Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/270

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> 260 OOBBIQKNBA, BTC., TO VOL. I. 25 JuIt 1886, at tha Bool CSkUl duipd, Kiiifrton-npoii-TliaiiMB, Rom Rii daK nrtor of tin 3d and 4Ui Babobb Wolybiov, Isl da. cI Vioe-Admiial tho Hoo. Owr GLTm, O.B.« bj Roae, da. of tho Rot. Deonia Mabobit, of Dmnora Oastie, eo. Kenrj. Sha, who waa A. 10 Mardi 1860, vaa gnwtad by lojal wanrant, 1889, the nuik of tho da. of a Baron "; line 37, mfier ** 1829,* isiMrt befaig KmiffkUd 80 April 1827 " ; lioe 43, «/Cer '<1848," tiiaat ** ai Ockley, Sorraj"; at aodof note "b" oiU " Heiatbe Mr. SmbiU, in Warren'a norel of Tm lAMcaand m yecar (See yd. ▼!, p. 451, note (^), ««5 ' Ruaaell '), and waa onriTalled aa a niai prim* Advocate, fxim faia eaaj and eoUoqoial manner. He waa bnnight np aa a Whig, bat became, in 1830, a Tory." n.34; in manin far " Viscoant^" rtad <* Viseoimtey." Line i,dtU "Hia widow," damm to "1884," and umrt Peiaonalty under £18,800. Hie widow d. 18 Oet 1886, aged 84, at Weat Cliff houae, Brighton. Will pr. at Lewea, 9 Nov. 1886, above £40,000"; Um 6, after " 179i," inaari in London ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Ounbridge ; BJL., 1815 ; ILA, 1818 ; Bairiater (Inner Ttaiple), 1818 " ; Une l.dtU" Banriater at Uw " ; line 9, a/fer *" 1861." imtert " at Ablnger Hall, aged 66, having aurvived hia br. in law. Lord Chanoellor CampbeO, but one day " ; line 19, aJUr " America," imaeri *« He d. 16 Jan. 1892, aged 65, at Inverlodiie Oaatle^ oa Invemeaa, and waa bmr. at Inverlochie. Will pr. at £108,167 groaa and £93,983 net peraonalty. Hia widow living 1897. lY. 1892. 4. Jamsb Yobkx MAcGiiaaoB (Sga&lbtt), Babon Abin- an [1835], only a. and h., 5. 13 March 1871 ; sometime Lieut 2d Batt. Oameron Highlandara ; nie. to tkt feeroge, 16 Jan. 1892. FamU^ Ate<«t.— These, in 1883, conaiated tA 39,414 acrea in Invemeaahire, worth £4,846 a year, and 1,005 in oo. Suney worth £689 a year. ToUd 40,519 acrsa, worth £5,035 a year. Principal Rendem e t , — Inveiiochie Caatle, near Kinguaaie, co. Invemeaa. The eatate of Abinger, co. Surrey, waa aubaequently aold to Sir T. H. Fanner, who in 1893, waa (aooordtof^y) er. Baron Farrer o/Ahinger. See Fabbeb of Adingbb, co. Sitbbit^ Barony {Farrer cr. 1893." DeU linea 20 to 38, and tnteri a$ under ABOYNK t.6., ^< Abotnb Barony [S.] {Oordati)^ er. 1627, with the Visoouktct OP Mmlovm [8.] which aee ex, 1630. IMenotea "a" and '<b." p. 35 ; ID margin, for " 1636," read « 1636. to 1649 *' ; for " Earls," rtad <« Barl- dom " ; between linea 10 and 11, ituert a Une ; line 16, /or " StraUiaven,** read ^Strathavon." p. 36 ; Unea 10 and 11, ddefrom, SinaH " to " became " ; tn^rf '* (Stuabt) '* ; line 11, for <' and," read ** who" ; line 19, for *' 23 April," read "at St. Geo. Han. ■q., 14 liay " ; line 21, for '* 1795 " read " 1794 " ; after ** 1816." read *" at Edin- buifi^ aged 79 " -, line 24, for " MARQUIS," read *' MARQUESS " ; Une 28,ybr " Baroneaa," read " Barony {Abercrombif) " ; dde line 29 to end of page, aa alao note "a." p. 37 ; Uoea 1, 8 and 6 in margin, for "Barona," read " Barony " ; firr " Vis- oonnta," read « ViMOUntoy " ; lines 7 and 31, for " Ear)/' read " Earldom " ; dde linea 8 to 10 ; line 11, for *' Acton," read " Aoton op Aldinhaii '* ; dde linea 33 to end and ineert "See *Whitworth of Adbabton, co. Stafford,' Viscountcy (Wlitt- worth) er, 1813, exthtU with the Earldom of Whitworth, 1825. i.0., < Adbabton, co. Stafford,' Barony (Whiho(n'thcr. 1815, with the RAaLDOM OF Whitwobth,' whioh aee ; ex. 1826.