Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/387

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OORRIOKNDA, ETC., TO VOL. lU. 377 P 126 ; line 8, Me wrrtgmida thanio in toI. ilL, p. 410 ; line 85, aft»r " A," iM <* *t DiueYor Outle." p. 127 ; lines 22 and 23, d^le from 'MiYing/' to the end, and imort *• d, 5 Auff. 1896» »t 112 Queen's Gate. Personalty £13,652 "; line 80, for " 1838/' rtad ** 1888." p. 129 ; line 38, afUr " ».," add " firstly"; line 40, after "Bh9,"add" who wai K 9 Dec. 1784." p. 130 ; line 1. del *< who was b. 9 Dec 1784 "; line 28, irfter ** 8.p.," add *' before 10 No7. 1477"; line 28,/tfr "op," read "of"; line 80,/«>r "DiWJKOii," read " Dirletoun "; line 85* ajter ** He," add " who was nnder 14 and unm. on 10 Kot. 1477"; line 86, a/ka- «« Helen," add *<da of John"; line 40, /er '* Hamilton," read ** Haltbubton." p. 131 ; in murKin, for " 1602 f " read '* 1604." Une 8, for '* 1518, Patrick," read "1616, WUIiam"; line 5, /of " Patrck," r«erf"FATWOK"; line 6, £^/ltor " [S]," add " s. and h. "; line 12, for " Nov.," read " Aug. "; lines 28 and 29, see corrigenda thereto in toI. iii., p. 410. Note (»), line 8,ybr "1585," r$ad "80 Oct. 1531." Note (b), line 6, dele "and 1667 "; for "da. and h.," rmtd "da. (whose issue was probably eventually heir"; line 7, for "by whom," rM<f "and secondly (as 2d wife) Sir Robert Pryse, Bart, who d, about 1651. By Yankyke "; line 13, for "Knuston," read " Knntsford." p. 132 ; line 8, for " ap.m.(i^) about," read " s.p.m.B.(>), at Holyrood house, 26 (reetiui 19) April"; line 19, eondude^ "and pr. 1675, in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 21, for " d, unm. about 1650," read " who was Capt of a Foot Company in Ireland, d. unm. 19 April 1650,(^) in great want, in Kngland," and add a$ eaid note "(^) Certificate of Robert Aylett among the Pye papers. [Bx, infomu A. Perceval Keep]"; line 85, for "with the," read *< see ^ Cabublb ' "; line 86, /or "of Carlislb, which see," read "cr. 1622." p. 133; line 26, after « secondly," add "before 10 April 1688"; line 82, deU "18 March 1674/5"; line 84, afler "Abbey," add "His will pr. 1676 and 1678, and that of his relict pr. 1695, in Prerog. Ct. [I.] "; line 87, /or " 24," read " 29 "; line 44, Jor " in 1674." read " on 18 Maroh 1674/5." p. 134 ; line 12, for " 1685," read " 27 July 1685 "; line 86, for " was 6ttr. 22 Not. 1780," read ** d, at Bath, after a long illness, 11, and was bur, 22 Not. 1780 "; line 88. a/t^r ** d.," add "at Fiaherwick"; line 41, /or "York," fW<i"Cork; last line, eondttde, " in Chesham place." t» p. 135 ; line 26, afler " Midz.." add " ed. at Eton "; line 88, /or " living 1890," read " d, 28 March 1891, in her 89th year, at 100 Park street, Orosvenor square." p. 136 ; line 11, /or " 1789," read "1789/40, in Great Russell street, Bloomsbniy "; line 86, /or " l772,"VMrf " 1722 "; line 89, /or " 4 Deo. 1768," reed " 8, and was bur. 6 Deo. 1761, at St Patrick's Cnthotlral, Dublin, aged 59. M.I. The will of * Elissabetb, Dow. Viscountess Dowurayl ' is pr. 1798, in the Prerog. Gt. [1.]." Note (^), eondude, " This was owing to her, when a girl (say in 1710, at her age of 17), having (unseen), witneseed the ceremonies at her father's house, longr before the Qrand Lodge of Ireland was founded, 1729-80. She m. in 1718, and <L in 1778, nged 80. Portraits of her in her masonic 'apron,' exist. See a full account of this matter in nn nrtide by 'brother Kdward Couder,' reprinted from the 'Are Quaiunr Conmaterum,* in Jan. 1895"; last line, cone/ucfe "Will pr. 1787, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]." p. 137; line 7, efier " 1819," add "at Doneraile, of water on the chest, aged 64"; ofcer "1885," add "at Cheltenham"; line 12, for **m, his," read "m. 14 June 1816 (spec. lie), his first"; line 25, for <'fox," read "fox(b)," and add at eaid noU, " (^) From the same cause, by the bite of a fox, the 4th Duke of Richmond had «/. 28 Aug. 1819 "; line 26, /or " 1889," read " 1898 "; line 35, after "office," add " He d. unm. 1 Jan. 1891, aged 65, at 13 South square, Grays Inn, Midz. Will pr. Jan. 1891, at £11,728. 2h