Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/324

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314 OORRfOENDA, ETO., TO VOL. I. BleMDion"; line 15, afUr "Paris," add "of Bmall pox, and was Imried ai Bilofaflater "; line l7,/or " 22," ttad " 12 "; line 22, after '* 1812/' add " at St Geo. Han. aq."; Hoe 18, after ** Brown/' add da. of Alexander MAcDoDaaLL» a Miirgeon in the RuteUn Mrvice, bj ( — ), da. of ( — ) FARQUBAitaoM '* ; line 19, after

    • Fmnce," add <' and was iter. Oct. at Houutjoy "; laat line but one, add ag noie (()

thereto " (f) Beaide her, two yean later, was buried her huabaud'a aon-in-law, the well-known Count Alfred D'Onay, who had lived with her for many yean, and who d, in Paria 4 Aug. 1852, aged 54." Note (>»), line 5, /or '< Cooper/' rend "Cowper/' p. 364; line 2, a/^'<unm.,"ad<{'« in Dublin"; line 24, /or "1815," read '< 1816"; line 27, after " Midx.," add " and was bur. 22 Oct. at Laughton, oo. Tipperary "; lait line, /or "(1886)/' read " (1897)/' n. 966 ; line 19, >br " decendanta," read " deMandanto "; line 20, fi>r " Barona," reoil "a Baron"; line 29, ftn- "Deo. 1899/' read "at Oxfoid in the Green ditch, Jan. 1899/400." Note (»), Une 2, >br " de," read " le." p. 366 ; betweeo Imei 4 and 5, inmi a$ under— BLYTHSWOOD. f .6, ** Bltthswood of Blythfiwood, co. Renfrew," Barony {Ckimphell)^ cr. 189a See vol Tiii, p. 285, in appendix, between linea 7 and 8 uiierf a$ under — BODIAM CASTLE. i.e., " Abhoombb of Dorkinq, ca Surrey and op Bodiam Castlb, co. SiUMx/' Barony (OubiU), or. 1892. See toL yiii, p. 283, in appendix. line 28, /»- *< Barona," read " a Baron/' Note (•), line 1, /or '< Finchhampatead/' read '* Saftthampatead " ; line 2, fin- "* Arthur," read *' Martin." p. 367; line 21, qfter " Codingham/' add •* Auditor of the Mint"; line 22, efUr

  • <Bed8," add "and waa ^ar. 26 Oct 1655, at Bleteo"; line 28, efter'*m.*' add

" beforo March 1628." Note (•), wmelude " It ia, however, juat poemble that thero might have been an Anglo French Yisoountcy of Bolebeo bestowed ' on thiB family." p. 368 ; line 4, after " Paulet," add {bap. 24 July 1608, at Thurieigh, Beda) "; line o, dde " about "; line 8, after *' 1687/8," add *^and was bur. 28 at Bletao." p. 369 ; Note (*), between lines 8 and 4 intert at under — 1648, John Byron, a sealous Royalist, cr. Baron Byron of Rochdale. p. 370 ; Unes 10 and 11,/or *' in 1700/' read " 2*is May 1701, atSt Dunstan'sin-the- East, London "; line 14, for '* 1750," read '< 1749/50 "; line 22, after ** He," add '^who was b. in 1784, and ed. at Eton"; line 23, dele "(under the spea rem. in the creation thereof)/' and intert the »am$ in the next line after "&C." Top note, line 16, for "on soldiers like Nelson," read "even (for the most part) on victorious generals, such as Olive"; line 17, for "ten," read ^* twenty," and for "four,** read "seven"; line 21 dele "and"; line 22, continue "(6) Sir John Savile, er, in 1888 Biuron Savile ; (7) Mr. Tyssen- Amherst, er, in 1892 Baron Amher&t of Hackney, and (8) Sir A. 0. Campbell, Bart, er. (also) in 1892, Baroii Blythawocidj with, in that case, no less a number than^M other persona (collateralB) being placed in the special (and, for eivil service, sppnrently, unprecedented) remainder." p. 871 ; line 9, after " &o./' add " s. and h."; line 11, after " 1803," add *' at the Hot Wells, Bristol"; line 12, after "1824," add "at Pisa, in Italy"; line 13, a/Xer " 1848," add " at Torquay "; line 18, after *' 1 836/' ttdd « at Aberystwith "; line 28, deU from " HanU " to end, and ineert " Hant8,(M)" adding m ^aid note "(«*) He is said (Lodge's Peerage, 1896) to have m. in 1869 'Ellen, da. of G. W. Mkdbz, Esq., of Brussels.' She d. 7 May 1885, aged 45(»«)," add at said noU "(u) She left 2 sons, viz., Henry MiUlmay, b. 1880, and Charles Reipnald, b. 1888"; line 85, after "She," add "who wss b. in Dublin 8 Nov. 1884"; line 87 and last» conclude " She d. 7 Aug. 1893, at 13 Grosvenor place, aged 6S, and was bur, at Bolsover.