Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/321

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CORRIGENDA, RTC, TO VOL. I. 811 p. 337 ; liab note ((>}, p. 841 ; line 10, /or " Oiarb," read << Oatib "; line 27, after <* jeer/' wU " of smell pox, 6 Merch 1681/2." Top note, linee 5, 9, end 11, dA '* epperently." p. 342 ; line 28. for " nmrried," read " mA]Tied,(M), anri add at taid note, '* (•*) The deeth of Ledy Elisebeth Berkeley, * relict of Lord Berkeley,' le in OanL Mag,, Jan. 1777." p. 344 ; line 17f for *' wee," read " by Philippe, da. of Sir Edward DALTKORiDas, was Knighted, 19 May 1426. at Leiceeter, by the Duke of Bedford, and waa "; line 21, for " (1476)," reiuf " 18 Dec. 1475, Each." p. 345 ; in mai^in. ftr " 1561," read ** 1562"; far " 1617," read *' 1618." Une 1, ^fter " He," add " who was aged 7 at hia grandfather'a death in 1474 "; Itn ja 2S and 24, for '* 1561." read ** 1561/2 "; trfter '* there," imert *« 2 March. M.I."; line 38, for " He d, 9 Feb. 1616/7," read *' 26 April M.I. He d. 9 Feb. 1617/8 "; line 84, a^Ur " there," ndd *' the aame day. Will dat 80 Jan. and pr. 6 Maroh 1617/8. Inq. p. murt 26 Auk. (16 Jac. I.) 1618"; line 89, after "m.," add " 28 Feb. 1620, at St. Maty le Strand." p. 346; line 4, /or "Jany.," read "July"; after « Aahwellthorpe," add "Will dat 16 May 1678, pr. 13 Feb. 1673/4. Hfa widow d. IS and waa bur. 21 April 1718 at AahwellUtorpe, agetl 79. Will dat. 10 Oct 1710, pr. 5 Aug. 1718 "; line 7, far *' 1655," read " 1655/6 "; line 8, after " Aahwellthorpe " add ««aged 87. M.I. Will dat. 23 Sep. 1693"; line 21, for **28," read "aged 89, 29"; line 41, for

  • ' Bman," read ** Emman."

p. 347 ; line 7, after " 1857," efld ** at Vale Royal, Cheehtre"; line 9, after " 1871." add "aged 74. Will pr. 11 Sep. 1871, at Leiceeter, under £40,000." Top note line2,7er "Jan.," read '*July"; line 21, for «12 Not. 1788," read "12 Oct 1788." p. 348; Une 7, after *'m.," add "at St Michael'a Pimlioo"; line 8, after " 1824," add ** He d. there, of paralyaia, 26 Jan. ] 894 aged 69, and waa bur. at AaUey Abbote." Note (•), Hnea 1 and 2, dele " ante p. 257, note (^X" •od ineeri " Vol. il, p. 838, note (<>) aub Colrill." p. 349 ; line 24, for " Eeprit," read '* Raprit(e);' intert as said neU " («) See Vol. ii, p. 264, note («) in the eorrifenda thereto"; line 26, for " Dow. GonNTin," read "widow of Patrick Sarsfibld, generally known aa Earl op"; line 28, far '*1698," read " 1697/8, at Pesenaa in Languedoca and waa bur. 24 Feb. in the chapel of the Eiiglieh Ladiee at Pontoise, aged 22 yeare and 10 montha." p. 350 ; in margin, over " 1. 1784,'* intert " Barony." Line 4, after " 1734(»)/' add " Will dat. 4 June 1781 to 1 Aug. 1782. Hia widow d. 12 June 1751 "; line 18, for "17," rend "at St Qoo. Han. aq., 18'*; line 14, for "BTArroKD,*"read " Strafford "; line 27, after " legit," add " at hia aeat. Red Rice, near AndoTer "; line 36, after " Salop," add " by Rebecca, aiater of Thomas Crewe Don." p. 351 ; line 7, after " Denmark," add " He d. a.p., after a long illneea, 2 Nov. 1897, aged 50, at Attingham hall. Hia widow living 1898. YIII. 1897. 8. Thomas Hbnrt (NobitHill), Baron Bbrwiok of Attikqbam, nephew and heir, being only a. and h. of Rev. the Hon. Thorns Nobl-Hiu., Rector of Berrington, Salop, bv Frederica Sarah, da. of the Rev. William David Morrios, Preb. of Salisbury, which Thomas (who d, 6 July 1888, aged 41) was twin br. of the late Baron. He was b, 2 April 1877, and toe. to the peerage 2 Nov. 1897. . line 89, e^fter " Baronb88," add " MooRB OF." p. 352 ; line 4, after " 1798," add " and waa 6«r. at All Saints, Derby. Will pr. May 1798 "; line 11, after " 1780," add " at her father's house, St Jamea' Westm."; line 18, (nfter " 1821," add " near Florence, and was bur. in the Cavendish vault at All SainU, Derby "; line 14, /or " 1847," read " 1857." p. 353 ; line 4. after " 1799," add " M.A. June 1802 "; line 12, after " 1805," add " at her father's house, Borkeley Square "; line 23, after "1885," add " at her father's house, Cleveland Row, St Jamea' Westm."; line 26, after "1849," aid "at Fochaber"; line 87, after "1840," add " He d. unm., of bronchitis, 11 Mansh 1895 in hia 80th year, at 45 Qreen street, Mayfair, and was bur. at Pilltown.(^) Estate duty paid on £114,984, including £68,920 personalty.