Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/337

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CORKTGRNPA, ETC., TO VOL. 11. 327 p. 76 ; in marffiti, /or ** 1620 1 rmd *' 1528." Lim 14, a/Ur " Oxford," add " nmiHo. 18 Oet 1870, aged 19 *'; between lines 16 and 17 inmn at under^ BURDOCK. See "Hannbn of Burdock, oo. Sussex," Barony {llannm)^ cr, 1891 ; ex, 1894. BURFORD. The family of Cornwall possessed, from a very early date, the manor of Barford, oo. Salop, " a land Barony hjf tenure of pmvidiug 5 men for the army of Wales, and tno* the Cornwalls were n<it parliameotarj Peers, either by writ of nnmraons or patent, yet they iuvariably atyled themMelves BARONS OP BURPOUD and retained this titular disUncaon even down t<) the alienation of the estate [circa 1730] in the Innt [18th] century." (Bnker's NnrihampUmtthirt, vol. i, p. 415. A gocKl account of this family, by G. W. Manhall, ii in The Otnealoqitt, O.S., vols, iii, pp. 225-230, and iv., pp. 76-86. See also vol. iv. of this work, p. 804, note {^) tub " Hylton." f.«., " BURFORD, CO. Oxford," Earldom (Beauelerk), cr. 1673 ; see " SAiirr Albahb, Dukedom, cr. 1684 "; between lines 19 and 20 inta-t a$ icmfer— BURGH, see BOURKE OF BOLPHIN. line 29, dele *' Sir " ; line 80, after " Athole,*' add '* sue. to the esUtes of his mother (then wife of Sir William Loot) 16 Oct 1455, being then atfpd 24 "; line 38, after "«.." add "before 1464 "; /or "Sir Thomas," read **Wtllism (Botrkadx) Lord"; lines 84 and 85. /or ** He d. 1496," read *<8be cf. 1488. and was hur. at Gninnborough. Inq p.m. 26 June (1489) 4 Hen, VII. He </. 18 March 1495/6 "; line 3.0, after " 1496," add *' Inq. p.m. 11 and 12 Hen. VII."; line 86,/or " who," read " aged 32 at htii fnther's death in 1496, having been M.P. for Linoolnshirs in 1492, and having diatinguiahed himielf at the ttiumnment at Westm., Nov. 1494. He was, however, found a lunatic in 1510, and"; line 37, /or " Anne." read " in 1477, Anue, de jure apparently tuo jure Baronisr Cobhau [of Ster- borough]"; line 39, after ** Kent," add '*de jure apparently Lord Cobram [of Sterborough]*'; line 40, after " Buckingham," add '*She d, 26 June 1526. He d, 20 Aug. 1528"; line 41, fnr "who,*' read "ased 84 or 40 at his father'a death and then a Knight (^) He had been Sheriff of Lincolnshire, 1519 and 1525. He "; ad(fatnoU "(«) He was Knighted in 1518, either at Plodden, 9 Sep. or at Touralne, 5 De&" p. 77; in margin, for "1562," read "1584." Line 2, /or " Alice,'* rea<f "In 1596, Agnes "; line 8, after " York,** add " He m. seoondly Alice, widow of Edmond RoRRWOOD, of EustoD, CO. Suffolk "; lines 4 and 5, dde " His widow ** to " Euston "; line 8, for " yr. but let," read " 3d and yst but only "; after " h.," add'* by 1st wife'*; line 10, after " Eliz..*' arid "as William, aud from 11 Jan. 1562/3) 5 EUs. to 16 Jan. (1580/1) 23 Blix. as [apparently by a clerical error] Thomas. He was one of the Peers on the trial of the Duke of Norfolk in 1573 **; line 11, /'^ " before 1562," rcid " at Lanibfth 10 Spp. and waa Mir. 2 Oct 1584 at Lingfield, Cf>. Surrey. Inq. p.m. 9 June 1585 *'; line 12,/i>r " d, before 1622,*' read "was bur. 14 Aug. 1621 at Ling6eld afitd.**; line 15, after "a. and h.," add " aged above 26 in June 1585 "; lines 15 and 16, for " 11 Jan. (1562/8) 5," read "12 Nov. (1588) 30"; lines 16 and 17, defe "He wan," to "1678"; line 17, alter " Flanders,** add " 1586/7—1597 **; line 18, /or " 1594," read " 1593 **; line 20. for " sged about 42," read " and was bur. in England *'; line 21, for " living 1622 ; d. before 1650," read "was hur. at St Margaret's Westm. 19 July 1647 "; line 27, far '* him," read " him(^b);' and add at that note " (bb) The copious additions and corrections to this article are from 0)le*s Uittory of Ooddington, GO. Lincoln, where is a well-worked pedigree of Borough, reproduced in the OenetUogitt, N.S., vol. lii, p. 233 "; between lines 27 and 28 interi the corrigenda thereto as in vol. ii, p. 447; between lines 30 and 31 intert at under —