Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/362

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352 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL II. line 21, for '* Brook/' read "Brooki"; line 26, afiir *<And," read **ed. at Winohedter, 1792. He"; line 39, for ** Will pr. Aug. 1842/' read '*and wm bur, 14 June in the burinl ground of St Qeo. Han. aq., near the Bajrawater road. Will pr. Aug. 1842, under £7,000 "; line 41 , for ** Jamks," read " John. »f >f p. 343 ; in margin, for " 1729," read " 1729, May to Deo." Line 8, for "* 1883, read <' 1898 "; line 15, afUr " 1861," add "at St. Qea Han. aq."; line IS, a/Ur " Honour," add <* He d. at Castle Hill avenue, Folkestone, 10 Oct. 1896, aged 87. Hia widow living 1898. lY. 1896. 4' Hbnrt (PARNEUi), Baron Oonolbtok [1841], cUso a Baronet [L 1766], 2d but let 8urv.(M) g. and h. ; 6. 10 July 1889 ; ed. at the Royal Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; aerved in the Crimean and Zulu wars, 1879 ; O.B., 1879 ; aometime Col. 2d batt. the Buffs; Col. comg. 18th RegimenUl Diatrict, 1884-86; Major Gen. 1893 ; Gen. in command of the Infantry brigade at Malta, 1896; •lie. to the peerage, 10 Oct. 1896. He m., 17 June 1886, at St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, Elizabeth Peter, yst da. of Dugald DovB, of Nutahall, oo. Renfrew=F add as §aid noU '*(*«) His elder br. William Henry, Lieut Col. Qren. Guaida, d, unm. and v.p. 4 May 1879, aged 41 "; line 39, afUr "secondly/* add '* about 23 April 1698 "; note (»>) Hue 2, for " Casshiobury," read " Cashiobury." p. 344 ; Une 6, for <* Pourt," read " Court"; Une 28, after " 62," add " when all her honours became Mxtinct,** p. 345 ; line 8, after ** 1882," add " KO.B., 1890 "; between lines 14 and 16 tnieri "[H.R.H. Frtnee Arthur Frbdbrick Patrick Albert, s. and h. ap. ; h, at Windsor Castle 18 Jan. and bap, there 16 Feb. 1883]." line 30, for " Twkkdalb," nad '* Twbbddalb " ; line 81, eonelude " She obUined a decree of divorce, rule 'fti«i,' 27 Nov. 1890.(m) He m, secondly, 22 Oct 1894, Gertrude, widow of Edward Colbman, of Stoke Park, Bucks "; w»ert ae eaid note

  • <(M)She III. secondly, 10 Oct 1894, Surgeon Lieut -Col. William Hamilton

Broum (who had assumed the name of Broun inaiead of Brigge on his marriage), and d, at Colstoun, co. Hitddiugton, 24 Jan. 1898, aged 61." p. 346 ; line 9, after " wife/' add " aged about 30 in 1622 "; line 38, after " thirdly." add before 80 Aug. following." Note(>), for apparently the only," read "a rare " ; line 3, for " a Baron,** read " Viscount Towuahend of Raynham occurred in 1728. An apparently unique case of the a. and h. ap. of a Boron, the said Baron." p. 347 ; line i,for "Brsly/' read « firstly "; line 8, f6r '•s.p.m.s./' read "in child- bed"; line 16, for "about 1719. On 3 Aug. 1716/' react " 6 July 1718. On 3 Aug. 1760"; line 27, dele "K.O."; lines 28 and 29, deU *'»ue,," to "borne/' and tMeert "which John (who d. v.p.) was s. and h. of Sir John CoMTKBB, K.Q., was b. 21 Dec. 14()8 ; was found heir to his said grandfather 14 March 1489/90 ; and is known t4» have borne "; line 30,/tfr "and was/' remd "(having, possibly, been sum. to the pari, which wet 25 Jan. 1503/4) and was, undoubtedly "; line 33, after "in.," add " firstly (contract 'zl June, and lia 24 Sep. 1479, at York) Mary, da. of John (Lb Scbopb), 6th Lord Sobopb db Bolton, by hia second wife Elisabeth, da. of Sir Oliver St. John. She appears to have a, B.p. He m. secondly "; line 86, after " Hen. VIII./' add " His widow m. (Lie. at York 29 April 1626, to marry in chapel at Aldwark) Anthony Saltmarsh, of Hornby." p. 349 ; line 7, after " Fairfax," add " She waa bur. 11 May 1663, at Hornby "; deU " Hia widow d. 1663. Both were," and ineert ** and was, on the 6th." Note {^), last line, dele " (Viscount Conway) "; after " 1628," add " in the case of ViMount Conway, and in 1723, in the case of Viscount Townshend of Raynham." p. 350 ; Hoe 6, after " 1784," add " in Upper Brook street ' of a consumption ' and waa bur, 11 Feb. at Hornby in her 80th year"; line 6, dde " 10"; line 13, /or " 80," read " 10 "; line 82, /or " Hia widow living 1888/' read •* M.I. Will pr. 13 Dec. 1888. His widow, who was 6. 16 Feb. 1841, Uving 1898." Between Unea 82 end 83 intert a line of asterisks, after which inaert a$ under —