Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/352

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842 OORRIGEUDA, BITG., TO VOL. 11. p. 218 ; Une 80, /or << Richard," read " WillUm"; tiue 81, for « Abvhdbll," rtad "Arundel"; line 42, for <*wm lifing 1408," read '*d. in childbed 28 Oct. 1406." p. 221 ; line 4, /or '* 16," read " at St Qeo. Han. sq., 18 "; line 6, for " 12," read

  • ' 10 ": line 6, after " Midz.," add '* Will pr. 28 Jan. 1864 under £40,000 "; Hue 7,

after *' vmt;* add " Win pr. 16 Feb. 1877 under £7,000"; line 16, after -* M," add " Vill pr. 15 Dec. 1882 at £106,761, and reaworn, Dec 1884, at £112,860 "; line 16, /or '* Aug. 1884, above £4.000," read 17 July 1884, at £4,288.** p. 223 : line 89, dele " (•)." Note (•), Une 1, c/cfe " So called from the place o( hia birth " ; Hue 8, after " Percy," add " There ia no place called Qemon in Normandy or elsewhere, ao that the name waa personal and not alluaive to his birth- plaoa" p. 224 ; line 4, afUr " D'BvBRBUX," oild "presumably by his firat wife, Hahaud(*)," and insert at eaid note " C^) She, who waa aged 29 (at leaat) in 1186-86, waa not a child of the second wife Amicia (aister of Robert, Karl of Leicester), whose marriage (probably about 1166-69) could not have been us early as 1166. Dertrada's cousiuship to Henry II. was owing to her grandfather's sister, Bertrade de Montfort, wife of Pulk IV., Count of Anjou [1060 — 1109], being great grand- mother to that king. [Watson's ' Earla of Leicester ' in 77u Oeiualoyial, N.S., Vol. X.]"; lines 6 and 6, deU from, " her mother," to Leicester "; line 11, for 'M188/9/'reac{ "1187/8"; line 28, for "someUme," read "which by some is considered to have been"; line 43, /or " William db Humius, Constable," read " Hichard, and da. of William DU Hommkt, Constables"; for "26," read "28." Note (<") dde. Note (•), line 2, for " 4 Sep.," read '* Aug. or Sep." p. 225; Hue 6, /or "Mabel," read <* Maud "; Une 29, for "Mountford," read "Mouutfort"; line 84, /or " Bures," reorf " Burgos "; Uue 86, /or "1266," read « 1264 "; dde *' his only child "; line 36, for " John," read '* Simon." Note (•), line 8, after *' Hawtae," add by some held to have been." Note («), fur

    • Cestrieusis," read " Cestriens«8.'*

p. 226; Hue 13,/or" Maine," read "Bordeaux"; line 18, dele *< Castle"; line 30, for "four days afterwards," read "on 10th of same month"; line 81, ajier

    • Prauoe," add " He received also the Lordship of the IhIc of Wight(<M) "; and

irnert at eaid noU, "(«W)See vol. iu. p. 100, note (0 "; for ** 1826," read " 1826/7." p. 227 ; Une 18. for " 21," read " 22." p. 228 ; line 8, for " 16 Sep. 1386," read "9 Aug. 1387"; line 14, after "1458," ttdrf " at Westm.," line 18,/or " 6," read " 4 "; line 39,/or " by charter 24 Aug.," read " invested 8 Sep." p. 231 ; lines 7, IS and 21, /or " Edinburgh," read " Bdeuburgh." p. 232; liuea 21 and 22,/or " before 1631," read " 4 Dec. 1628, at Boughton Malherbe, Kent"; line 23, /or *'da.," read " 1st da. and coheir"; q/ler *' Tuuockhortom," add ** of Paulespuiy." p. 233 ; line 19, for " before," read " between 16 Aug. and 26 Sep." p. 234; line 48, after " 1799," add "at her mother's house in Qroevenor street"; line 47, after *' 1816," add " at Bretby. Will pr. Feb. 1816." p. 235; line 2, after "Derby," read **ed. at Eton"; line 7, for "his house in London," read " 3 Qroevenor square and was bur., 8 June, at Bretby "; line 16, after " proved," add "26 Jan. 1872'*; lines 38 and 48,/or " 1888," read " 1898"; line 48, after "SUnhope," add " ed. at Winchester." p. 236 ; line 4, after " RA," add " 1877. Treasurer of the Household, 1892-94 ; P.C. 1894 ; Cnpt. of the Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, 1894-96 "; line 22, for "sister of Thomas," read "da. of Robert"; line 34, for "a year after him," read " 8 June 1741, aged above 70 "; line 41, for " before him," read " 21 Feb. 1738/9 "; last line, for " Francis," read " Frances." p. 237 ; Hue 17, after " 1790," add "at Lyneham Houae, near Wootton Basset"; line 18, for "or admon," read " pr. April"; line 21, after "1791," add "at the house of her step-father, Stephen Cottrell, in Qroevenor place "; line 28, /or " Will or admon.," read " in Bolton Row. Admon. April "; after " 1846," add "aged 72, iu Upper Bruuk street "; line 28, after " Moss/' add ** by (— ), dtu of