Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/381

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. 111. 871 add " in or before 1482 '*; last line, for " Khockih," read " Khokw.- Note («), line 1, after ** Huntingdon," add '* and possibly Pembroke"; far "They," read

    • These four." Note (<>), line 9, after <' Derby," add " In one of the Registers

(Glass XI) of the Dnchy of Lancaster (vol. 21, f. 25) is a patent under the seal of the Duchy, reciting the grant of the Earldom (27 Oct 1 Hen. VII.)* ' pro diversis obeeqiiiis suis impensis, in Comitem Derb' ereximus &o. Ac nomen he. Comitis Derb' eidem deHimns &c. et ▼iginta librae habendas ke. de firmia exitibos Ac. de Com.' Notingham et Derb' provenientibus ' and, reciting a release of the said pension, the King grants a new pension of £40,(e) 'de manerio rive dominio nostro de Derb* in com, Xaneojfr. soWend.' The date is the last day of Feb. [1487/8] 8 Hen. YII. [ex, infarm, W. H. W. Bird]." p. 70 ; lines 3 and 16, for " KirooKnr [1290],** read " KnoKfir and Mohuh db numTBn"; lines 20 and 21, dde "1507 " to <« 1405)," and interi '* before 1508 (when her first son, John, was bttr» at St-. James,' Garlick Hill), Anne "; lines 26 and 27, for '* The will of his widow," read " His widow was bur. 17 Nov. 1 650. Her will "; line 29, /or " about 1508," read " 10 May 1500 "; line 35, /ur '* 1514-21," read '* till 1521." p. 71 ; line 16, after «< Dkbbt, ke,," add '* b, about 1581." p. 72 ; line 11,/or •< KHOOKnr," read " Knokih "; line 13, for '* tfll 1689, when he,'* read ** from 1572. He "; after '< father's," add ** said "; line 23, for ** JTiiocUm" read '^Kfiokin, Mohan de Duntter/' Note (•), line 8, for <*Saj:er," read "Sadleir." p. 73; line 6, for "Tiondon," read "Cannon Row, Weetm."; line U,ofUr "She," iuf<i"whowas5.2and bap, 10 July 1575,atTheobaMR"; line 15, ofir "Abbey,'* odd "Will dat 19 Feb. 1626, pr. 19 Feb. 1649/50," and deU these same words on line 16 ; line 24, for " JTiiodkifi," read " Knokm,*' p. 74 ; line 11,/or " Raron di Rufa, in Holland, read " van dkn Kbrokhovb, Lord of Heenvliet in Zealand, by Catherine, euo jure ConHTisa of Chbstbrfibld"; line 13, after "widow," add " who was naturaliaeil 13 B^p, 1660 "; line 22, /or " s.p.m.,'^ read "s.p.m.s."; line 25, /ur "h.," read " h. ap."; line 26, for " 1699," read " or Venice, shoHly before 17 Oct. 1699, of email |k)X." Note (^), line 10, for " Knoekin;' read " Knokin." p. 75 ; line 6, i^er '< ^.," add ** in Queen street, Westm."; line 15, for " Knoekin,*' read '* Knokin ", line 29, for ** Lucy," read " at Keith's chapel, St. Gea, Han. ■q., Lucy (' £100,000 ') "; Une 82, for " before,*' read " in addition to.*' p. 76 ; line 4, /or " Kew, near," read " ArgvU Honse*'; line 7, for "Portman sq.,** read " Qrosvenor strset, Matylebone "; hne 17, after " ed.," add " at Eton, and "; line 25, after " m," odd ** in the chapel at Knowsley." p. 77 ; line 4, for "69th," read " 71st"; line 18, for " She," rscki " He (2. s.p. at Knowsley, 21 April 1893, and waa ftttr. there, aged 66. Will pr. at £1,802,000 net. His widow, who "; ^fter '< 1824," add "living 1898." XXV. 1893. 16. Frbdbbiok Arthur (Stanuet), Earl of Dbrbt [1485], Babon Stahlbt of Biokbrbtaffb [1882] and Baron Stab- LBT OF PRBBTOV [1886], olto a Barouet [1627], br. and h. ; 6. 15 Jan. 1841, in St James' square, Westm. ; ed. at Eton ; Capt Grenadier Guards, 1862-65 ; M.P. for Preston, 1865-68, and for Lancashire (North), 1868-85, and (Blackpool div.), 1 886-86 ; a Lord of the Admuralty, Aug. to Dea 1868; Financial Sec of War, 1874-77, and of the Treasury, 1877-78 ; P.O., 1878 ; Sec. of State for War, 1878-80, and for the Colonies, 1885-86 ; Pres. of Board of Trade, 1886-88 ; f^.O.B. (civil), 1886, and was er., 27 Aug. 1886, BARON STANLEY OF PRESTON, co. Lancaster ; A.D.G. to the Queen, 1886 ; Gov. Gbh. of Canada, 1888-93 ; tue. to the Bartdom, kc, as above, 21 April 1893 ; Mayor of Liverpool, 1895-96 ; L. Lieut of Lancashire, 1897 ; K,0 , 1897. He m., 31 May 1864, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, ConsUnoe, 1st da. of George William Frederick (Yilubbb), 4th Earl of Clarbbdon, by Katharine, da. of James Walter (Grihstov), 1st Eaal of Vbbulam. She was 6. in Grosvenor crescent, 2 Sep. 1840.