Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/268

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258 OORRIGBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. by whom he wai father of Qeoffr^ de Keville (who took hie mother's name), from whom the LorcU Abergayenoy deduce a direct male deaoant." p. 19 ; lino 3, tfier '* thiidly," imeri ** about June 1619 " ; line 9, qfter •' wife/' imerl " 5. after 1627 " ; for " and/' read " He waa one of the 26 Peera who signed the lettera patent, 16 June 1668, settling the Crown on Lady Jane Qrey ; was X.B., 29 Sep* 1663 ; Chief Larderer at the Coronation of Marj, 1 Oct. 1668. On 6 Oct 1686, he " ; line 19, after "Kent/' inaert *Mwho d. 27 Feb. 1618)"; Une 20, /or " 1601," read " Feb. 1601/2 "; line 26, ajter ** Bibqaybmnt/' intert

    • (tho' never sum. to pari.)."

IK 20; lia« 13,/ar *' 16 June 1613," read *' 16 June 1618, at Londesborough, and was hur. there. li.I." p. 22 ; line 2, far ^ He «i. firstly," reail 6. before 1680 ; M.A. of Oxford (incorp. from Cambridge), 9 July 1694. He m. firstly, before 1601 " ; lines 4 and 6, dele the square brackets ; line 6, for ** Txnhaii, who/' read ** Tktnhaii, which Oeoige." p. 23 ; line 8 ; /br ** beforo 1694 " read '* between Nov. 1669 and 1694 " ; line 22 ; after "age" imert " Tlie anomalous prece<lency in pari, of this Barony (as the premier one) was challenged, 8 Maroh 1669/70, by Lonl Fitewalter, who sat under a writ of 1296. He was Chief Larderer at the coronation of James II., 28 April 1686."; line 24, for " 1696 and was bur. " read *'and was 6tir. 1 April 1696 " ; line 80, after "male," ituert "7 years old in Deo. 1666"; line 81, after ** Richard," ineert *' or Edward " ; line 88, for " He m, 1701 or 1702," read " Cent, of the bedchamber to Qeorge, Prince of Denmark. He m. 22 Oct. 1698, at St. Anne's, Soho(^) and ineert ae said note " {^) The marriage there regd. of ' Qeorge Nevill, Baron of Abergavenny, and ( — ) ' is presumed to refer to this one " ; line 40, for "in 1708," read "after 8 Jan. l7ll-2(«<«)" and imeH at »aid note

    • ("") Ladv Went worth, at that date, writes ' Here is a strange, unnatural report

of Lady Abargane, that she has in passion killed her own child, about 7 years old ; she having been a great while whipping it, my Lord, being grieved to hear it ory BO terribly, went into the room to dor for it, and she threw it with such a force to the ground she broke the skull/ " line 40, after " year," intert " at Sheffield, Sussex and was bur. there 19 March." ; lines 42 and 43| dde from *' John " to " 1748/' and intert " 16 June 1744, John (Wist) Ist Earl Dk La Wabr, who cf. 16 March 1766. She d, 26 June 1748, at Balderwood Lodge, Hants." Conclude note (0 thut "According to Macky {Oharactert), he (about 1704) waa 'a little brown man, veiy lively, 80 [Qy. 40] years old ; with learning, wit, and one of the best libraries in England.' He was the ' first protestant Lord that bears that title.' [Luttrell's Diary, 80 March 1696.] " p. 24 ; in margin, Jor " Earls " read " Earldom." Line 2, after " 1702/' intert " and bap. 26 Aug. at St. Martins in the fields ; Matria at Oxford (Univ. Coll.) 18 Sep. 1722, as ' Qeorge Nevill, Baron of Bergavenny.' " ; line 8, /or " 19 March 1 722-8," read "21 Feb. 1722/3, at St. Mary Mag., Old Fish street, London (being then of Oxford) " ; line 6, for " Stansted, Kent," read " Sharsted in Dodington afsd " ; line 6, after " 1728," intert " at his house in Soho Square.'* ; lines 7 snd 10, for " Pimkb," read " Pinokb (•«) " and intert at taid noU*' (**) See Mit. Oen. et Her. 8rd S. vol. ii, p. 191, for pedigree of Pincke.'*; line 8, foir •Stansted," read "Sharsted,"; line 28, /or *<be," read "he"; Une 80, /oi* " 1781," read " 1782 "; line 86, after "24 June," inMert "and bap. 4 July "; line 86, afUr " Godfather," ffiseri "metric, at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 14 Feb. 1744/6 "; line 87, fw "1769/' read "July 1761 " ; note {?) at end of last line, intert "[See continuation of thia note on p. 26 ; pages 26 and 26 having been wrongly num- bered and placed by the Printer.] " n. 25 ; lino 21, opposite right hand ; for " Richard Nevill," read " Richard, or Edward ' Nevill." n. 26 ; hi margin, for *' Earls," read " Efurldom/' and for " Barong," read "fiarooy." Line 4, after "1766" intert *' M.P. fur Seaford, 1784. and for MonmouUiBhire, 1784-86 ; Lieut-Col. of Monmouth and Brecon Militia, 1798 ; Recorder of Harwich " ; line 10, after ** 1796," inaert " at the Hot Weils, Clifton, 00. Gloucester, aged 86"; line 10, fnr "by (— ) da. of (— )/' read

    • Mary» formerly Mary " ; line 11, after " 88," inteH ** at Eridge Castle and was

hw. 4 April at Bast Orinstead " ; line 18, after " 1806," intert " at the seat of John Tooker, near Rotheram, oo. York " ; line 17, for " He m.," read " 1811, having served on board the Victory at Trafalgar. He m. at St Paul'a, Cov. Qar-