Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/359

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OORRtGfiNDA, ETC., TO VOL. It. H^ 22 June 1801. He m. 20 Feb. 1876, at St Geo. Hao. tq., Agnee Arabellt, dn. of Robert Godfrey Day. br. to the Bishop of dwhel. She d. 10 Feb. 1884, at 100, Rbtiry ttre«it. He d, s.p., of typhoid fever, 18 June 1806, aged 56. at Biabop's Court afsd. Under his will all his property devoWed on strangers in blood. VI. 1896. 6, Beaugiiamp Hkniiy John (Scott), Earl ok Clon- iirll[1793], Viscount Clonmill [1780] and Baron Earlsfort ok LuaoN Rarl [1784] in the peersge of Ireland, first couain and h. male, being s. and h. of Col. the Hon. Charles Grantham Scott, >ty Frances Maria, da. of Kalph William Grxt, of Backworth, oo. Northumberland, which Charles (who d. 6 Jan. 1855, aged 76) was 2d s. of the 2d Earl. He was b. 28 Dec. 1847 ; was sometime Capt Soots Fusilier Guards ; iue, to th9 peerage [l.] 18 June 1896. He m. 81 March 1876, Lucy Maria, da. of Anthony Willson, of Rauceby Hall, co. Lincoln, by Mary Elisa Caroline, da. of the Rct. Edward Fani, Rector of Fulbeck in that county. [RuPKRT Charuss Soott, styled (since 1896) Lord Earlsfort, only s. and h. ap., b. 1878]." p. 316 ; line 48, 0fUr " him," mdd ** He was ed. at the High School, Glssgow, and the Mil. Acad, at Oosporl" p. 316 ; between lines 26 and 27» insert ae under-^ CLYDESDALE. ie., " Cltdbsdalb, Marquessate [S.] {Hamilton) cr. 1643 with the DuxBDoai of Hamilton [8.]f which see. P- 317 ; lines 4 and 6, for " Sir John Braochamp, of St«ike-under-Hamden, Someraet/* read "John (Brauchamp), 1st Lord BRArcHAMP DB Somirskt"; line 42, for " executed,*' read *« hanged in St. Giles' fields." p. 318 ; line 19, after " wife,'* add " illegit da. of Tliomas (Hoimnd). Rarl OP Rrmt "; line 87, /'»r *' Hatdon," read " Hbtdon, of Baoonsthor|>e, Norfolk, by Anne, da. of GeoflVey Bolrtn." p. 319 ; line 27, after •« 1558," add ** and was hur. 26 at Cobham. Will dat. 7 Oct 1558 "; line 80, after " travel. " add •* M.P. for Hythe, ] 547-52, and f(»r Rochester, 1556 "; line 43, frr " Sep. 1559/* read <* or 26 Sep. and was bur. 8 Oct 1559 at Cobham "; last line, after " Nrwton," add ** atheneiee Cradock, of co. Gloucester, by Maigaret, da. of Sir Anthony PoTNTS." p. 320 ; Hoe. 6, after *' h.," add " by 2d wife "; after « Hall," add ** M.P. for Kent, 1568-69." Note {% last line, for ** being now Earl," read ** togetlier with the Earldom.'* p. 321 ; line 18, after <«son," add "of"; line 14, after " Lord db Rob," add <« There seems, however, no doubt but that the Earl was her latt husbatidfl^^) "; add ae eaid note *< (^^). See Vol. Ti, p. 40, sub. Norfolk, Her parentage, also, is some- what doubtful." p. 324 ; line 18, after '* estate," add " He was M.P. for Appleby, 1640, till disabled in 1648 "; last line, after " Bucks," add " a considerable brewer." Note («) eanelude " and the limitation to heire male seems to have been considered as only tanta- mount to heirs male of the body. See yoI. iii, p. 107, note (°), eub Devon." p. 325. Note (•). for *' Christian whose issue is in rem. to," ree^ " Christian, whose issue, in 1889, inherited." p. 326 ; line 24, after " 1828," add " He d. s.p.m., 26 March 1889, when the J)ukedom and most of the other honours became extinct, but the Barony of Kialoee [S.], passed to his ds., ss heir of line; the Earldom of Temple ofStowe (under the spea rem. in the creation thereof in 1822) to his sbter's son ; and the Viteountey and Barony of Cehkam as below. VIIL and X. 8, Charlw Gborob (Ltttblton). Viscount Cobhaii 1 AQQ *"^ Baron Cobham [1718], Lord Ltttblton, Baron op Fr anklbt, looV. [1794], aUo Baron Wrstootr op Balltmorb in the peerage of Ireland [1776], aleo a Baronet [1618], cousin to the abo^e, being s. and h. of George William (Ltttrlton), 4th Lord Ltttblton, Baron op Franklbt, ftc, by his first wife, Mary, 2d and yst da. of Sir Stephen Richard Gltnnb, 8th