Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/278

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268 OORRIGBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. ■ ALEXANDRIA. t.d, <* HuTOHiKsoN OP Alexandria AND Knooklofty, oo. Tipperary," Baron J {Heljf'Hntehvison), cr, 1801 ; see '< DONOUOHMOU " Enrldom [I], cr. IdOO, under the 2nd Earl ; exUnet (the Earldom, etc, remaining) 1832. ALFORD. t.a.| "Alford, CO. Liucolu/' Barony {UAuverguerque), cr. 1698 with the Earldom or Qrantham, which see ; tx, 1764. «.&, "Alford, CO. Liucoln," Viscountcy {Oust cr, 1815 with the Eabldom of Brownlow, which see. p. 71 ; in marjcin./or " Barons/' read "Barony." Une 1, for " ALINGTON," rtad "ALINQTON OP KILLAUD, and ALINQTON OP WYMONDLBY " ; linee 12 and 14, ajier ^'Alinoton/' intert "ov Killard"; line 28, after

    • aeoondly," interl *' (lie. Fac, SO July 1664) " ; line 28, /or " 1701," read " 1675

(mar. lie. at Fac Oflf.)"; line 80, for ** 1684," read *< 1684/5, of apoplexy." p. 72 ; in margin, for '* Barons," read " Barony " ; for " Viscounts," read

    • Visoountcy." Line S.ajler Aunoton," interi '<op Killard"; line 13,

for "(of OrichdW* read " OF CHICHEL" ; line 22, conclude '*She, who waa (. 7 Feb. 1882, d. 8 July 1888, at Alington Houae. He m. aeoondly, 10 Feb. 1892, at St Paul'*, KuightBbridge, Evelyn Henrietta, da. of Henry Bluiulell Lrioh, 2d a of John Shaw Lkiqii, of Luton Hoo, Beda." ; dele linea 29 and 80, i$^tert ** i.e,, ' OaiLVY ov Alith and Lintrathrn, oo. Forfar,' Barony [S.] fOyilvy), cr. 1639, with the EARf JX>if or Airur [S.], which aee " ; dde linea 82 and 33 ; intert " i.e., * Alanson and Winn ov Aghadob, co. Kerry,' Barony [I.] (Winn), cr. 1797, with the Barony of Hbadlit [I.], which aee" ; line 33, yor ** ALLEN," read *' ALLEN and ALLEN OF 8TILL0HQAN." p. 73 ; line 25, after " 1763/' add '* at hia Beat near Naas " ; line 82, afUr 1816," add ** in Herrion aq. Dublin " ; line 36, after " Allbn/' intert *' ov Stillorgan " line 86, after *< 1845/' intert "aged 64, at Qibraltur, and wua bur, there "; dde linea 38 to 40 ; and intert at under. — ALLESBOROUQH rectiua ArLBSBOROuan. ALLINGTON. See "Wblby of Allinqton, co. lAncohi^" Baionj (Wdby), cr. 1894. Unea 41 and 48, for " Baron," read *' Barony (HiUJ." p. 74; in margin, for "Barls," read "Earldom." DeU line 1 ; inteH "ie., ' LrviNoaroN of Almond," Barony [3.] (LivingttonJ, er. 1638 ; alao ' Livingston AND Almond,' Barony [S.], cr. 1641, with the Earldom of Calendar [8.], which see ; forfeited 1715" ; line 24, for '* Baron," read " Barony (Percy) " ; ck^ linea 26 and 27 and tnMri "».e., 'Alnwick, co. Northumberland/ Barony (Percy )t er. 1794, with the Baront of Lovaink, which aee." Between linea 27 and 28, intert ** ALSOP-EN-LE-DALE. See ' Hindlip of Hindup, co. Woroeater, and of Alrop-rn-li-Dali, oo. Derby,' Btirony (AlUopp), cr. 1886." p. 75; in margin, /or "Barons read "Barony." Line 27, for "Aug.," read " at Uighton BuBssard, 8 Sep." ; line 80, for " 1682, aged 24/' read " 1684, aged 22, at Stoneleigh Abbey, and was bur. there. M.I. at Leigh ton Buzzard " ; linea 86 and 88, for " Lord," read " Baron." p. 76 ; lines 1, 12 and 16, and in note (*), lines 9, 27 and 30, for " Lord," read "Baron"; line 3, for •* PhUlips, da. of (— )/' read "8 April 1703. at St Margaret'a Weatm., Phillipa, da. (see Luttrell'a Diary) of Juhn (Thompson), lat Baron HAVBiiaHAM, by hia first wife, Frances, da. of Arthur (Annrsi by), Ut Earl of Anolbsrt " ; linee 5 and 6, for " 22 July 1707, Mary Shbffibd," read " 21 July 1707, also at St. Margaret's,Westm., Mary Shbffibld " ; noU (*), line 24, after "Midi.," read "She d. 22 Dec 1749/' line 26 thereof, /or "6 Jan. 1760/' read " at Blaokheath, 5 and was 6ttr. 14 Jan. 1760 (as ' Jamea Annesley, Esq.'), at Lea, co. Kent ; " line 29, after " s.p./' add '* 6."