. Will pr. April 1848 " ; line 82, /m* " Attrye. He d" read " Altyre. He, who was blind, d. at Airthrey Castle " ; line 83, after " 1852," imert '*aged 52. Will pr. Sep. 1852 " ; line 89, Jor *is" re.d "was"; line 40, after "Queen" ineert "to March 1885." Between lines 40 and 41 insert--** Family Estatis.— These, in 1888, consisted of 10,407 aci-es iu &k Perth; 8,707 in oii. Clackmannan and 1,150 in co. Stirling. Total, 15,264 acres, worth £14,959 a year. Principal Jteeidences,-- Aithrey Castle, co. Stirling and Tullibody Castle, oo. Clackmannan " ; line 52, after " 1880," ineert O.O.B. (Civil) 7 Jan. 1885 " ; line 58, after " Gloucester," imert " by Annabclla. sister of the 1st Baron Hkttksburt, da. of Sir William Pierce Ashe A'CoiiKT, 1st Burt.' ; line 55, /ur " Frances " read " Francis " ; Hue 56 and last, conltntie as under. — " He d. 25 Feb. 1895, of influenca, at 89 Princes gardens, in bis 80th year and was bur. at Mountain Ash, South Wales. (^) His widow d, at Pen Pole House, Shirehampton, near Bristol 27 and was 6ur. 80 April 1897, at MounUin Ash afsd , aged 70. Will pr, at £8,209, personalty. II. 1895. i?. Hbnry Gampbbll (Brugb), Baron Abbrdarb of DovFHTN [18781 1st B. and h., by first wife. b. 19 June 1851 at DuflVyn, ed. at Kugby and at Berlin ; sue, to the peerage 25 Feb. 1895 ; Major 8rd Vol. Batt Welsh Reg. He m. 10 Feb. 1880, at St. Geo. Han. Sq., Consunoe Mary, only da. of Hamilton BbckktTp by Sophia Clarence, da- and coheir of John Singlet«>u (Coflit), Babom Ltnohubst.y Family Estatbs. — These, in 1888, consisted of 8,950 acres in Glamoi^nahire, worth £12,118 a year. Principal iSeiuftfAce.— Duffryn, near Aberdai-e, oo. Glamorgan." Add as note on p, 9. " (^) An amiable man of fine presence and popular in society he was an industrious, but not a gifted nor a successful, politician, He was one of the few Peers who supported Gladstone when that Minister gave way to the Irish demand for Home Jtule*** p. 10; in margin, for "Earls," read "Earldom"; line 5, after "1668," imeH "M.P. for oo. Aberdeen, 1669-74; 1678 and 1681-82"; line 18, alter " William L.," insert " and was living July 1686 " ; line 14, after " ap/' inurt "living as a young man, 1 July 1694" ; line 20, for **and 1727," read "but not in 1727 " ; line 21, for " Mary, only," read " (before 12 Oct.), Mary, first " ; line 24, for "</. s.p.m.," read " who was b. July 1692, d. s.p.m. 1710 " ; line 25, after ** Susan," insert " or Anne (which last she is called in the Funeral entries in the Lyon office) " ; line 26, for " Query if she did not/' read " She " ; line 85, after " 1817," insert " in her 8drd year, at Uudding park" ; line 89, after " 1795," insert " Admon. Nor. 1796." II. 11 ; line 17, after "and cf." add "at Argyll House" ; line 28, after "1816," insert " at Bentley priory. Midx." ; line 35. after " 1847," insert **at Kiliiiburgh ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1871 ; M.A., 1875 ; sue. to the peerage, 27 Jan. 1870" ; lines 86 and 87. deie "the church of"; line 87. for "Scotland, 1881,*' read " the Church of Scotland, 1881-85 ; P.O., 1886 ; Viceroy (as L. Lieut.) of Ireland, Feb. to Aug. 1886 ; Gov. Gen. of Cauada since 1898 ; 0.C.M.0., (•) See Wood's Basi Nettk of Fife. (^) "Lord Abercrombie " indeed spiiears on the Union Roll [S.], 1 May 1707, but so idso do five other peerages then extinct or dormant ; see vol. vi, p. 458, note " b."