Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/377

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Earldom. VIII. Barony. XIV. CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL, HI. 867 8 and IS. Gilbkbt Gkorob Rbginald (Saoktillb), Karl Dk La Warr [1761], VnoouNT Caktklupb [1761], Baron -1896 ^' ^^ Warr [1570 or 1572], and Baron Bucrhurst [1864], 2<1 and yst, but only Bunr. b. and h. ; (. 22 MRrch 1869 ; U^led ViscoUMr Cantblupb, 1890-96; <ue. to the peerage^ m aboTe, 15 Jan. 1896. He m. 4 Aug. 1891, at St. Geo., Han. aq., Marie] Agnee, 2d but lat aunr. dn. of Thomaa (Brambt), lat Baron Brabsbt of Bdlkrlbt, by hia firat wife, Anna, da. of John Allnutt. She waa ft. 8 June 1865. p. 63; line 2, for '*formeely," rend "formerly**; line 17, for " amenuenBiV' ^^^ "amantienBia "; line 19, after " thereof," ndi " and wmb hur. 18. at Penehurat*'; Knee 26 and 27, for ** He thereupon," read "and d 14 June 1891, at 8 Lennox fCardena. He, on hia marriage "; line 28, after " again," add "He m. aecondly, 25 Jan. 1898, at St. Peter'a, Eaton square, Emily Franoea, lat da. of William Fermor Ramsat, of Croughton, oo. Northampton, by Emily, da. of Rev. R ToRDOROFT." Note (i^), line 1, defe "extraordinary"; line 13, after "existence," add "in the family of Lyaaght"; line 14, dde " to the family of Lysaght"; line 14, /or " to," read '* with *'; for *< antiquea," read "antique." p. 54 ; lines 4, 7, 28, 81 and 87, /or " Drlorainb," read " Dblorain "; lines 8 and 38,/or".QoLDiLANDe." read "Goldiblands"; line 15, after <* 1720," add "and was bur, 26 in Oxfordshire "; line 27, after " if.," add " 16 June"; line 28, for "seoondlyy," read "secondly"; line 29, after "year," add "and waa bnr. in Lincoln Cathedral. M.I."; line 84, for " 1740," read " 1789/40, of consumption"; Une 48, for " 1782," read " in or about Feb. 1782." p. 56; Une 2, for "1198," read "1493"; lines 8 and 12, /or "Laitrbnob," read "Lawrbncb"; Une 18, after " Not.," add "or 10 Deo."; line 20, after " 1550," add " matric. at Cambridge (Clare Hall), 12 May 1568 "; line 27, after " Delrin," add " Will pr. 1603 in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 8, efter " him," add " WUl pr. as aboTc, 1611." p. 57 ; before Une 1, ineert a$ under — DE MAULEY, see also under Maulbt. p. 58; line 6, after "1844," add "in Albemarle street, and was bur. at Canford. Will dat. 12 Aug. 1839, pr. 1845 "; line 12, for " She," read " He d, auddenly, at the Knapp, Inchture, near Dundee, being the house pf his sister (Dow. Bss. Kinnaird), 24 and waa bur. 29 Aug. 1896, at Little Faringdon, Oxon., aged 80. wot pr. at £1.076. His widow, who"; after " 1819," add "d. 13 Sep. 1897, aged 78, at Langford houae. III. 1896. 3, William Asiilbt Wbbd (Ponsombt), Baron dr Mau- lbt or Canvord [1838], let s. and h. ; ft. 2 March 1848 ; aometime Lieut. Rifle Brigade; we. to thepeeroge, 24 Aug. 1896." Note (<i), for " Mould," read " Mold." p. 59 ; line 10, /or "about 1607,*' read " (oontiaet dat 1606) "; line 20, for " wife waa Uring 1681," read " widow Uring 21 Oct 1651." Note (^), line 5, eondude, " See a masterly article by J. Horace Round, entitled ' Our English Hapaburgs, a great delusion,' in ' The Oenealogiet,' N.S. (1894), vol x., pp. 198-206.' " Note {f), conclude, " See a similar creation in 1660, when the Sari of Winchelsea was made Baron Fiteherbert of Eastwell." p. 60 ; line 8, for *< h.," read " coheir (£50,000) " ; line 8, after " She," add " who was 6. 1623"; line U, after **m.," add "(Lie Vic Gen. 8 April 1680, but there called Francee, ahe aged 30, he abt 50, a widower) "; Une 36, for " 1713," read "1712"; line 39, /or "d.'* read "who was b. 3 Jan. 1675/6, d, in Carendish square "; Une 45, after "d.," add " in South Audley street.*' p. 61 ; line 1, c^er " 1788," add " (spec, lia) at Wistow, oo. Leicester "; Une 2, for " 1800. WiL," read " at Newnham Paddox. Will "; line 8, after " widow," odd " who was 6. 35 Oct 1741 "; after " 1814," add " at Brighton, and waa bur (with