Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/336

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826 GORHtGENDA, ETO., TO VOL. It. ▼ILLK"; Uo« aO, /or *< 1478," rwi << 1477/8, at Breeknock CttUe"; line 23. /«r •'1480/' rMc< '1485 (1 Hen. VII) by act of Pari"; line 31, a/Ur «'•».," Mdd «aft«r27Juljl486." p. 68: lines 2 and 87, dtU - ViLLiKBa of"; liue 5. deU "only aarv."; line 14, for " before 1701," rejid " 28 Noy. 1699 "; line 16, /or " (— ) HmiAOK,'* read " GeorKO Hkhkagh"; line 2 1, /or "cousin,'* rtad '* nephew." p. 09 ; line 19. for " 1688." read '* 1685/6, at LitUecote chapel. Ramabury, WilU"; line 21, afUr ** Bart," add *« She d. 18 Aug. 1697. Admon. (aa Vfcheas. of Normanby) 10 Sept 1697 "; line 22, for "* 1698," read 1698/9, at SL Clement Danea"; line 23, /or Urd," read " Baron "; line 81, after '* 61, add '*WiU dat. 15 Feb. pr. 15 Mansh 1742/8. p. 70 ; line 7, for " Buttbrwtki." read " BuTTCRWiCKi "; line 12, after unm.," a<lcf " ac Borne "; line 34, for '» 1722," read " 17 Aug. 1728." p. 71 ; line 8,/ur «* William." read ** Thomaa," for *< Stawobd," rcoii * STUAinit>KD*'; Uue 4, after •* 70," add " at Rliokling. Will pr. Oct 1798 "; line 5, after " Midz," add <* Will pr. 1817"; line 20, <^fter «* IJoooln," add " Will pr. 1801 "; liue 36, /or " BLLUyrr,*' read " Eluot"; t^fter " 55," add in Hamilton place, thro' a fall from hia ho»e"; line 87, after "M.I.," a<lcf "Will pr. 1816"; tjier " 51," add "at Eaatoombe." p. 72 ; line 18, /ur " 1884," read " 1885"; line 19, after " Bidmouth," add '* Will pr. 24 March 1886, at £32.747 "; line 81, fi>r " Bfadraa," read " The Qovemment Huuae, Madrae. Will pr. 25 June 1875, under £40,000 "; line 37, after " 1875," atld " at 15 Bccleaton square. Will pr. 25 Aug. 1875, under £1,500 "; line 88, after " CambridKe," add " A Lord in waiting, 1895. He m. 18 June 1888, at 8t Paurs, Knightabridge, Qeurgiana Wilhelmina, only child of the Hon. Hew Adam Dalrym|»ie Hamilton HaLDANi-DuNCAif-llBBOBR-HENDBitaON, of Fordell, CO. Fife (2d s. of the 1st Earl of Campirdown^ by Edith Isabelle, yst da. of Lieut -Gen. Mirobr-Hbmdkrson, O.B., of Fordell afsd. She waa 6. 15 April 1867." p. 73 ; line 21, for '* Kingston, Surrey, Alderman," read " Croydon and Folkeatone, Turkey Merchant "; line 23, after *' widow," add " who waa bap. 8 Sep. 1686, at Croydon "; line 88, a/ter " Anglesey," add "1710"; line 40, after "Bridget," add " then above 20 "; line 42, ajter " Somerset," add "and waa bur. 18 in the Abbey there." p. 74 ; in margin, /crt- " 1788," read " 1739." Une 4, far ** 12," reod " at Oswestry. 8 "; line 5,/ur "(— )" read *♦ Margaret "; line 6, for " 1738, read •* 1788/9 ";/or "May," read "2 June"; line 7, after "Chester," add "a Land Waiter in the Customs"; line 12,/i/r "Cayrey," read Caerau"; line 13, after *'1752," add "at his seat, Baronhill, co. Anglesey "; line 17, for "Bamhill, North Wales," read " Baronhill afsd."; for " Llanvair in Conway," read " Llanfair Ynghorwy." p. 75 ; liue 2. for " a. and h. of Sir Thomaa," read " 2d s. of Sir William "; liue 6, for " writ/' read " writ(t>)," and add a$ that noU " (^) This writ ia given in Dugdale'a writi ofiummone. J. H. Round writes thereon as follows: " I have carefully searched the Lorda' journals with the following result : — ' In the pari, of Feb. 1514/5 the Earl of Ormond figures at the head of all the Barona as Dominue Ormond. He died in Auguat, and when Pari, next met, 12 Nov. 1515, we again find Dominue Ormond placed at the head of all the Barons, but not present Now comes the curious thing. After Nov. 19 the name suddenlv drops out of the daily roll of Barona in that Pari. I hold then that lliomas Boleyn never sat, and that one of two things had happened, either [1] that, as sometimes happened, the writ had gone out, aa usual, to the Earl of Ormond, tho* dead, or [2] that 'Thomaa Boleyn had been sum. (aa in Dugdale'a yrrUi), but in error. In either caae the mistake seems to have been discovered, and the name omitted after Nov. 19. I lean to the first hypothesis because the old Barons would never have allowed T. B. to be placed at their head. Moreover, in 1515, he waa not even coheir to the dignity, but onlv the eon of a coheir, and therefore there was nothing in him.' " Line 16, for '* WiLTSHlBK," read " Obuondb [I.] "; lines 30 and 31, for Buuibr," read " Bulwbh."