Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/275

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GORRIOEMDA, KTO., TO VOL. I. 265 bmng the dute of his will, in whieh ha to derienaies her, 8he(*) d. onm. of an ■beoesi in her side, at Bologna, 14 Not. 1789^' ; continue note "a *' thna, *' See alio Northern Notea mnd Queria, toI iw, pp, 140 and 189, and vol. ▼, p. 45, as also a Tory ezhauati^e article in the Oenialogieal Magasine [1897] toL i, p, 21 " ; line 28, /or '*Duke," tead Dukedom." p. 63 ; line 2, for " Arklow," read ** Arklow(«) *' ; line 7, dd$ "{R) " ; line 8, afUr *' Windaor," intert " Will dat 27 April 1882, pr. 1 July 1884, over £46,000 personalty " ; line 9, a/kr •' 1861," add *' liTing 1897 " ; after line 9 itueri a$ under. — II. 1884. £, ILRH. LnoroLD Charles Edward Qboroi Albirt (Prinoe of Qreat Britain and Ireland), Duks or ALDifT, Earl or Clarxnoi and Baron Arklow, aleo Duki op Saxomt and Prircb or Sazr Coburoh AND QoTHA, posthumoua a. and h.,d. 19 July 1884, at Claremont, in Eaher, oo. Surrey, and privately hajK there, 4 Aug. following ; «ice. to the peeraffit as above, at his birth. line 17, for "refer,** read "refers" ; <ie/« note "a,*' and tnterf in lieu thereof, " The name of one title being taken from each of the three Kingdoms according to the general practice in the Royal Family since the reign of George III." ; note " b,'* line 1, ddefrom " occurs " to the end of note, and imert " is an appredative notice of him." p. M; in margin, /or "Earls and Oonntesses," read "Sarldom.*' Line 9, for "a seat in Pari.,** read '*rank"; line 14, ./or "Normandy," read "Nor- mandy (**),*' and imert a$ iaid note "(**) According to the records of St Martin d'Auchier, near Aumale, her father was Herluiu de Couteville, who m. Herleve, after her liaison with Robert, Duke of Normandy [8ee N, A Q., viii, 8., I., 416]'* ; note "a," line 6, ajier "see," tnserf '* Art de verifier la date»r p. 55 ; in margin, for " 1127," read "1129.'* Line 13, for " He d, about 1127," read " by Milesendis, his wife. He d, in the Holy Und in 1129 " ; lines 18 and 19, dde "[See York, Earl, er. 1138]*'; ddt the whole of line 21 ami insert " (grandson of Duncan, Ring of Scotland), by Adelisa, da- and coheir of William lr Mrshin, and Cicely dr Romili.t, hcirtm of *' ; line 28, ddt " assumed the latter Earldom,** inaert "(whom she m. 14 Jan. 1 180, at Plesliy, co. Ksnez), assumed the Earldom of Albemarle " ; line 81, after " Hawyso,*' inteH " (m. 1 190) " ; at end of note " b *' add " but see vol. v, p. 86, note ' a,* eub * Linooln,* where it is clearly shewn that the Earldoms cr. by King Stephen were so recognised " ; note

  • ' c," line 1, for " Amicia, who," read " Avicia " ; line 2 thereof, for *• was," reac<

" and to have been.*' At end of note '* c *' add " It is very acutely suggested [OoU. Too. et Oen., vol vi, p. 261] that Aston's claim was * fictitious and ' only advanced to give the Grown a pretence, by buying him off, of securing its title to the [important] fief.* This siiggestiun finds support hj a denial in 1315.

  • apparently with success, that his alleged ancestress, Avicia, had ever existed.

[Round's " Surrender of tlie Isle of Wight,*' in the Oenealogieal Moffatine, vol. i, pub. in 1897]." II. 56; in margin, /or •' 1241," read " 1242,*' and /or " 1256," read " 1260," also /or <*1269t" read " 1269? to 1274, also/or "Dukes," read " Dukedom.*' Line 1, for "Brton," read "Brthunr" ; line 2, a/ier " Hawyse," imert "(m. 119ft)"; line 7, after " abovenamed," add "6. about 1191;" line 11, /or "1241," read '•22 March 1241/2"; line 18, after •* firstly," <n««r( "in 1236"; line 18, for '* 1256," read "at Amiens, June 1260*'; line 21, for "(1292.98) 20 Ed. I./* read " 9 Nov. 1298 " ; line 23, after " h.," add " by 2d wife " ; line 25, for " 6," read "at Westm., 9," ; line 27, after " 1274/'^ read "bur. in Weetm. Abbey"; between lines 82 and 83, and after line 42, imert a line; note •* b,** line h/ifr "Hawise," read " Alice" ; note "c," Une 4, for " the heiress,*' read " the presumptive heiress." p. 57 ; in margin, for " Barls, &o. " read " Earldom," for " Dukes," read "Dukedom." Line 1, for "2" read "1 " : lines 5 and 6. Jor "Duke of Exeter," read "others*'; between lines 11 and 12, 16 and 17, 20 and 21, ineert a line; lines 22 and 23, for " Made worthy,'* read "Madford in Heavitree *' ; note " a,*' add at end " See vol. iii, p. 297, nt>te " a ** $ub. Exeter.*' p. 58 ; note " b," line 16, dele " nor was he at " to the end of the note. p. 59 ; line 7, e^ " widow," add " who was 5. 22 Feb. 1654 '* ; dele the last four lines from '*1700" and imert *'20 July 1700, Marie Qabrielle, only