Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/393

There was a problem when proofreading this page.

after "[S.]," add "the territory of"; line 14, "bur.," read whose monument was" ; lines 16 and 17, for "(apprently unless," read "(apparently unless." read "apparently (unless>" Note (f). line 3, for "Cumyn," read "Comyn."

p. 198; after "[S.]," add " by."

p. 199; note (?) line 3, after "Graunde-dams" insert a comma.

p. 200; line 8, after "of Seton," add "She was living ? Oct 1401" ; line 21, after "forfeited," add "It is stated that 'the empty title' of Earl or Buchan [S.] was at the same time conferred on him, but, if so, he apparently never assumed it, and within some 10 years, it was granted elsewhere."

p. 201; in margin, for "1612," read "1611." Line 16, for "1611/2," read "1610/1."

p. 202; in margin, for "1612," read "1611." Line 19, for "conflrmed," read "confirmed."

p. 203; line 16, for "before 1711," read "about 1 Aug. 1697"; line 19, dele "1st"; line 28, after "widow," add who was b. 6 April 1689"; line 29, for "1741," read "1772"; line 30, far "10th," read "9th"; for "Elmley," read "Emley"; line 39, for "Naples, 6 Oct 1728," read "Avignon, in August 1770, aged about 80"; line 41, for "4th," read "5th." Note (?) dele, and insert "He is [erroneously] stated in the Hist. Reg. to have d. at Naples, 6 Oct 1728."

p. 204; in margin, for "1738," read "1750?"; for "1566," read "1566?" line 7, for "(—)," read "Anne"; for "Thomas." read "Robert"; dele line 8 and insert "Bracknell, Berks. She d. at St Germain-en-laye, 25 April 1691. He d. there, 20 March 1692, both being bur, in the Abbey of St Germain des Pres. His "; line 11, after "h.," add "b. April 1687"; line 13. for "d.," read "was living"; line 14. for "Jan. l737/8(b) a.p., whom," read "7 Jan. 1749. On his death, s. p., probably soon afterwards (b)"; line 29, for "1674." read "1674(bb)," and insert as said note "(bb) See Riddell, p. 71"; line 38. after " Muskerry," add "He was living 15 March 1563/4"; last line, conclude " His will pr. 1624, and that of his widow 1636, in the Prerog. Ct.[I.]." Note (b), dele and insert "In the Hist. Reg. he is [erroneously] stated to have d. at Douny, Jan. 1787/8." Note (c), line 3, for "was," read "were."

p. 205; in margin for "1710?" read "1718." Line 5, after "firstly," add "in or before 1627"; line 20, for "1691," read "or before 1690"; line 29, for "d. unm.," read "m. Anne, da. and h. of Robert Cadell of Dublin. He d.' s.p. 1718"; line 37, after "m.," add "3 June 1773"; Inst line, after "at," add " his seat in co."; after "m." add "in 1775."

p 206; line 2, for " unm.," read "unm."; line 9, for "70, (—)," read "70, Maria "; line 10, after "{sc|Theobald}}," add" or Theobald Buller"; line 12, after "College," add "Will pr. 1800 at Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 13, after "m.," add" in 1801"; line 32, after "Oxon," add da. of (—) Vaughn, by (—) da, of (—) Alloway"; line 40, for "living 1890," read "who was b. 16 Jan. 1800. d. at Knoppogue Castle afsd., 25, and was bur. 31 Dec. 1897, in the Dunboyne vault, aged nearly 98."

p. 208; line 27, for "1684," read "May 1684"; lines 31 and 32, dele "is said," to "have been," and insert "was killed 15 Oct 1695 by the fall of a house at Utrecht, and." Note (?), line 1, for "saying," read "supposition."

p. 209; line 28, after "£1,666," add "He was M.P. (again) for co. Ayr. 1656, sitting, as such, tho' a Scotch Peer, in the House of Coinmons(d) "; add as said note, "(d) See vol. iii. p. 310, (sub Falkland), and the note in the Corrigenda thereto." Note (b), line 4, for "appears," read "appear."

p. 210; line 8, for "Susan," read "(marr, contract 13-17 Nov. 1684), Susan, 2nd"; line 12. for "1737," read "1786/7"; line 23, after "widow," add "who was b. 14 and bap. 21 Aug. 1688, at North Mims, Herts." Note (a), line 1, for "father, for," read" father, of."