Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/269

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 259 den," ; line 18, afiet 1820," tnterf "at Bonlogne-tur-mer. Will pr. Sep. 1826" ; and fifUr "1828," iimri "at Kenrincton, aged 82. Will pr. 8ep. 1828'*; Unee22 and 28, for •'A.M. 1848," rmii" U.A. 1818'* ; line 28, afiet "■umetime " iMtri " 1818-1831 " ; line 24, afUr "Suffolk," tnierl ** 1818-81 ; ChnplAin to the Prince Regent, 1818 " ; line 81, nfUx " Sunez," tnjfr< " Chaplain to Wilh'am IV. " ; line 34, ajttr *' Birling," inwri " Will pr. 14 Oct. 1868, under it 300,000" ; line 35, afitr "afed.," inaeri " Will pr. 17 July 1876, under £36,000." p. 27 ; in margin, fw " Earls," " Barons," "Marquesses," rtwi " Earldom,"

    • Barony,'* " Marquessate." Line 7, for "he m.," tfiferf "el. £.(}. and

inv. at Windsor, 22 Feb. 1886. He m., at St. Geo., Han. aq." ; line 10, after "York," inMcri "She, who wns 6. April 1826, d. 18 Sep. 180Vi, at Kridge Castle, and was (iir. at Rridge. Will pr. at £9,208 gross and £2,161 net personalty " ; line 12, afitr ** 1863," inwri " ed. at Eton^'— (fWe lines 14 to end of page ; insert " Family Estatn— These, in 1883, consisted of 15,864 aerea in Sussex ; 6,864 in Kent ; 2,683 in Warwickshire ; 2,639 in Monmouthshire ; 1,664 in Worcestershire ; 319 in Herefordshire, and 11 (as to which see toI. 1, p. 18, note "c") in Norfolk, ^ote/, 28,584 acres, worth £30,826 a year. Prindfal Raidenet — Eridge Cnstle, near Frant, co. Sussex." Add to note (a) "See ▼ol, ir, p. 19, note (*) as to the batch of eight peerages conferred in Jan. 1876 " ; dde note (o). p. 28 ; in margin, for "Earls," read " Earldom." Dde lines 1 to 16, imeri oi hdow^ ABERNETHY See "Saltoun of Adsrnbtht," Barony [S.] (Abenieihy^ afterwards Frater), er, 1445. ^■^_.— .__i— .— . t.e., "Abbrnbtht and Strathsark" [reeiius ' Strathdsarn ' in Moray], Barony [S.] (Stewart), er, 1662, with the Earldom of Moray [8.], which see. f.rt., " Abbrnbtht and Jedburgh Forest," Barony [8.] (DougUu), er^ 1688, with the Marquksbati of Douolas [S.], which see. I.e., "Anous and Abbrnetht," Marquessate [S.1 (DouglasJ, cr, 1708, with the Dokbdom of Douglab [S.], which see ; extinct 17ol. ABERRUTHVEN. t.if., **Aberruthvbn, MuGDocK and Fiktrie," Barony [S.] CG^ro^m^i er, 1707, with the Dukbdom of Montrobb [S.], which see. note {* line 6, for " Laneathire" read " Cheehire and Laneaehire** ; line 23 thereof, after " Duke of,** ineert " SomerteUhire and the " ; after line 27 thereof interi " Wirohilbba, Earl of ; Kent, Heneage (Finch)." IK 29; note, line 6 from bottom, /or " troope as could," read " troops as he could." p. 90 ; note, line 24 from bottom, /or " Latimer, yr. br.," read " Latimer, eldest br.*' p. 31 ; line 4, after " firstly," inurt " 1 Feb. 1671/2, at Adderbury, Oion "; line 6,/or " Shed,*' read "who was hap, 8 June 1668, at DitchIey,Oxon,(f. suddenly '*; line 8, /or "in 1608," rrad "(Lie. London, 16 April 1008, li«*ngcd 44 and nhe 30) "; line 22,/or " May," read " Sep.**; t«»p note, line 7,/or **(UkeJ, 8th," read "(Leke), 3d.*' p. 32 ; line 26. after " h. ap.,** intert " hap, 25 Sep. 1735 at Gninsborough *' ; line 85, for " 1740,** read " and hap, 18 Feb. 1739/40, at Gninsborough " ; after line 39, i%i9ert " WiLLOUOHBT Bbrtib, eiyled Lord Norrbtb, 2d s. and h. ap. ; h, 9 April 1781 ; d, in infancy " ; line 40. /or " 2nd," read " 3d." p. 33 ; in margin, /or^" Barons," read " Barony." Line 3, after " 1854," add " at Wytham Abbey, aged 70, and was hur, 24 at Rycote *' ; line 8, after " 1886," add "at Nuneham "; line 11, after "1881," ineeH "Will pr. 81 March 1884, over £86,000"; line 15, after 1868," ttiterf "at the Bavarian liom. Cath. chapel in Warwick street *' ; line 22, i|/Ur " MiUtia," ineeri " He m.