Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/351

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OOttlllOSNDA, BTC, TO VOL. II. 341 ViMoontoy [I.] VII. Barony [I.] XI. »i 7 and IL James Alfred (Gaulfbild), VnoouNT Charlbmont [I. ]665]„ and Lord Cadlpbild, - 1892 ^ARON OP Charlbmont [I. 1620], oiuain and h. male, iMing Ist 8. and h. of Edward Houston Caulpbild, of Drumcairue, oo. Tyrone, by Chnrlotie, tin. of Piers Oralb, of Dublin, which Kdward (who (/. 7 March 1883, aged 76) wsa s. and h. of Jamee Gaolkbild, of Drumcaime (who nt. 23 May 1806). s. and h. of another Jtimea Caulpbild, also of Drumcairue {d. 1825, aged 88), a. of Uer. the Hon. Chsrlee Caulpbild, Keotor of Donaghenry, co. Armngh (tf. Jan. 1768, Hged 81). who was yr. br. of the 8d, b«ing 6th 8. of the 2d Viscount. He was 5. 20 March 1830 : aumetime Capt. Coldstream Guards, serring, as such, throughout the Crimean war ; Hon. Col. 4th batt« Koyal Iniskillen Fusileers ; Usher of the Black Rod to the Order of St Patrick ; High Sheriff for co. Tyrone, 1868 ; Comptroller of the Viceregal household [I.], 1868-95 ; mt* to the peeraffe [I.], 12 Jan. 1892. He m. 2 Feb. 1858. at Athlone church, Annette, 8d end yst da. of Richard (Uandcock), 3d Barom Cabtlriiaiiib* op MoTDRUM [I.], by Margaret, ds. of Michael Uarrm. She, who was h. 16 April 1828, d B.p.m. at Dublin Castle, 10 Not. 1888." lino 21, after "county," add *'[!.]"; line 31, for "with," read "ss was, 22 Nop. 1786 "; line 82, for " or admon.," read " pr. "; line «5,/or " Sadlbr," read "Sadlbir." p. 211; Hnel, for "1809," read "1800"; line 2, after *'[l.)," add "He bad taken an acttpe part in suppressing the Irish rebellion of 1798"; line 28, after

  • ' extinct;' add "Will pr. 1764 in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; line 29. //r "22(»>)," read

"22(«)"; line 36, for "1887," read "1898." p. 212 ; lines 16 and 27, for " 1761 " and " 1766," read " 1761(«) " and " 1 766(o)," and add at mid note "(«) For peerages conferred on the family of Pitt s<fe p. 882 {anie) in the corrigenda to vol. ii, p. 125, line 28"; line 24, fivr " Will or admon.," read "Admon. Feb."; line 34, for "1721," read "1781. p- 213 ; note f*), line 2,/ur " nnparalelled," read " unpiurallelled." p. 215 ; in margin, for " 1645 ? to 16 . . " read " 1644 to 1694 "; over " 1. 1831. intert "Barony." Line 14, after "16^:9." add "and was 6ur. 15. from Wiverton. at Lansar, NotU "; line 21, after "Elisabeth," add " or Anne "; after "Hickman," add **of Kew, by Elisabeth, da. of Henry (Windsor), Lord Wirdbor"; linea 21 and 22, ffr "about 1645(o)," read "in June 1644(«) His widow (Anne) living 27 Feb. 1647(o)"; line 28, /(/r 8.p.m.," read "8.p.m. legit., in 1694, but was not, apparently, 6iir. at Annesley. Will, in which he directs his burial to be there, dat. 80 April 1693 and pr. 24 April 1694, in the Exchequer court of York "; line 36, /or " 1662(«)," read " 1662;e)," and itmri at taid noU " (•) Vist of Notts. 1662." Note («) deU, and iruerl " CaL (^m. for Comp. II., 1351, &0. The * Visit, of Notts,' for 1662, gives ' about 1645 * as the date of his death." Note (% line 6. /or " William," read " George." p. 216 ; line 6, for " How," read " Howb "; line 29. after " Salisbury," ocM " ed. at Harrow and at Queen's Coll., Oxford "; line 30, for " Will or admon," read " He was 5fcr. at St. Matthew's, Ipswich. M.I. Will pr."; line 37, /or " 16 April 1794. in," read "at 1 Fowke's buildings, Tower street, 16 July and was tap, as ' Frederick,' 4 Sep. 1794, at St. Dunstan's in the East." p. 217 ; line 6, after "1822," add "at All Saints. Southampton "; line 7. for " a sister." reocf " Frances, da. of Sir Richard Pbirson, K.B,, sister and colieir "; line 10, after " afsd," add " Will pr. 23 Oct. 1878 under £ 50,000, and resworn, May 1829. under £60,000"; line 20, after "1882," add "General, 1888"; Une 21, for " 1884," read " 1884-89 "; between lines 26 and 27, interi at tinder— CHEPPING. see also under Chipping. CHEPPING WYCOAfBE. t.«., " Wbndovbr of Chsppiko Wycomdb, Bucks " Viscouuicj (Oarriiiff- ton), cr, 1895 with the Kabldum or Oabbimoton, which see. •I