Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/376

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366 OORRIOENDA, BTO., TO VOL. lU. Note (*), eonehide ** but the above etfttement fa Mid to be ' nmplv abenrd * in an able article entitled 'The Peerage' in the QuarUHw JUnem (toI. 177) for Oct 1898." p. 37 ; line 12, for ** 1889/' read " 1898 "; line 15, /or " Baptfat^" ruid ** Baptfat'i." Note (»), Une 2, for *' grantoee/' read " gnmtee'a." p. 38 ; line 4, afur " 1888," add " in St James' iqaare, aged 82, and was bur. at Wrest"; Une 5, after "Wxddkll," add "previously RoumaON"; line 7, for " Ist." read *' 2nd "; line 19, after " 1805." add *< st the Earl of Carhampton's house, in Oobham, Surrey "; line 23, after ** m.," add "s." Top note, line 10, for ** antiquity dates," read " aucestors, in the male line, possessed hmd." p. 40; Note (•), Ust line, /or •* his (cadet)." read ** this *'; after '* Lovel," add " him- self, but a younger son." P- 41; line 9, for '* Eversham," read "Evesham"; line 8 from end, /or *' about 1688," read ** 30 Nov. 1639, at St Mary's, Colechurch, London (Uc Lond.)" p. 42 ; line 1,/or *' about 1650,'* read " (U& Lond., 14 Dec 1644, he 26 [etc] and she 22 "; line 24, after " 1778," add " and was bur. 9 Aug., at Hampvtead» Midz. "; line 89, after *' 1810," add *< at Ruabon." p. 43 ; Une 8, after ** AugusU," add *' Emfly "; line 11, /or " 1889," rsod " 1898"; line 20, ciei« " LA." p. 45 ; in mnigin, for " 1824," read " 1884 1 " Line 2, t^ " 1822/' add " aged 60 "; line 15, for " 1824," read *" 1834." p. 46; NoU (•), line 5, for « Heraldy," read *< Heraldry." Note {% line 18 (in two pUoea), for " after," read *' in.^' p. 47 ; line 88, for " Jane," read ** Anne "; line 46, after " 1524-25," mU •« He was sum. to Par. from 8 Nov. (1529), 21 Hen. VIII., to 14 Aug. (1558), 1 Mary." p. 48; line 1, for recompenoe," read "reoompense"; line 3, for "She d. before him," rtad " of Ualnaker, Sussex, by Katherine, da. of Sir Robert Wihofibld. She, who was 6. 1478, and was living 1524, d, a p. before him, and was 6tfr. at Broadwater "; line 8, for " 5 Nov.." read " 5 Mav." Note (b) eondude. *<8ee Pike's ' Oonstitut History of the Houie of Lords,' where this matter fa ably dealt with." p. 49 ; line 7, for '* Wherewell," read *« Wherwell "; Une 17, for " deoended," read '* descended." Note (b), eondude, ** The matter fa, however, presented in Pike's ' Constitut Hfatory of the House of Lords,' in a new and not improbably a correct light' " p. 50 ; line 8, for " was living 19 Feb. 1622 («)," read ^ who petitioned the House of Lords. 8 Deo. 1645. was bur. 81 July. 1662, at Wherwell "; line 14. after *' 1607,'* add " was living 15 Nov. 1670, but"; line 15,/or *< Sep.," read " Dec"; Une 21, after '* 1687," add " and was bur. 27, at Wherwell." DeU Note ('). p. 51 ; Une 8, after " d.," add " at Bath "; Une 5, for " July," read *' at Balderwood, Hants. 26 June "; Une 19, after *< widow," add '* d. in Park street. 27 Oct and "; line 28. after '*1758." add '* sometimes Lieut 2 Foot Quards'*; line 83, after »* 1795." add " at Dawlfah." p. 52; line 85 for "to," read "on"; Uui 89, for "She was 6. 7 Feb. 1846," read '* He d. at 60 Grosvenor street, 15 Jan. 1896, in his 79th year, and was bur. at Withyam. Hu widow, who was 6. 7 Feb. 1846. Uving 1898 "; Une 41, after

    • 1868," add " He m. 24 June 1890. at St Paul's. KniKhUbridge, Dorothy, 1st

da. of John PosUe Hubltinb, of Walhampton park, Hants. He if. a. p. and v. p., about 5 months later, being drowned while yachting in Belfast Lough, 6 Nov. 1890, aged 22, and was iter, at Boldrechurch, Hants, having recently insured hfa life for £40,000. Hfa widow Uving 1898 "; between Unes 41 and 42, imert a$ under —