Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/320

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"did OORBtGKNDA, ETC., TO VOL. L nad ««priTikg«tr; line 2«, >br htw beoo darwumiC'* rmd "bMUM dor- wuaUj{*) not bang uRimad for 72 yetn and ncA CBtablu!b«d till 81 yetn altar hk dMth"; tf<2«^ <'it beUered "; line 27, de/< " to hare." PP* 336 to 340 ; dde the whole of the t«it •urroaDded with bbck Unee, Le., from the last eight Unee on p. 836 to the last line oo p. 340, aod iiueri a$ umdar-=- Earldom ^ VI. 6 and 14- Thomab-Morktok-Fitzhabdikob Bbekklst, dejurt, Eabl Bbbkblkt (1670], Yiaooumr Dum- 1810. ^^^ [1070], aiid Lord BikKBUT [1421], who, however. Barony i Dever aaaumed ftuch titlee, oor bore (atnoe infancy) any atyle ywy. I Other than "the Hon." He waa the 5th but let legit. •, ^*'^' J and h. of hia parenta, being bom Hwb montha after the date (16 May 1704) of their marriage. He waa 6. at CimBford« Midz^ 10 Oct and bap. 10 Kov. 1706, aa '* Lord DurJtf " at St M artin'a- in-the-6elda,(') but oeaaed, at an early age, to be to atyled, hia eldeat (tho* illegit) br. being (aubaequently) ao deaignated. He matric. at Oxford (Corpoa) 16 June 1814. He d unm. 27 Aug. 1882, in hia 87th year,(») at Cranford afad., and waa kwr. there. At hia death the Barony of Berkdey [1421] paaMd to the heir general of the body of the firat Baron (aa aet out pubaequently below), but the Barldom and Viaoountcy devoWed on the heir maU of the body of the grantee thereof, viz . — Barldom 7. Gkobqb Lbknox Fitzhardingi (Bbrkblbt). y II. I ^ ^^^' ^^>^ ^^ Bbrkblby and Visoouht Ddrslit, oouain and h. J male, being 8d and yat but only aunr. a. aod h. of Gen. Sir Geoige Henry Frederick Bkrkilbt, X.O.B. (d. 25 Sept, 1857, aged 72), by Lucy, da. and coheir of Sir Thomna SonoN, Bart, which Sir George waa lit a. and h. of Admiral the Hon. Sir George Cimnfield Bbkkslkt, O.O.B. (d. 25 Feb. 1818, aged 64), next br. to the 5th Earl. He waa b, 26 Feb. 1827 ; waa aometime an officer in the army ; iue, to tke peerage 27 Aug. 1882, bat, hia right thereto not having been eatabliahed, never took hia aeat He ». 22 Feb. 1860, Cedle, divorced wife of Admiral the Hon. Sir Fleetwood Broughton Reynolda Pkllbw, 2d da. and coheir of Edward Drdmmoiid, Comtb (Edouard) di Mslvobt, in France, by Haria Nasiittb hii wife. He d in Dover Street, 27 Aug. 1888, aged 61, and waa 5i<r. in the family vault at Moaeley, Surrey. Hia widow living 1807. Ylir. 1888. 8. Randal Mowbray Thomas (Bbrkblst), Earl OF BiRKiLiT and VnoouiiT Ddbsiit [1670], only a. and h., h. 30 Jan. 1865 ; enUred the Royal Navy 1881 ; Lieut 1887; Kytoi Vuoodiit Dubslet, 1882-88; eae. to the peerage^ aa above, 27 Aug. 1888, hia right thereto being eatabliahed 81 July 1801. He ta. Aug. 1887, Kate, widow of Arthur Jaokson, yet da. of William Bravd. ^^_«_^«_«.-^— «_ The right to the BARONY OF BERKELEY, cr. by writ 1421, devolved on the death (27 Aug. 1882) of the {dejure) 6th Earl of Berkeley, etc. (who waa both heir general and heir male of the body of the Baron ao aum.) aa below. Barony by 16. Louisa Mary, euo jure, Baronbbs Bbrkblbt writ. [1421], niece and heir general, wife of Major Gen. Guatavua Hamilton Y V 1 ftA9 Lockwood Milman, Royal Artillery, da. and h. of the Hon. Craven AT. loo^, Fitchardinge Bbrkiuiy, by hia firat wife Auguata, relict of George reoogniaed Henry Talbot, formerly Auguata JoiiBS, apinater, illegit da. of Sir 1893. Horace St. Paul, Bart, which Craven (who d a.p.m. 1 July 1856 aged 60) waa the 8d and yat br., but the only one who left aurv. iaaue of the 6th (tfa jure) Earl above named. She waa b. 28 May 1840, in Manafield atreet, Marylebone ; m. 8 April 1872 ; eue, to the peerage 27 Aug. 1882, her right therato being declared by lettera patent 12 June 1898. add a$ noU " (0 Hia mother ia deacribed in that entry aa Counteaa of Berkeley, tho' the two baptiama there recorded of the previoua children (IS March 1706 and 16 July 1708) are aa thoae * of the Earl of Berkeley, by Mary Cole.' The entry in the Berkelev pariah regiater of Thomaa' bapUam there wUhoui the deacription of Lord Duraley, appeara to be one of a aeriea of fraudulent entriea made tharwin by hia father (together with hia marriage entry of 80 March 1786), when he (late in life) conceived the idea of legitimaUng the four baatard lona, who were boni-previoualy to 1796."