Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/370

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360 OORRIOiafDA, BTO., TO FOL. IL p. 432; iMt liaa, <iflfe « in Ins FadMi's Bmoy"; fw '^bat," tmi *« being pheed at the bottom of tbe Urt^ in which hit lither (who waa ai iha aame data aum. wim m» Lord OromwelO waa (probaUy aa being VioKr Qaneral) pUoed at tha tc»p. Ha, however." p. 433; in margin, /or " IX," rcnil '« VI " Una 4, a/icr" waa," «U "one of tha 40 Knigfata made aa "; line 8, o/Ur "d.," add'^tX Lannde, 4 Jalj "; Una 17, •fUr

    • hj* add '* ed. at Jeaua Coll., Cambridge ; cr. U. A., 1692/3 "; line 22,/0r " BUaa-

beUi,dii.of (— ) VMno»;*r§ad*'Sl, Elisabeth. da. (rf William UnOH, of Pualineh, Devon, Sergeant at Arma, by Mary, da. of Tbomaa Kikkuam, of Blakedon, in that ooantj "; line 22, mfUr ^ Ruoai," aifif " or RiFn"; nfUr '* Norfulk." mdd " by Thomanne, da. of Sir Robert TowRaonD, Justice of Cheater "; line 26, mfUr •M684," add She d. before 80 Not. 1631." Kota (>>), line 2, aJUr •* marita^" add *• bot, puaaibly, having had a writ in 1689, ha waa thought to have aoma claim to a peerage." p. 435 ; line 26, a/tsr " 1662," adtf " waa appointed, 18 Jane 1686, Captain of 'an independent troop of hone ' raiaed for the King'a aerrice." Note 0*), line 8, for ««1664," TMd '* 1668,'* and deU "Sir"; Una 6, aftir "laboUt," add

  • ' [1888-84]." Note (<^), line 8, aJUr '• Holdemeaa," add ** (who d. 1641)."

p. 436 ; Una 12, for «* 20," rood •< 80 "; Une 16, of tor *< Ruahton," add *< waa appointed 16 Joly 1686, 'CapL of that troop of hoiaa. whereof Bryan, Viaooont CuUen, waa Captain ' "; line 21. aftor ** Cahk?," rtad ** or Cartb." P* 437 ; between linea 28 and 34, inurt at under — $.«., Ogilvy of Cullbn/' BaroDj [S.] (Ogilvy cr. 1695 with the ViaooDVTOT OF SiAFiBLD [8.], which aee. f.e., " OaiLVY OF Dbskpord and Cullbn," Biirony [S.] (OgUvy er. 1701 with the Kaeloom or SaAyiBLD [8.], which eee. line 26. far " Britian," read " BriUin." Note (<>), Une 1, for *" 1818," read

    • 1819 " Une 2, for - Garvagh," read '* Howden."

p. 439 ; Une 1. after "flratly," odd *< about 1686. certainly before 1644 "; Une 4, after "1647," add '*aged about 28"; line 24, for '^Sa," read '*Saim"; Une 26, for *• blood," read * ' bloody " ; line 84, after " ap.," read *< aged one year in 1685." p* 440; note (*), eondude "According to Beataon'a Index [no great authority] he waa er.f at the aame time, Baron Kendal, co. Weatmorland." p. 442 ; Hnea 6 and 7, for " Feb. 1809.(») Will pr.," read «*at Trieate, 28 Dec 1808.(«) Will dat. 16 Feb. to 4 Oct 1808, pr. 18 April." Top note, Une %for •• Boidiaant," read "Soidiaante." p. 443 ; line 10, after *' d.," add " at Paria "; Une 44, for " SiewaH;' read " StuarL" p. 444; Une 4, deU "Di"; linea 4 and 6, deU "anppoaed," to "auch?]," and tubttUute " confirmed as the Barony of La J^oer in fee "; Une 7. for ** Puwn OF CuRRAOHMOHi," rcoii " Lb Powbb of Coboomobi." Between linea 8 and 9, inaert a$ under — CURSON, or CURZON. Sir Robkrt Curbon, of Ipswioh, is, during the reign of Hen. VIII., con&tantly atyled LORD CURSON, or BARON CURSON. Pryune, in hia PaHiamentarjf Write (I. 224) writes nor Robert Curaon, created a Baron of the Sacred Empire by MazimiUan, the Emperor, acknowledgetl to be a Borou in England by King Henry VUI. ur hia Nobles, till be created him a Baron himaelf by hia charter, without, giving him a voice in Parliament" No record, however, of thia alleged EnKlinh creation has been found, nor indeed any authority for that of the Barony of the Empire, to which last the date of 1600 ia aometimes assigned. An examination of the Oalendan of Letten and Papere under Hen. VIIL auppUea the following evidence : " Sir