Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/394

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384 GORRIQBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. HI. p. 211 ; line 4, afUr "yev/' m» " and was hwr. 81 at Si. Jamea', Weitm."; Una 14, •fttr '*1810/'«AI <'at Fulham"; for «* Francis Plowdmn/' rsad '«of Franeia Plowdrw, Lri.D."; for " 19 Dec./' re^d '* of a bilious disorder. 18 Sep."; line 16, for •* 12," nod " 1." Note (»), line 2. for « for his marrisge licence," read "to obtain a licence for another uuurriage "; line 4, ofter ** Lords," odd " in or shortly after 1862." p. 212 ; line 2, ofter " Kent," add "and. yet a^io, «t Edinburgh "; line 14, for " 1890," nod " 1898 "; line 21, after ** 1886," add " O.B., 1896 "; line 32, aftor "wM,"add *'&. about 1556"; line 40, after '* 1590," add "and before 1 July, 1592"; line 43, after ** secondly," add " contract, 27 Oct. 1601, at Leslie)." Top note, line 8, for *« natives," read " persons, both being, in 1812, iuhabiUnU"; linea 4 and 5, dele ** even if a secret one." p. 213 ; in margin, for «<167S," read '* 1672." Line 19, for "about 1673," read "in 1672, shortly befora 21 May, at Seton House, and waa6tir. at Dalgety"; line 21, after " 1673," add " at Edinburgh, and was bur. at Dalgety "; line 30, for "Frenchie," rea<i "Freuchie"; line 82, after "Extinct," add "His widow living 4 March 1695." p. 215 ; in margin, for " 1680 1 " read " 1671 1";for " 1693," read " 1692." Line 16, for " Dec. 1684," read " May 1671 "; line 38, for " h.," read " only chfld that had issue." Note («), dele and inaeri " Csl. state papera domestic, 1671." p. 216 ; line 13, after " Down," add "Will pr. 1771 in the Pierog. Gt [I.] "; after " 1799," add "tit Hampton Court." p. 217; Note (*), line 2, for "descripton," read ** deacripUon "; dele "entirely"; line 6, /or " signatare," read " signature." p. 218 ; lines 1, 2 and 4, aa alao in heading, for " Dunkibbom," read " Dumkbbon "; between linea 5 and 6, ineeri at under — DUNLEATH OF BALLYWALTER. i.e., " DuNLBATH OF Balltwaltbr, CO. Down," Barony (Mulholland), er, 1892 ; aee vol. viii. p. 239 in Appindix. line 27, ^fter **m.," add "8 Dea 1682, at St. Edmund the King, London"; t^fter *' Hereford," add <<agrandda. of Col. Warden." p. 219 ; line 2, for " 1687," read " 1696 "; line 6, e^ter "Lincoln," add " aged 60, and waa bar. in the Cathedral there. M.L"; line 12. ofter " [S.]," add "by his 24l wife, Cathnrine, da. of John (Ooohranb), 4th Eabl op Dumdomald [S.] "; line 13. after ** 1809," add " in hU 78th year "; after " 1818," add ** at South- wood House, near Ramsgate"; line 17, /or " 1802," read ^* 1809 "; line 21, after " 1 836," add " at Dunmore park, aged 74 "; line 27, for " May," read " Sep."; line 30, after " 1845," add " at fc>treatlam, near Duumore, aged 41." p. 220; line 2, after "Sponsors." add "Lieut 16th Lancera, 1897 ; A.D.C. to the Vicenty of India since 1894 ; Rerved in the Soudan campaign, 1890 "; Hue 18, for "24 March," read "8 June"; line 24, for "May 1814," read "5 March 1814, and was bur, in Redland Qreen chapel, co. Glouo." p. 221 ; line 10, add as a noU to " Kkhrt," *' See vol, iii, p. 411, in the Corri- uenda"; laat line but three, after "1868," add " He d. s.p.m., 11 Jan. 1893, at Keam's hotel, KildMre street, Dublin, ai^ed 82. Will pr. at Tuam and resealed in London at £21,487. IIL 1893. S, Skbfpinqton Jambs (DalV). Barok Dunsandiji and Clanoonal [I.], next t<r. and h. male, b. 25 Dea 1811 ; me. to ike peerage [L], 11 Jan. 1893. He d. unm. 7 Sep. 1894, at 22 M<*lesworth street, Dublin, aged 82. Will pr. at £90,7 1 4 . lY. 1894. 4' Jambs Frbderigk (Daly); Barok Dunsandlb and Clanoonal [I. 1845], nephew and h. male, being Ist and only surv. s. andpi. of the Hon. Robert Daly, by Cecilia Maria, da. of William (A'Oooht), lat Babok Hittubobt which Robert (who d. 15 Jan. 1892, aged 73) waa 5th and ysU B. of the 1st Baron. He was 5. 29 Dec. 1849, and sue to the peerage [I.], 7 Sep. 1894*