Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/358

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348 COBRIOENDA, ETC., TO VOL. U. p. 302; Um U,aft€r "«.," mdd 'in 1664"; liaa 17,>br *'in cr about IMl. He,* nod ** He, who was M.P. [I.] for ca Clare, 1661, end P.a" p. 903; Uw4,for "willee." read "wflleigiicd ' Oa, (T Brim,' the leeUtrix beiiiR deecribed ea Ladf CmtMerme (T Briem, in the Probeto Act"; line 6, for "23." rtad " 18 "; line 16, after " T.p.," mU "of ezeeesiYe drinking." p. 304 ; line 28, after " aeoondly," add after 14 Jan. 1887/1" p. 305 ; Une 2, after "m.," add between 81 Oct 1407 and Nor. 1409"; line 4, after '< Lob," add " She d, 17 Get 1420"; line 28, after " He," add " who was of Amington, oo. Warwick ; waa X.B. at the waartugia of Prince Arthur, in 1601. He "; line 27, after " He." «U " who waa hufitied in 1618 "; line 28, after "year," add " and waa »»-. atRiohmond." p. 307 ; line 6, after " Barony," «iU " he waa ft. 1696 and "; line 19,>br " heraraab," read " her eouain." p. 306 ; line 8, for " m.," read " who waa (. 17 and baft. 27 Jan. 1709. at PeUozatow, m. there "; line 20, for *' (all," reoif '« (d. 1680, all four "; line 81, afUr «' 1797, add ** in Bolton Row, Piccadilly, and waa bur. at Trefuaia "; line 82, after ** Fek 1798," add " of the breaking of a blood-T«aael, at Croaa, near Torrington **; line 86, for '* Col. in the army," read ** ad. at Harrow ; entered the army, 1808 ; Colonel, 1825 "; line 89, " a/i(cr " 1882," aiii «< near Florenoe, and waa bur. at TrefuaU "; line 46, efter " 1791," add **ea. at Kton"; line 62, for "Bdoolxooh," read " BuocLUJCH "; /or " 27," read "76." p. 309 i line S, after « 1868," read "at Faaqne, oa Kincardine." p. 311; Hoe 11, after "1796." add "at Clonbrock. Will pr. 1796 in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 12, after " 1802," add " at Buxton "; >br " May 1841," reoif " 28 May 1841, at Cheltenham, aged 83. M.I."; line 14. after "1780." add "ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 1800"; after "1808," add "at Ardfry "; line 17, after "1816," add "at Clonbrock "; after " 1826," add "at Rathroinea, near Dublin, aged 46 "; line 24, after " Clonbrock," add " He d. there, 4 Deo. 1898, aged 86. lY. 1893. i, LuKB Gbiuld (Dillon), Baron Clonbrock fl- 1790], 2d but Ut aurv. a. and h., b. 10 MMrch 1884 ; ed. nt Kton. and at Ball. Coll., Oxford ; 2d cUaa in I^tw and Mod. Hiatory ; aeoond Sea at Vienna, 1862 ; PriTate See. to the Viceroy of Ireland, 1866-68 and 1871-76; L. Lieut of oo. Galway; sue. to the peerage [I.], 4 Dec 1898 ; Rsp. Pbbb [I.], 1896. He m. 18 July 1866, at Roacommon, Auguata Caroline, only da. of Edward (Cbovtom), Babom Cbovton ov Mors [I.], by Qeorgiana, da. of Henry William (Paor), lat Mabqdbss of Avolmsbt. She waa 6. 16 Oct. 1889." line 29. /or "1769," read "1789"; line88,/or "da.," reed "da. andh."mfter " Dublin," add " Merchant "; after " 1796." add " in Upper Merrion atreet, Dublin"; line 89, after "1799," add "at MareUmo, near Dublin"; after "afad.," add "Will pr. 1796 at Prerog. Ct [I.]." Note (*), line 6, for

    • repraeented," reoif " repraaented."

p. 312 ; line 15, dOe " the Hon."; line 17, after " 1841," add " at the London hotel, Albemarle atreet "; after "Dublin," add "and waa 6Mr. at Lyona Caatle"; line 26, /or "living 1887," read "d. 8 May 1896"; line 83, a/Ker "Dumarbsq," add " She d. 29 Oct 1891, at 11 Groarenor Gardena." p. 313 ; Une 2, for " (Dawnay), er. 1680," read " (Ducie), er. 1661 f "; line 80, after "da.," add "and eventually heir"; line 82, after "1798," add "in Harcourt atreet, Dublin. Will pr. 1798 in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 38, after " 1880," aifd "uDder £70,000"; line 86, for 1806/' read "1806,(») at the houae of her father in Hill atreet. Berkeley aquare," and intert a$ taid noU " (^) They were m., aaya the Hibernian Mag,, in Oct 1804, at St Mary'a, Warwick "; line 40, after "64," add "and waa bur. at "St Marylebone"; line 48, after "Midx.," add "ed. at Rton." p. 314 ; line 5, for " 10 Nov. 1874," read " 1874-91. He d. anm. at 8 St Jamea' place, Midx., 22 June 1891, aged 62. y. 1S91. 6, Thomas Gharlbs (Scott), Earl of Clokmkll, 8r-c. [I.], next and only aurv. br. and h. ; 6. 18 Aug. 1840; entered the army, 1869, aerviug aa Capt in the Rifle Brigade in the Aahantee War, 1874 retiring, aa Major (Lieut -Col. on the retired liat), 1881 ; mc to the jMr«V«[I']