Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/386

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376 ooBUGiirDA, btc^ to yol. m. VIIL Stmd 11, Sfvbcbb Cghptov (CA¥Bn>BHX Dim or DvTonBiBS [1694^ Mabqcbi or HAxnsarrocf fl^^l jggi Eamlow Dsyos»bisb [Idld^ Eaml or Bcmuscrus (IS3l£ Babos CATontBa or Habowuk (1605}, aad &&bos €!▲¥■»- nu or KnasLiT f l&ll], Ut il ud k, k 23 Joly 1833 ; ifjffrf LoBo CATianMiB, 1S3I-M, smI Mabquvb or Hakt- OKTOV, 1S58-91 ; t± U Tnt, CoiL, Guftbndge ; XIL Kims 10 and 11, >r -««• 1835,-* nmd *^ 1885 91 *; Em 14, mfiar ** 1882-86,-* mU **?.&, 1884i "; Kiic 15, /tr •* ISTa}," read « 1878. H* mc «• Oe yar»9«, M aboT«, 21 Dec: 1891 ; Chaiiceilor of the Unir. U Cambridge, 1892 ; X.0., 1392 ; U PrcMdent of the Council, 1a95u He »., U Aug, 189:2, at Ckriii C*kiireii, lUyfaKr, I^miim Fredenca Angtiata, Duv. DccHBi or Mamsorsb* M da. of Cbaxi«a FrancM Tkior, Cocrr to^i Altss, of Haaover, b^ Hcwiiie, hum MScHMiniL SIm WM k 15 Jaa. 1532, and WH aoBaiiiiie (1858-59) MktmB of tboRoboL" fiarSr^yW- ^ihtmt,' tmd "ibaa^fina 29, aAcr *to,-add "Um"; Iim 30. mfUr "77," add '* See also yoL in, p. «9, note (^), cva p. 120: Kna At^mfUr inUy,** add *'15 Dec 1628*; liaa 17, >r ** Ro«;er,' "IUa»anl"; line ^^mfUr "ArruT," add '^(wiko d. 14 Maj 1838)"; lino 21, >r •^ Sbc," r««d ** Uarj, da. of Ricfaard Stafus, of Loadoo. Merchant. She, who wao aged 1 year ia 1802"; line 28, /or *^ 1668," rmd ■«1658"; line 39, m/t^ " a^" add ■« on Monday before 3 Sep. 1683"; bit lina, ftr " 1885,' "1685/8." p. 121 ; in margin, >br "1685," rmd " 1688l" Line 15, mftgr "He^" add 6 July 1730"; line 25, #/£«r ** Lincoln, add •* with the anal F.122 ; )ine8,#/t«r "Minteme," edd •'Will pr. 27 Dee. 1889, at £395,753 groee"; Hoe 11, m/trr " 1876-85/* »/d *« m«. to <A# ^<re^. 16 Oct. 1889. He m. 19 Sepw 1893, at Chrkt church. Down street, Emily iWryl Siaey, lat da. of the Uoa. Albert HooD (3d n of the 3d YtacoDiiT Hood or Whjtlbt), by Jolia Jane, da. of ThoouM Wynn Hoehbt. She was *. 20 March, 1871." p. 123 ; lioe 15, tmclmd$ " Hie will and that of hk widow wen both pr. 1875 in the Prerog. Ct. [L]"; fine 30, afta- " 1711," add "pr. that joar in the Plrarog. CL [I.]"; laet line bot one, /ir " Do Uin," rwuf" the Prerog. Ct.[L]1716"; hai line, tmuituU "A * Dowager LaDT DiixoH ' (pombly thk Udy) d 18 Not. 1751." p. 134 ; lioe 9, for " (Dnxov)," nmd ** Diuor (d. 5 Fek 1732/3) "; line I6,>r « [L br. and h-l** r^d -[1] br. and h. "; line ,m/i^ "1744," add " or 26 Jan. 1744/5 at the Portngneee Ambaaador'a chapel"; line 19, #/2rr "He,**«dd"d. in Manafield street, 15"; line 22, e/<«r "d," add •'aged 74**; fine 80, >far «* 1786," remd " 1776 "; line 33, mfter " aecondly," 0dd " before 15 April 1802 "; m/ter *• 1813," add at Loughlin booae. co. Koeoommon"; line 34, mfigr "dL," •dd " in Fitooy sqoare, Marylebone, aged 74 "; fine 37, a/itr " Bniaada," mdd <' Col. in the Irish bripide, 1794"; fine 40, mfter " 1832," add "in Lower Bn>ok street"; h»t fine, mmOtub " His widow dL 17 Joly 1890 at Yichy. Pcraooalty £52,166." p. 12S; fine 4, e/^ <« Addibut," add "He d. 12 Jan. 1892, in hk 80th year, at Ditdiley afsd. His widow dL there, after one day's ilhieas, 10 Feb. 1896.* ti XVil. 1892. 17. Habold Arthur (Lxb-Dillon), Yisooukt Dillon or CosTBLLD Gallkm [I. 1662], let s. and h. 4. 24 Jan. 1844 ; sometime IJeot. Rifle Brigade, and Major 4th batt. Oxon Light Infantry; Hon. MA. Oxon ; «r«. t» ik$ peerof [I ] 12 Jan. 1892 ; Prea. of the Sue of Antiquaries, 1897. He «k 8 Not. 1870, Julia, lat da. of laaac Brock Stakton, of Ottawa, in the sdian CivU Scrrioa^y iMt liDe,>r <* 1457/' rtMd " 1457/8."