Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/38

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28 VBENON. Hod. Simon Harooubt, by EUsabeUi, d*. of John Evblyh. Ha d, 21 and wu hur. 28 Aug. 1780. at Sudbury afid., in hia Tdd year. Will pr. Oct. 1780. Hia widow, who waa b, 16 July 1715, d, in Lower Qroavenor atroet, 8 April 1794. Will pr. 1794. II. 1780. i8. Qborqb (Vsnablbs-Vbrnon), Loud Vbrnon, Baron OF KiUDBRTON, lat 8. and h. by firat marriage ; 6. 9 May 1786, in St. Jamea', Westm. ; ad. at Trin. Hall, Cambridge ; M.A., 1766 ; waa M.P. for Weobley 1767-61 ; for Bramber, 1762-68, and for Qlamorganabire, 1768-80 ; $uc. to UU peerage, 21 Aug. 1780. He m. firstly, 16 July 1767, at St. Geo., Han. aq., Louiaa Barbara, da. and h. of Buaiey (Mansbli.), 4th and laat Baron llANiiBLL op Mabqau, by hia aecond wife, Barbara, da. of William (Vilubrs). 2d Earl or Jbrrbt. She, who waa b. 2 Feb. 1788, d, a.p.m.8.(»), 16 Feb. 1786, aged 63. WiUdat 26 March 1788, pr. 10 March 1786. He m. secondly, 25 May 1787 (apee. lie), at her father's house, Stratton street, St. Qeo., Han. sq., Jaue Qeorgi»ua, da. of William Fadqoikr, of Hanover. He d, B.p.m.a.(^) of paxiilysis, in Park place, St. Jnmea', 18 June 1813, aged 78. WiU pr. 1813. HU widow d. in Park place, 31 May 1823. WiU pr. 1823. III. 1813. S. Hbnrt (VBNABLBhYBRNON, iotMiime [1779-I8I3] Sbdlby), Lord Vbrnon, Raron ov Kimdbrton, br. of the half-blood, and h. male, being 4th s.(*') by the secaud wife (to whom he was Ist son) of the lat Baron ; 6. 17 April 1747, in Park place, St. Geo., Hun. sq. He m. firstly, 14 Feb. 1779, EliKabeth liobecca Anne Nash, oU>erwiie Sbdlky, spinster, illegit da. and testamentary heir of Sir Charles Sbdlbt, 2d aud last Bart., of Nuthall, 00. Notta, ftc, in oonaequence whereof, he, by Royal lie, 19 March 1779, tO(»k the name of SedUy. She J. (aa '* Mrs. Sedley ") 16 July 1798. He fue. to the peerage, 18 June 1813, when he discontinued the name of Sedley and resumed his patmnymio. He m. aeooodly, 6 Dec 1796, at Wollaton, NotU, Alice Lucy, 2d da. of Sir John WBiTBr00BD,(<^) 8d Bart. [S.], by ( — ), da. and coheir of George Cartwright, of Ossington in that county. She JL 1 Aug. 1827, at Sudbury 'Hall afsd., aged 60. He d. at Kirkby, Motto, 20 March 1829, in his 82d year. Admon . Oct 1829. IV. 1829. 4, Qborob Charlbs (Vbkadlbs-Ybrnon, formeiiy [1779—1813] Sbdlky), Lord Vbrnon, Baron or Kindbrton, 1st s. and h., being only s. by the first wife ; b, 4 Dec. 1779, aud bap. at Nuttall, Notto ; •lie to thettetrage, 20 March 1829. He m. 6 Aug. 1802, at Stapl'^ford, Notts, Frances Maria, ouly surv. da. and h. of Admiral Uie Ut. Hon. Sir John Borlase Warrxn, Bart., K.B., by Caroline, yst da. of Lieut Gen. Sir John Clavbrino, ILB. He d, of dysentery, on board his yacht, off Gibraltar, 18 Nov. 1835, in hid 60th year, aud was bur, at Sudbury. Will pr. May 1836. His widow, who was b. 6 May 1784 ,(•) and who, on the death, 27 Feb. 1822, of her father, tue. to his estates of Stopleford afsd., and of Stratton Audley, co. Ozon, and who, on the subsequent death, 23 Feb. 1826, of Elizabeth Harriet, bam Warren,(0 Dow. Viscounteaa Bulkeley of Oaahel [L], 9uc {*) Her only surr. child, Louisa Barbarina, 6. 18 Jime 1766, in St. Geo., Han. sq., d, unm. a few months after her, in 1786, aged 21. See vol. y, p. 214, note c,** tub

  • Mansell." George, the eldest son, b. 19 Nov. 1761, d. an infant, and was 6itr. at

Newick, Sussex, while two other children, Charlotte and George, botli also d. in iufancy. (^) His only surv. child, Georgiana, Baroness Suffield, was by his second wife. (0) Henry and Howard, his two next elder brothers of the half-blood, d, young. Of his younger brothers, William d, young, while Edward, 6. 10 Oct. 1767, waa Arohbiahop of York, 1807 — 1847» having taken the name of Uareourt after that of Vernon, by royal lie, 16 Jan. 1831, on succeeding to the eatates of hia materuul ancestors, and is anceator of Uie family of Vernon- Harcourt, of Nuneham, Oxon. (0) A good account of thu family, by ** S. S.," is in MarshaU's *' Oeneaiogut," vol, iv, pp. 141 — 144. {*) £fee an interesting memorandum in the " Oenealogiet,** N.S., vol. iii, p. 126. (0 A reUtionship is asiu^ned to them [see vol. vii, p. 328, note " 1," Mub '< Surrey "] in Watson's " Sarii of IFarr^ and Surrey,** wherein Laidy Vernon is made to be tenth cousin onoe removed to Lady Bulkeley, her desoent being there deduced from Sir Laurence Warren, of Poyntou (living temp, Ed. IV.), the undoubted anoestor of Lady Bulkeley. This, however, is a manifest fudge, there being no proof, whatever, that