Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/274

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264 OORRIGBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. ToL i, p. 47, line 16, et aaq."; line 27, /br tt Dec 1588/ read *M1 Not. 1581 * with greet eolemnity and triumph/ in Holyrood houae " ; line 81, ttfUr ** widow " interi *Mi?ing 1 May 1628 (apparently not then remarried)"; line 82, far '* 7," rtad *' 7 and 1 " ; linea 41 and 42, fitr *< 2d wife Margaret, da. of James FouLU. She waa 6.," read " first wife, Margaret (d Deo. 1596), da. of James Bobtbwiok, of Newbyres. She was 6. in Edinburgh " ; line 48, for •'8;' read "2 and 8." p. 45 ; in margin, /br " Barlff,*' read " Barldom." for <* Barons," r^ad '* Barony," and for « 1704 t " read ** 1704 f to 1717 ": also in margin deU linea 5 to 12 and inaert on line 5 thereof, " Earldom and Barony [S.]." Line 8, afUr

  • 'Dnim/' insert <*Sbe waa liWog 24 Not. 1652." Une 4, for** Prenchie,"

read ** Freucbie" ; line 6, for •* 9,'*^ read <* 8 and 9 " ; line 15, deU " 10 "; for

    • the," read *' hie " ; line 24, deU " 11 " ; after *' ffenerally," ineeH ** (at that Ume)."

n. 46 ; in maigin dde linea 1 to 16 ; aluo in maigin, dde linee 17 to 20 and ineert <* Sarldom [S.] IV, Barony [8.] X." Line 1, dd4 ** IS " ; line 20, deU

    • lSt "; line 22, after '* 1812,^' insert '< at Kinnalty house, oo. For&r";

Une 28, dde " 14" i lin« 88, for "He if. April :819," read '*at OorUohy afsd. He d there 10 April 1819, aged 85**; line 84, for **16," read **4 and 10 " ; line 48, for ** He m. secondly ," read " in Park Crescent, Marylebone. Admon. March 1887. He m. secondly in Heriot Row, Edinburgh " ; dde last line andtaierf "in childbed at Brighton. He if. 20 Aug. 1849, in Regent Street, Midz., sged 68. WDl pr. May 1851." p. 47 ; in margin, for " Barls," read ** Barldom," and /or " Barons," read "Barony,^* also in maigin, in linea 2, 4, 6 and 8, dde "Tii, or," '*ziii, or," "Tiii, or," and " xit, or," also in margin in line 10. for '« 1682," read " 1688." Line 1, for '* 16," read " 5 and 11 "; line 2, for « a.," read •« 2d but 1st sunr. s." ; line 5, after «* 1851,'* insert "at Alderley, co. Chester " ; line 9, for " 1884," read " 1897 " ; line 10, for « 17," read " 6 and 12 " ; line 20, after " 1876," insert '* Rbp. Psbr [S.] 10 Dec. 1885. He m., 19 Jan. 1886, at St. deo., Han. sq., Mabell Frances Elizabeth, Ist da. of Arthur Saunders William Charies Fox (QoRi), 5th Eakl op Abram [I.], by his first wife, Edith Elisabeth Henrietta, da. of Robert (Joobltm), styled VuoouMT Joobltm. She was 6. 10 March 1866. [David Ltulph-Gork-Wolbblst Ogilvt, styled Lord Ogilyt, Ist a. and h.ap. 5. 18 July 1898.]" line 20, dde '* Uyled " ; line 40, for " 21 January," read <* 28 March ; dde notes " a " and " b," inasmuch ss they are subsequently inserted under *' Meuteith." p. 48; in margin, for "Dukea," read "Bukedom" and for "1670," read " 1670 to 1694." I>de linea II and 12. insert "te., Airthrik " Viscouutcy [S] (Hope), er. 1708 with the Earldom or Hofbtoun [S], which see " ; line 29, after

  • • Guardian," insert" By the death sp. legit., 24 July 1894 of his br. Alexander

(Stbwart), Earl of Boohan [8], he appears to have been considered Eabl of BucHAN [S]. a dignity (recognised to the said Alexander, 25 July 1882) which he resigned 20 Sep. 1406 ; see under that title." p. 49 ; in margin,/or " 1420," read " 1420 to 1425." p. 50; in margin, for "1505t" read <M505 f to 1586." Between lines 8 and 9 insert a line ; line 28, fijr " Bouillom," read " Bouloqnb, by Louise, da. of Qeorges de la TremouilUf Seigneur de la Tremouille." p. 51; hetioeen lines 10 and 11, 15 and 16, 87 and 88, 45 and 46 insert a line; lioe 5, for "S June 1505," reaJ (contract dat. 13 July 1505)" ; line 6, for

    • Laubaqais," read ** Laubaodais " ; for " Jean," read ** Jeanne " ; line 8, after
    • He," insert ** who was Gov. of Bourbonnais, Auvergne, Fores and Beaujolais," ;

Ime 84, after "and h.," inseH "He was" ; line 85, for << death uf his mother, 8 Feb. 1586-7," read 'abdication of his mother, 24 July 1567." p. 52 ; in margin, for " Ooontesfl," read ** Duchess, and for *' Duke," read Dukedom." Lines 25 and 26, dde from *' probably " down to '*deed," and insert "at liege and bap, there 29 Oct 1758 ; was legitimated by her father before 80 March 1788, the deed being" ; Hues 26 snd 27 <fc2< "is said" to " 1789 " aud insert " cr. hor DUCHBSS OP ALBANY before 25 March 1788, such