Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/37

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VERB — ^VERNOK. 27 He m. Miuy ((. 18 May 1581), widow of William Hoby (whom tb« m. when 19 veara old), aieter of John, lat Viboount Tract op Kathooolb [I.], and yat da. of Sir JobD(*) Tbaot, of Toddington, co Olouoeaier, by Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Tbrocrmortov, of Corae Coyri. He d i.p.m.(^) saddenly, of apoplexy, when dining with Sir Henry Vane, at Whitehall, 2 and waa Intr. 8 May 1685, in Weatm. Abb^ (near hia br. Franoia), aged about 70,(«) when the Barontf b«'came txtinci. Will dat. 10 Nov. 1634, pr. 6 May 1635, by hia widow and univeraal legatee. She <f. 25 Dec. 1471, and waa bur, 10 Jan. 1671/2, at Castle Hedingham, oo. Essei, aged 00. Will pr. 1672. VERNEY. ».«., "Vkrket," Earldom [1.1 ( Frnies^), er. 1743; Bee " Fbrmanagh," Viscottnt^ [I.], cr. 1708 ; under the 2d Viscount ; es. 1701. VERNEY OP BELTURBET. i«., " Vbrnbt of BBiiTURBiT, CO. Cavaii," Barony [I.] (Vemey er. 1708, with the Visoouhtot op Firmawaqh [I.], which see ; ex., with the Earldom of Vemey [1.], 1791. VERNON OF KINDERTON. Barony. ], Gborob Vbkadlsb-Vbrnon, formerly Vbrkon, of I 1762 Sudbury, CO. Derby, and of Kinderton, co. Chester, 1st and only surv. 8. and h. of Henry Vbrmoh, of Sndbnry afsd. (c/. 1718, aged '62), by his first wile, Anne (c<. 17 W, aged 22), da. and h. of Thomas PJOOT, of Chetwynd, oo. Salop, and Mair, his wife, sister of Peter VBVSBLn, of Kinderton sfsd., one of the Ilarons of the Pntatinate of Che8ter,( ^) was b, 9 Feb. 1707/8 ; ffifs. to the Cheshire estatea,on the death, 28 April 1715, of his couain, Anne, <'ountes8 of Abingdon, pursuant to the will of her father, his mstemal great-uncle, Peter Veuablea ab<>Ti'nnino<l, when he assumed the name of VtnabU$, before that of Vernon ; tue, to the Derbyshire estates on the destli of his father, 1718 ; was H.P. for Lichfield, 1781-47, snd for Derby, 1754-61 ; and was er., 12 May 1762, LOUD VBRNON, BARON OP KINDEUTON, co. Chester. He m. firstly, 21 June 1788, Mary, 2d and yst. da. nud coheir of Thomas ( How abd), 2d Baron Howard or EmitGHAV, by his first wife, Mary, da. and h. of Uuishe WRMTWonTtT. She, who was b. in Irelsnd, about 26 April 1710,(«) d, Feb. 1740, and wns bur, at Sudbury. HeM. secondly, 22 Dec. 1741, Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Lrr, 8d Bart., of Hartwell, co. Bucks, by Klisabeth, dn. and h. of Thomas Samdtb. She (/. s.p. 22 Sep. 1742, snd was 6iir. at Sudbury. He m. thirdly, 10 April 1744, at St. O^n,^ Han. m]., Martha, aister (whose issue, in 1830, became siile heir) to Simon, Ist Karl Haroourt, only sunr. da. of the (>) •' William/' according to Col. Chester's note in *' FTcsf. Abbey Regt,*' to the burial of Lord Vere, but in l^odge's " trigh Pterage;* 1789, wh '* Tracy " (where she is stated to be sister of Viscount Tracy), and in Collina'a " NM4 FamiUet;* 9ub • Vere," it is given ss " John." (f) He had five daughters and coheirs (1) Elizabeth, m, John (Hol1es 2d Earl of Clare; (2) Maiy, m. firstly. Sir Roger Townehend, Bart, and secondly, Mildmsy (Kane), 2d Earl of Westmorland ; (3) Catharine, m. firstly, Oliver St John, and secondly, John (Poulett), 2d Baron Poulett of Hinton ; (4) Anne, m. Thoraaa (Fairfsx), 8d Lord Fairfax of Cameron [S.], the Pari. General ; (5) Dorothy, si. John Wolstenholm, s. and h. ap. of Sir John W., 1st Bitrt, but who ef. v p. and s.p., and was bur. 21 Sep. 1669, at Great Stanmore, where his widow Dorothy was also bur* 15 May 1688. (^) He and his br.. Sir Francis Vere, are sp<>kftn of as the greatest Oenerala of that age. This Francis, whom he sue. ss Qov. of Brill, <i. s.p., 28 Aug. 1608, in his 54th year, and ^tu 6i<r., under a splendid monument, in Westm. Abbey. Fuller (*' Worikiti") says of them that Horace " had more meekness, and as much Tslonr as his brother,*' and that *' both lived in war much honoured, and died in peace much lamented.*' The ix»rtrait of " Horace, Lord Vere, Baron of Tilbury ; M. Mirrelt pinx," ia engraved in C<illins*s NoUe FamHiar ?) As such, he and his sncestors were usually called '* Barons Kinderton." See vol. It, p. 889, sic6 '* Kinderton," as aUo voL i, p. 81, note " b," ftift '* Abingdon.*' (•) Peter Le Neve'a "i/smofancfa," «* in " Tjp. and Qen.;' vol iU, p. 879.