Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/375

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OORRIGBNBA BTTO , TO VOL« Ht. 365 [William Lbgob, styled, sinoe 1891, Visoount LBwiSHAif, Ist a. and h. np. ; 3. 2!i Feb. 1881 ; ed. at Etou]. line 28, far " 1718," read " 1818 "; line 84, for " •.," read " 2d but only surv. B."; line 88, dele the comma after "Cremorne"; line 48, after "£6,600," add "He d. 12 May 1897, in his 80th year, at 28 Eaton aquaro, and was bur. at Dartrey.(*) Will pr. at £246,886 "; addae taid note <* f^) A model landlord and country gentleman, as also one of the beat amateur ohns players [Morning Poei, 14 May 1896] "; dde lines 49 to 53, and ineert a$ under— II. 1897. ^. Vbsbt (Dawson), Earl op Dartrbt [1866 J. and BiROM Dartrbt [1847 J, also Baron Crkmorrr of Castle Dawson [I. 1797], Ist 8. and h. ; 6. 22 April 1842, in Hanover square ; itfled Lord Crkmornb, 1866-96; ed. at Eton ; sometime Lieut -Col. Coldstream Guards, retiring in 1876; was M.P. for oo. Monaghan, 1865-68, and High Sheriff thereof, 1878 ; fue. to Me peerage, as aboTe, 12 May 1897- He m. 29 Aug. 1882, at St. Michael's, Cozwold. Julia Qeorgiana Sarah, let da. of Sir George Orby Woubwkll, 4th Bart., by Julia Sarah Alice, da. of George Augustus Frederic (Vilubbb), 6th Earl of Jbhskt. p. 31 ; line 8 from bottom, aftrr " 1477," add " K.B., 18 Jan. 1477." Note («), line If, /or " 1442," read " 1444." p. 32 ; line 8, after ** father," add '* X.B., 28 June 1509 "; between line 22 and 28, imeri a$ under — DAVEY OF FERNHURST. i.e., " Daybt op Fbrnhurst, co. Subboz, Baronj for life {Davey), er. 1894 ; see toI. viii, p. 288 in AppBKonL line 2 from bottom, for ** Downay" read " Davsnay of Cowiek*' after last line, tfii€r( OS under — DAWNAY OF DANBY. ».e., "Dawnjj op Danbt, co. York," Barony {Dawnay cr. 1897; see " DowMB," Visoouhtcy t{.], er. 1681, under the 9th Viscount p. 33 ; line U,for *' 1800," read <* 1800(^) " add ae eaid noW (^) He whs one of 24 Commoners er. Irish Peers in that year, and one of 16 Barons [I.] er, that dny. See notes under Ashtown, Henniker and Jtiversdale "; line 26, after " 1775," oiid **at Sir William Montgomery's house, Mary strcpt"; line 28, offer "77," ffrfrf"in Regente park"; line 82, «//er "1844," add "at his seat, Port Leman"; line 84, after "1778," add "in Paris"; line 88, afirr '* 17 S2," add "and from whom he was senarated in 1814"; line 89, ofter "Norwood," add "aged 78, having shot himself, while suffering from the small poz"; last line, after " 1851," add " at Madeira." p. 34; line 4, for "UTing 1890," read "d, 11 Jan. 1894"; line 11, for "Uving 1890," read " cf. 7 June 1894, at Coleheme Mansions, South Kensington." p. 35 ; line 18, for " occassion," read " occssion "; line 20, for " 1865," read " 1855 "; line 25, for " Kbrr," read " Karr"; ofter " Roxburgh/' add " He d, suddenly at York, 8 July 1898, aged 82. Will pr. at £40,108. Hia widow living 1898." IV. 1893. 4. William Mabcds db la Posr (Horslbt-Bbresford), Barom D1CIK8 [L 1812.], s. and h. 6. 12 Jan. 1865 ; $ue, to the peerage [I.] 8 July 1898. line 40, after " Oxon," add " ed. at Harrow snd afterwards at Eton." p> 36 ; line 9, after " Kensington," adti "of paralysis, and was bur. 26, at lUogan "; line 12, for " 1830," read " 1885 "; line 27, dde "(of Qroby) "; between Unes 24 and 25 ineert ae under — DE ERESBY, see Willouohbt db Erbbbt.