Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/388

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378 ooBUoigfDA, bio., to you m. P') 6. Edwabd (9r. LaonX Vbooukt Donh X. BAILS [1785], and Bamhi Do9kb»iu [1776]. ia th* r, ^ 1891. peerage of IreUiKl, oeplMV and k., betng •. and k «f tk«  l^'J Rev. Kdward Frededck 9r. Laon, Ucctor of Soottuo. YL J eo- Linoaln, by OuoHoe ifHtih<itli, de. of Williui Kidiwd BKBor, ol Bzetar, wlycb Bd«vd i^«deridc (who d. 6 Dee. 1881, a^id 48), waa br. of tha lata Pear. Ha wm ft. 8 Od. 1886 ; ad. (1880). at Wioehaatar and at New ColL, Oxford ; M. A^ 1892 ; Bamrtcr (Iai Temple), 1891 ; me. to Ok ftermge [l 1 Jan. 1891." fine 87, Am' - 1868," rtmd «' 1859." p. 138: lines, mfur "Wkht," mid "Ha, in noMwinine of aoek aOiaiie^ 4 May 1880, BAROH DONINQTON of DontiMcUio Ptefc, oou Leioeatv. Ha d, then, 24 Jolj 1895, aged 72, and waa hmr, at Dooingtoo. BaUta datj paid on £76,620 groaa, and X88,471 net IL 1895. t, diaries Ed irard (lUwDON-HAflnvafl^ybrmcr/y Abhst- HAfTiM), Basl of LooDOim, Ico. rs.1 alao Ldbd BonBADX. Ico. [K.L and Babob DoBnaroB [U.K. 1880], a. and h., fti 5 Jan. 1866 ; «m«. bia moUior. 23 Jan. 1874, in tJU peenuftt of KngUndamd SeoHamd, and tuc bis latbar, 24 July 1896, in tlie Banmy of Damiigim [U.IL] See '* LoUDOOH,*' Barldom [S.^ €r. 1683, nndcr tlM nth bolder. Una 17, mfter "dL," Od "at Falmeratown [L]"; line 18, for **1774,-' fvnd " 1744 "; line 19, for " 1766," r#aJ ^ 1766 '^; line 83, •fUr ** Tlppeniy," odif «[I.l." pu 139 ; Kne 8, mfUr " 1826," «M "at the hooaa of bia br., Lord Hatchinaoo, in Bolatrode aUcet, Marylebonv"; line 20, efitr «' 1832," odd ««at Knoddof^"; UDo2S,for "1828," rtmd "16 Dec. 1827"; Une 2 from bottom, ayker "Midz.," imM" and waa ftBr. 2 March, at Knoddofty *'; laat line, for " Knockloftyy," rmd "Knocklofty." p. 140 ; line 16, s/Ur «« 8dibiui.b(«)," odd <*only a. and h. ap."; o/Ur " Midz.," adif

  • ' ed« at Bton and at New Collage, Oxford."

p. 141 ; line 26, for <« Jane," rmd ** July "; line 84, ofta- <* 1798," adil " in May Fair." p. 143 ; in nuirgin, for " 1875," read ** 1875 to 1897." Line 8, oftsr ** 82," adif "at (Lord Bolton'a booae), Hackwood Park"; Une 14, afie^ "Helena," odd «<ed. at Wincheater"; line 23. for " Wauoopb," mui "Wauohopb"; Hne 82, for " Medjidee," read *" Medjidie " ; Une 85, for " She," read *« He li. a.p. of plaurodioia, after a few day'a illneas, at 42 Berkeley square, 80 Not. and was bur. 4 Dea 1897. in Kenaal Green cemetery, aged 76, when the peerage became exlineL Hia widow, who"; gfUr **1881," «tf "waa lifing 1898." Between linea 87 and 38, inseH as undir— DORKING. i.6., " Abhoombb of Dorking, oo. Surrey, and of Bodiam Castli, oa SniMZ," Barony (OubiU)^ or. 1892 ; see vol. yiii, p. 233, in Afpbndul" Note (»), eondttdtf " For tbia Barony < he paid £8,000 to the Lord SheflBeld, beaidea other dribleta elsewhere ' [Letter of Lord Carew, 1815]." p. 144 ; Une 8, for " WUliam," read " Richard "; ddt "(first named) "; line 33, ofUr "1785," add "at Grove Park"; line 36, fur "1769," r$ad "1749"; line 45, ofUr " 1819," add " in Paris, and was 6ur. 5 at St Roche in that city." p. 145; in margin, ddt "Barldom. I. 1070! to 1099." Line 1, for "Kns," Ttad ** (KlRB)"; line 2, after " 1822," add <'at GniYe park, and waa bur. 24 at Badbroke "; Une 3, after " 1826." add " at Terriers House, Bucka "; Une 44, after " Normandy," add " sometimes said to be." ■p. 146 ; Une 24, for '<nichil," read "nihU"; line 26, for "moat," read mora"; Une 27,/or •• 1328," read " 1829."