Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/380

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870 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. III. parish as the church of Hope, and that hoth were in the juriediction of the laid Dean and Chapter ; ic shows that the chapel waa in the Peak, and on land which was formerly Pe?erel'a ; and it shows tbitt the Earl de Ferrers bsizbd thia land during the war between the King and his barons, and gsve it to the monks for this chapel. Turning to Lysons' Mag, BriL, vi. ISS, we find that Ho|ie is in the hundred and deanery of High Peak (about 8 miles from chapel-en-le Fritli), and that the church was vested in the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield ; and in the same vol., p. 73, we find that, in Chapd'en-U Frith, a ohapel was originally built and consecrated bfttceen 12M4 ahd 1SS8, and that Uiis town is in the hundreil and deaneiy of High Peak. The only baron's war that fits these dates is that of 1SS7, when the Earl de Ferrers is said to have joined t»ther Earls nt the time [when] Heniy IIL sought to deprive his brother Richard, Earl of Cornwall, of a certain manor. JFiUittm, E. de Ferrers, therefore, " ntade himself heir," and *' intmdtd himself into " the inheritance of William Peverel by seizing some of the land which had been Peverel's, in th$ g$ar 1B£7, about 28 years aftbr he had paid Xing John SfiOO markafor Heeham, Bliieworih and Newboitie, and had qivbn up all his olaiiis to the gthbr laude which wete FevereVt, (Oblate Roll, 1 Job.) ; and thia was 6 years before Agnes (de Blundeville) became a coheir of her brother. But, blind as Planch6 was to what the Oblate Roll, 1 John, clearly shows, and as to how the Earl of this plea made himself heir, iohen he did it, and which Earl it was, he was still more negligent in dropping this plea where he did ; for, had he read further on in it, he would have seen that the monks came to the Earl and asked him to conceed to them (which he did) the tithes belonging to this chapel, as thr Eabl was thi hbir of thb aiobbsaid Wiluam Pbvbkkl. Now, ff>r the third proof, which was not found by Planch^. Plba Roll, 1 John (Abb. Plac., page 24). — Isabella de Peissi claims rights in Newbottle and Blise- worth, against the Sari de Fcrrere, after (but in the same regnal year) he had given Ring John 2,000 marks for Hecham, Bliseworth and Newbottle, and had released all his claims to Peverel's other lands. In this plea the King testifies that Isabella has no right in Newl)ottle and Bliseworth, except through her deceased husbsnd, Robert de Peissi, who held them from King Henry (If.) while the Honor of Feverel was in his hands ; snd that by an agreement between King John and the Earl, who is hbir to thb said Honor, the lands in question and others of the same Honor had been given and warranted to the Karl by John. Here, then, is King John's acknowledgment that the Eai'l himself {no Jure ux.) was heir to the Honor of Peverel, in the year 1199. It seems certain, from the foregoing, that Wm. de Ferrers, E. of Derby 1190- 1247, had Peverel blood in his veins. Charter only show the Earl William, 1102 1- 1190, to have wife Sybilla. Unless this latter Earl had two wives, therefore, the Peverel marriage must have been with Earl Itobert (1189-1162?), whose wife's name is not mentioned in any charter that I have seen. Notwithstanding [that] Brooke's " Catalogue," 1619 (Vincent does not criticise the statement), and Dugdale gave the first Earl Wm. to Margaret Peverel as husband (and later writers have copied it), it is to be noted that at least Shaw's Stoffvrdthire and Qlover's Derbgnhire make the second Robert the husbsnd of Margaret Peverel, which Doyle half adopts. It is to be noted, slso, that the second Robert styled himself ** of Nottingham "; and that hia son, Earl Wm., held Hicham, Bliseworth and Newbottle by Knights service in 1166 (Ub. Rub. and Lib. Nig.).' Note 0, line 1, for ** of thb first marriage," read '* by the marriage with Sibyl." p. 67 ; line 2, after " h.," add <' by Margaret his wife afsd."; line 11, for " Ohartly," read Chartley"; line 12. afUr *Minitly," add " at Westm."; line 13, deU '< Marie" to <* who." and intert " Mary, da. of Hugh XI, called Le Brun, Sire de Lusignan, Count of La Marobb and Anooulkmb, by Yolande, do. of Peter Mauderc, Ddkb of Britanmt, which Hugh "; line 15, for *'in or before 1279," raid " probably in 1278, but c«»rtAinly before 20 Nov. 1279, and was bur. in the priory of St Thomas, SUfford"; last line, after '*B.p.," add "10 April 1362." Note (^), line 2, qfter ** Ferrers," add " often spoken of as Perrere.'* Note («}, line 4, for <* und," read " and "; line 6, for ** Maud," read " BUndie." p. 68 ; line 9, for " about," read " 30 May." Note (b), line 2, dde " tolerably." p. 69 ; Hoe 16, dde "db Blbisob"; line 18, /or ** 1444," read <*S1 May 1448"; line 21, for " 69," read " 67 "; line 24, after *' ap./' ocW " by first wife "; after •* w.,"