Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/353

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. II. 343 John WiTLAND, of Wood Raton, Oxon, she being*'; line 29, afUf " 1867," add <*at Rxmoiith"; line 82, fhr "1887/* read *' 1808"; line 87, eondude "She d. 12 Jnn. 1898, aged 69, at 26 Rlvaston place." p. 238; line 9, tifler " 1877.** add "lie d, (stHdenly) at Warsaw, 2 Oct. 1891, in his 76th year, and was b^tr, in Highgate cemetery. Will pr. at £102,016. II. 1891. 2. William Mbriton (Eaton), Baron Chbtlbsmori [1887], 2d but Ist surv. s. nud h. ; b. 16 Jan. 1848 ; tue. to the peeraffe, 2 Oct 3891." line IS, after "1195," add ** He m. Margaret, widow of William (Stourtoii), 2d Baron Stourton (who ci. 18 Feb. 1478/9), da. and coheir of Sir John Chidiookb, by Katharine, da. of Sir Ralph Lumlit"; Hue 81, for *'B.p.," read " 8.p.m." p. 240; line 37, after Sussex," add "Will nr. Feb. 1805"; after "year," add " suddenly at Sonth Mailing, Sussex. Will pr. Jnne 1813.*' p. 241 ; line 1, after "1801," add "at Umbeth palace'*; line 2, after "1826," add "in Stratton street'*; line IS, after "1867," add "at 29 Hill street. Admon. 23 July 1867, under £600, resworn Jan. 1876, under £2,000 "; lines 41 and 42, /or " 1606," read " 18 ApHl 1605"; after "da. of," add "Lewis FoLLARD, by Jane (afterwards wife of '*; line iSf/ifr " Irelam).,*' rrail ** Ireland), da. of Hugh Prust, of Devon "; last line, ^fter " bur.," add ** 24 Oct. 1625." p. 242; line 4, after "above," add "6. about 1668": line 14, after "She," add " who was aged 18 in Not. 1606 "; line 21, for " who," read " s. and h. by Brst wife. He." fietween lines 27 and 28 in$ert a» under — CHIPPINO, see also under Chbpping. p. 243 ; line 20, for " Nawtwior,'* read " Namptwich '*; last line, for " before," read " later.*' p. 244 ; line 5,/ir "May 1681,*' read "at his house near St. James*, 22 May and was 6iir. 3 June 1681, at Mnlpas "; line 10, for " H,*' read " He "; line 12, /or "NAMrrwiCK," read "Namptwich"; line 20, /or "8 Feb.," read "80 Jan."; line 22, after " Cholmondklrt," add "Vmoount Malpab"; line 46, for "Jan. 1721. Admon. as Lady," read "and was bur, 27 Jan. 1721/2, under the name of *Mary* [tie] at Malpaa. Admon. as 'filimbetb,' Liady.'* P- 245 ; line 18, d^e " Sir " ; line 20, after " bur.," add " 25 April 1782." P- 246 ; line 1, ofter "1791," add "at her mother's house, in Berkeley square" ; line 8, /or " 1833," read " 1838 "; line 21, after " 1812," add •« at Gibraltar "; line 28, after "1815,** add **at Cholmondeiey House, Piccadilly, and was htr. at Malpas**; line 29, for "over £21,000,*' rend "31 March 1886, at £12,096, and resworn Aug. 1886, at X21,471." p. 247 ; Hoe 17, /ur "Curson," read "CoRZOH." p. 248; line 11, /»r " pr.," rend "pr. under £12,000, on 26 *'; line 12, for " 1886," read "1866"; line 22. /«■ "1887," rend "1898"; line 26, after "Ouard^ add "a Lord in Waiting, 1889-92, and again, 1896 ; one of the Conser?. Whira in 1891." p. 249 ; line 22, /»r " Phillips," read " Philipps "; line 31, after " 1661," add " in Prerog. Ct. [I.]" p. 260; line 2, after "wife," add "pr. 1676 in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 18, after "1768,"«ici "Will pr. 1768 in Prerog. Ct. [I.J"; afUr "1792," add "at Templeogue. Will pr. 1792 in Prenig. Ct. [I.]"; line 26, after "at," add "at Oxford chapel"; line 27, after "1798," nda at Dundsik"; line 40, after "clan," add '*s. of Donald MacCorniac Ladrach MacCarty Mork." p. 251; line 3, after " O'Cahroll," add '*She was living 29 July 1598"; after '1601," fdd "and was bur. at Mucruss Abbey"; line 16, after "m./' add •» before 1648 "; line 18, after " 1666," add " Will pr, 1665 in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 26, /or " Friijiuig," rviMl "Firldino (well known as Beau Fielding)" ; line 26, e^fter "1698," add "at Somerhill, near Tunbridge"; line 37, for " d. in DubUn," read " was Intr. at St. Martin's in the Fields, 16."