Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/395

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OORRIOBNDA, BTC., TO VOL. III. 885 p. 222 ; line 17, ofter " 1462," «M '* (but after 4 Mareh 1461/2) "; line 28,/or " one of the," r§ad " in 1472, one of the 18(^)," and inmi a$ utid noU " (^^) See Yol. IT, p. 66, note (*). as to this Brolkerkeod of SL Oturgt" p. 223 ; in margin, fw ** 1659." remd « 1556 ? " Line 1, /or " 1669," r^^id " before 29 Jan. 1656/7"; line 6. etmdude " Her will pr. 1697, in Prerog. Ot [L] "; Une 10, for ••about," rtnd "Bhortly after 29 May"; line 17, for "1604," rtud " 1604 "; last line but one, /or " before," read '* between 1678 and." p. 224 ; line 8, conchtde « His will 1735, and that of his widow 1769, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 16, itfUr *< 1791," add "at Dunsany Castle"; lino 16, after •' secondly/* add " 24 April 1797, or "; for '* br." read " father "; line 18, after "1821/* add **Kt Brussels"; after *<s.p.," add in Somerset street, Portman sq., 7 "; line 22, after "achool," imert ** served in Holland and in Egypt (where he was severely wounded, 8 March, 1801), and was sometime Lieut. CoL Coldstream Guards "; line 26, for " He m. seoondly," reoil *' at Pisa. He m., secondly, at St John's chapel, Edinburgh," Note (*), line 6, for " irresistable," read " irraaistible.*' p. 225 ; line 8, after " 1846," add " at Sherborne Hall "; Une 16, e^ « 1886," add "#110. to the peerage [I.] 22 Feb. 1889 ; Rbf. Pbbb [I.] since 1898 "; between linea 27 and 88, <njer< a$ under — • DUNSTANVILLE, see Da Dunbtanyilli. DUNSTER» see Hkrbsrt of Dukbtbr. p. 226 ; line 8 from end, for " Spinster," read " Spintter(<>)," and «ltf m eaid note "(<>) See Tol. iii., p. 411, In the Oorrifenda to this page," adding thereto "See also M S Q., 7th s.x., p. 278." p. 227 ; line 8, after " 1840," add "under £260,000"; line 4, after "QenoA," add " both were our, at Chester-le-street." p. 228 ; in margin, for " 1651," read " 1663 f" Line 6, after " was,** add " M.P. for Fowey, 1626, and for East Looe, 1628-29. He was'*; Une 12, for "and d, a.p.m.(«) before," read " She was liTing(^) "; for " when his widow was living(^)," read "He d. s.p.m.(«) after 11 Sep. 1668"; line 20, after "secondly,'^ add " then about 44.** p. 229 ; line 1, after " 1680," add " shortly before 1 Nov."; line 4, after " widow,'* add "who is said to have m., in Dec. 1785, when of a great age, ( — ) Warrbn, * of Cheshire,* (f . 26 April and "; line 6, after ** Tollbhaorb," add

    • otherwise Talmamr "; line 7, for " in or before 1708," read " 6 Dec 1706, at

St. James', Clerkenwell " ; for " Hbitxaob," read " Caykmdibh, otherwise Hbsiob "; line 21, for " Lionel." read •* (— ) "; line 22, for " 1731," read " of small pox, 26 June 1740"; line 26, for "1770," read "1760"; line 26, after "CLRMRMTa," add "Spinster"; line 30, /or 68d," react "66th"; line 40, /ar "49," rood "69"; line 46, for "1764," read "1766"; last line, «^/ter " 96," add *'and was bur, 8 Oct at Helmingbam, retaining heHaoulttas to the last" p. 290 ; line 2, after " 1766," add " ed. at Harrow "; line 6, after " 1888," add " of apoplexy, at Bnckminster, and wss bur. 2dth there "; line 21, for "living 1890," read '* d, 21 Nov. 1896, at Buckminster, and was bur, in the Rom. Oath* cemetery at Mortlake. Will pr. at £36,968." p. 231; line 6, for "Portugese," read "Portuguese"; line 6, for "1744," read "10 Oct. 1745"; line 7, after "school," add "and at Eton"; line 9, after "1760," add **at St. Geo. the Martyr, Quoen square"; line 14, ofter «< wife," add "who was 6. July 1743 "; line 15, afttr " 1794," add " in Arlington street, and was bur. at Berkswell, oo. Warwick. M.I."; after " 1824," acM " at 10 Marine parade, Brighton, and was 6ttr. at Erith." Between lines 19 and 20, tnifrl at under — EARNSCLIFFE. See "Maodonald op Earkscliffb in the province of Ontario and dominion of Canada," Barony, (Maedonald^ ne^ Bernard^ er, 1891. line 28, for " Sommerg^Ooeke,'* read " Cocke*'; last line bat one, /or " Cbawobh," read "Chawortb." 2l