Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/361

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CORRIGEKDA, ETC., TO YOJj. II. 851 to the upper House had inued. He m, 8 Aug. 1876, at Cuddeeden, Ozon, hie first ooueio, Mary Alethee, let dm. of John Fielder Maokarnbbs, Bishop of Oxford [1870- 88], by Alethea Buchanan, yst. Ha. of the RU Hon. 8ir John l*aylor GOLIRIDOI abovenamed^ " Note (^), line 14, after '* Exchequer," add '* The oath taken was the same as that of the previous Lord Chief Justices of the Queen's Bench, save that the words "in my office as Lord Chinf Justice of England" were substituted (on what authority is unknown) for those of '* in my office as Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench.*' p. 332; line 80, a/ler "P<rrw," add "o(t Minorca, of stone"; line 83, a/^r<* Sep. 1819." add '«at Tynemouth.*' p. 333; in margin, dde "Barony by writ L 1264(<i) ; IL 1276; IIL 1288.'* Line 17, ^'ft^r " widow," add '* of WillUm HA8nNa8, 1st da.'* ; lines 22 to 89, eneloM uilhin linet. Note {^) diU, and intert *' As to this writ (the first one extant), which since 1878 has been held not to originate a peerage, see Vol. iii, p. 865,' note (% tub Fits John." p. 334 ; in margin, for " IV. 1316," read '* Barony by Writ, I. 1331 T"; also /or " V." rea4 " IL" Line l.fir " 4," read " 1 "; line 6, for " 6," read " 2." p. 337; line 16, /or "Qoebec," read "Quebec"; line 29, after " d.," add *'at Broomwell House, near Bristol"; line 42, after '* 1852," add " in Upper Brook street" p. 338; d^Une8 7tol2. p« 339; between lines 19 and 20 inaerl ae under-* COLWOOD, see Bowkn op Colwood. line 36, far " Ha," read " He.*' p. 340; line 30, for "was living 1888,*' read "who was well known in London society, cf. 13 Aug. 1889, in her 90th year, at 48 Belgrave square. Will pr. 22 Oct. 1889, above £85.000"; line 85, for <' betoming,** read *< becoming"; line 87, for "1894," read "1844": line 40, afUr "50,' add "He d. 1 Dec. 1891, nged 73, at 83 St. James' plaocy and was hur. at VVrenbury. Personalty £1,472 gross, the net value being but nominal. III. 1891. 3. Robert Wellington (Staplbton-Cotton), ViscsouKT CouBBRMBRB OF Bhurtpork [1827] and Baron Combrrmirb [18141 ulfo a Baronet [1827], Ist s. and h., b, 16 June 1845, in Upper Gnwvenor street; ed. at Eton ; eue. to the peerage, 1 Dec. 1891. He m. fitetly 2 June 1866, at St. Mary's, Bryanst4>n square, Charlotte Anne, da. and h. of Jacob Fletcher Elus-Flbtohbr, of Peel Hall and Clifton, both co. Ijancaster. She divorced him, decree nm, 20 Nov. 1879. He m. secondly, 22 June 1880, Isabel Kariau, divoroed wife of Cudworth Halsteaii Poolb, 2d da. of Sir Qeorge Chbtwtvd, 3d Bart., by Charlotte Augusta, da. of Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull (Hill), 3d MaRQUBas of Downshirb [l.]=j= 4. p. 341 ; line 10, after " m.," add " 4 Dec 1592, at Yarnton, Ozon "; line 87, after "ek," add '*in Audley chapel, 19"; lines 88 and 89, for "Rainham," read " Raynham." p. 342 ; line 8, /or "father's," read "mother's"; lines 7, 9, and 10. /or "lUinham," read " Raynham"; line 8, fir " Ferrers," read " Ferrars." Between lines 19 and 20 ineert of under — CONCRAIG. t.e., "CoNORAiG,*' Barony [S.] (Drummond er. 1696, by James II., when in exile, with the Dukbdom of Pbrth [S.], which see.