Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/277

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CORRIOBNDAy BTO., TO VOL. 1. 267 and was hur. in Woking cemetery, when the UUe heeame extinct **; dele lines 15 and 16, ifiBert "i.e., ' Aldborougli, oo. Suffolk,' Barony ( Van der SehuUnhirg) er, 1722, with tlie Earldom of WALsmoHAif, which see ; ex. 1778*'; line 29, for "May," read " June and was hur. A July"; line 30, after " Edward," tnneit "or Edward- Anous- Trs" ; line 32, after " flretly," intert " 29 July 1765, at St. Geo. Han, sq. (spec, lie.)" ; line 86, for " 24 March 1788," read " 24 May 1787, in the house of the Dow. Ducheas of Ghandoe, in Qrosvennr square (spec. Uc.).'* p. 69; in margin, for <* Barons," read "Barony." Line 2, after "1828," add "at Belan "; tine 8, after " 1845," add "at her hotel in Paris"; line 5, after " male," add " being 4th s. of the 1st Earl " ; line 89, for " da." read " sister " ; line 40, for " by whom he acquired," read " acquired with her, in 1864, by gift of the said Robert." p. 70 ; deU lines 1 to 18 and imert ae under — ALDENHAM. t.e., *'Aldbnham of Aldenham, oo. HertfQrdy" Barony (OiUa), er. 1897 ; see toI. Tiii, p. 280, in Appivdix. See AoTON of Aldknham, co. Salop " Barony {Acf(m er. 1869. ALDERHURST. See "Thbino of Alderhubot, oo. Surrey," Barony {Thring)^ er, 1886. ALDERLEY. See " Stanlbt of Aldbrlbt, oo. Chester," Barony (Sianley), er. 1839. ALDERNET. !.«., "Aldbrnht" Barony {Privcs of Great BrUain^ etc.) er. 1726, with the DuKBDOM or Cdmbbrland, which see ; ex, 1765. ALDITHLET, see Audlbt. ALDWORTH. See " Tbnntson of Aldworth, co. Sussex, etc., Barony {Tennytnn)^ or. 1884. ALEMOOR. i.«!., " Albuoor and GAMFOASTBLii," Barony [S] (SeoU), er. 1660 with the Earldom of Tarbas [S], which see ; ex. 1698. ALESBOROUGH recHus AYLESBOROUOH. ALEXANDER. The style of " Viscount Alexander " is used by the heir apparent of the Earls of Csledon [I] whose surname is Alexander. These Earls howeyer are not entitled to a Viscountcy of Afexander, but to a Viscountcy of Valedon [I], ie., one of the same name as the Earldom ; See " Calbdon " Earldom [I], er. 1801. ALEXANDER OF TULLIBODY. t.0., " Albxandbr OF TuLLiDODT.," Barony [Si (Alexander), cr. 1630 with the ViaoouHTOT or SxiRUva [8] and again 1688 with the Eauldom or SiiBLiHa [8], which see | dormani sines 1789.